Sunshine (sŭn'shīn') - Radiant cheerfulness; geniality.
Science (sī'əns) - Knowledge, especially that gained through experience.
Ported over from the old forums.
An 8 episode column of shiny new maps.
Originally intended for collective project codename: Horizon (hearts for the hearts, guys).
Old forum topic
Praise for the pack
Condog - If diversity were strawberries, everyone who played this pack would be drinking smoothies.
PALEMOON - very cool!
lord_day - consistently on form
No_one - this is my favourite level pack.
toasters - I have a new-found love for drones now.
RadiumFalcon - Probably the highest-quality pack I've stumbled upon here.
turtles - Plenty of fun.
Templex - 45 levels of awesome.
pheidippides - It's a stellar pack.
Lightning55 - Crazy awesome.