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Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.11.30 (08:18)
by 29403
I'm free to collab, anyone!

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.11.30 (12:21)
by jackass
Hmm ... I would , ive never collabed before but i guess ive never been up to it. I will collab if you want but trust me im not such a great mapper and tiles arent my thing :/

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.11.30 (15:34)
by 29403
Don't worry, I'm not a map making snob and I collab with anyone.
When do you want it for?

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.11.30 (19:23)
by TribulatioN
Collab with the 29403?!
I'd be happy to collab.
Contacting me through the forums would probably be the best way.

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.11.30 (20:17)
by 29403
Yes, I'll start tomorrow! =D

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.11.30 (21:04)
by 29403
All of you.

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.11.30 (21:44)
by isaacx
i'd be happy to collab

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.12.02 (23:10)
by beethoveN
may I collab. if so, I could probably provide tiles.

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.12.03 (00:29)
by Why Me
I'd collab, but I have a lot going on. If this is still going on once some of it is finished and I havfe time again, then I'd be happy to collab. But as it is, I'm pretty busy.

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.12.09 (20:06)
by 29403
Sorry, I've been ill :(

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.12.11 (16:28)
by beethoveN
did you get my thing?

Re: Anyone for a Collab?

Posted: 2008.12.11 (17:14)
by Izzy
I'd love to collab. If you're ever on IRC, just PM me.