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Posted: 2009.07.27 (14:22)
by SkyPanda

I think Temporis has deleted all his maps. I'm not sure what the situation is with his accounts, status, reason for deleting maps, but i've tentatively made a topic because I think I remember his maps being pretty cool.

So yeah, usual recovery business. Does anybody have any saved?

Re: Temporis

Posted: 2009.07.27 (14:54)
by Adoniseppi
If that's the case, he only deleted his more recent maps, because he still has maps over a year old. I haven't heard of this guy until now, so I can't really tell what happened, but I think even if they've been delisted, you can still find them with Google search. Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that.

Re: Temporis

Posted: 2009.07.27 (23:09)
by SkyPanda
I think he was around since 06 or 05 and he's deleted a hell lotta maps
thanks but do you know what terms I should try putting into google?
n user map archive temporis
doesn't get anything, neither does "author:temporis"
:( :(

Re: Temporis

Posted: 2009.07.29 (14:59)
by heatwave
Evidence of his existence!