Acronyms Explained, Explains acronyms used on NUMA
Posted: 2019.05.10 (20:29)
Note: this post is a resurrection of an old post by Ganter on the old forums. It has been reduced to acronyms I think are still used, however, the original can be seen at the previous link.
There's alot of advanced acronyms like hrdekradda (hold right door erie keep rocket alive don't do anything) on the NUMA website that maybe not all noobs or non-english understands. It would be great with a topic that explained them. I mean ALL of them. Even AGD and such. But not common acronyms such as omg or noob or lotr. Only the ones related to NUMA.
Anyone who
- finds an acronym they don't know the meaning of should post it here and wait for an explanation.
- finds an acronym which hasn't already been posted here should post it here.
- wants to use an acronym for something can check this topic and look if there is an acronym that fits.
- wants to make their own acronym should check this topic if there already is a similar one (we don't want thousands of unknown acronyms do we?).
- wants to make their own acronym can post it here.
The first time I logged in to NUMA I didn't know what DDA meant. Some things I can't understand even now. Please fellow n-players. Help the community!
Explained Acronyms
5aved - Rated 5 + Favourite (you can also use 4aved, 4.5aved, etc.)
5avesized - Rated 5 + Favourite + Bitesized
DD - Death Demo
AGD - All Gold Demo
AGDD - All Gold Death Demo
APGD - All Possible Gold Demo
CTRDDA - Chase The Rocket Don't Do Anything
DDA - Don't Do Anything
Ded - Dedication
Faved - Favourite
Favesized - Favourite + Bitesized
FBF - Frame By Frame
FTD - First Try Demo
HL - Hold Left
HR - Hold Right
Inno - Innovation
JO - Jump Only
KRA - Keep the Rocket Alive (add before DDA, R (for race), SD or other fitting acronyms to create a new one)
M&R - Mare and Raigan
ms/f - milliseconds per frame
MTI - Mother Thumping Impossible
NaN - Not a Number
Ned - N editor
NJ - No Jump
NR - No Rating (see DNR)(note that you can disable ratings on NUMA nowadays)
NUMA - N User Map Archive
RCE - Rate, Comment, Enjoy
Resub - Resubmitted
SD - Speed Demo (now SR for Speed Run)
TMM - Ten Minute Map (10MM, 5MM...)
TS - Tileset
UAC - Use, Abuse, Credit (about tilesets)
For a more detailed information or explanation, search through the posts below or PM me.
There's alot of advanced acronyms like hrdekradda (hold right door erie keep rocket alive don't do anything) on the NUMA website that maybe not all noobs or non-english understands. It would be great with a topic that explained them. I mean ALL of them. Even AGD and such. But not common acronyms such as omg or noob or lotr. Only the ones related to NUMA.
Anyone who
- finds an acronym they don't know the meaning of should post it here and wait for an explanation.
- finds an acronym which hasn't already been posted here should post it here.
- wants to use an acronym for something can check this topic and look if there is an acronym that fits.
- wants to make their own acronym should check this topic if there already is a similar one (we don't want thousands of unknown acronyms do we?).
- wants to make their own acronym can post it here.
The first time I logged in to NUMA I didn't know what DDA meant. Some things I can't understand even now. Please fellow n-players. Help the community!
Explained Acronyms
5aved - Rated 5 + Favourite (you can also use 4aved, 4.5aved, etc.)
5avesized - Rated 5 + Favourite + Bitesized
DD - Death Demo
AGD - All Gold Demo
AGDD - All Gold Death Demo
APGD - All Possible Gold Demo
CTRDDA - Chase The Rocket Don't Do Anything
DDA - Don't Do Anything
Ded - Dedication
Faved - Favourite
Favesized - Favourite + Bitesized
FBF - Frame By Frame
FTD - First Try Demo
HL - Hold Left
HR - Hold Right
Inno - Innovation
JO - Jump Only
KRA - Keep the Rocket Alive (add before DDA, R (for race), SD or other fitting acronyms to create a new one)
M&R - Mare and Raigan
ms/f - milliseconds per frame
MTI - Mother Thumping Impossible
NaN - Not a Number
Ned - N editor
NJ - No Jump
NR - No Rating (see DNR)(note that you can disable ratings on NUMA nowadays)
NUMA - N User Map Archive
RCE - Rate, Comment, Enjoy
Resub - Resubmitted
SD - Speed Demo (now SR for Speed Run)
TMM - Ten Minute Map (10MM, 5MM...)
TS - Tileset
UAC - Use, Abuse, Credit (about tilesets)
For a more detailed information or explanation, search through the posts below or PM me.