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Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (02:30)
by blackbelmoral
it came to me from the fire...
i dont know. just thought of a name.
blackbelmoral was my old, because i learned what a belmoral was and that i was scottish. i also owned a black belmoral that i wore frequently
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (03:59)
by TribulatioN
I got if from my friends old band name.
I didn't know what it meant, I was just in a rush to make an account cause I was so proud of my first map. Hah.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (04:05)
by Pheidippides
Pheidippides was the dude who ran the first marathon from Marathon to Athens after the Battle of - you guessed it - Marathon. I'm a distance runner. So it goes.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (04:18)
by Rose
I just put my last name and added my two favorite numbers after it: 9 and 24. It was my username on yahoo before I had even heard of this place.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (05:10)
by Rikaninja
Well ninja, you would know where that crame from. Just stuffed it infront of my spell converted name. It was a yahoo name i had when I was 5! But my parents used it :P
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (05:19)
by Geti
it means universe in Zoroastrianism, and its my alias bloody everywhere.
if theres a dude out there called Geti who pisses people off in the same way, its probably me.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (05:42)
by yungerkid
i created the name Yungerkid so many years ago, i can't even remember what i thought of it when i first made it, or why i created it. i'm proud of it and what it stands for though.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (05:46)
by Erik-Player
My name [Erik] With an obvious phrase [Player]. I also saw that people had a lot of underscores in their name so I put a dash instead to make...
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (05:49)
by aids
on the old forums.
I wrote:
as for me, when I was in eighth grade, my social studies teacher has a motivational poster that said, "live your life 24/7..."and some other stuff. I took out the slash and I've used it ever since. sadly, someone stole that myspace, but I still got the wordpress.
and for those of you who still play Runescape, my previous usernames were scrypto816 and quickdraw79, for cool-sounding-name purposes only. back when I played on, I was Meerkat329 for my favorite animal and my birthday. and thus ends my lineage.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (09:55)
by Kablizzy
I won it at a church raffle.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (12:39)
by Izzy
My teachers and some friends called/call me Izzy a lot, so it stuck.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (13:56)
by George
mc_george has been my universal alias for years. I've been trying to phase it out, but 'George' is often taken at most other websites.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (15:09)
by epigone
It was the word of the day on the day I joined the old forums. Now I use it for pretty much everything online.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (15:37)
by Radium
I like how mine sounds. Plus Falcons are cool.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (15:44)
by unoriginal name
It just sorta came to mind. I liked how it sounded, voila!
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (17:00)
by Eiturlyf
It's drugs in Icelandic.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (18:43)
by blackwhite
its chinese
which means "son of the red lotus"
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (18:44)
by a happy song
Mine is a satire (self-deprecating as much as pointing) of poetic pretentious emo usernames that people think up to look more interesting and clever.
as the ocean's blue
As in it's not actually blue, blue as in woe is me, as in get over yourself.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (21:09)
by Pixon
PNI are my initials, and during Halloween 08, we were discussing Halloween movies, and I think I posted a link to a quiz where you could find out which halloween character you were, and I got Laurie Strode form Halloween. The name stuck.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (21:32)
by MattKestrel
Guitar_Hero_Matt has really obvious origins, but for anyone who doesn't know I changed to GTM on here after at least a dozen people started inexplicably spelling it wrong for no apparent reason. Sounded cool, so I stuck with it.
Other AliasesGHM
Barack Obama
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (22:08)
by BNW
I normally don't ever think of usernames till I hit the spot where it asks for it. I just thought up something really quick, that sounded ninja-y and stuck with it. I prefer to be BNW now though.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (22:10)
by Kablizzy
BNW wrote:I normally don't ever think of usernames till I hit the spot where it asks for it. I just thought up something really quick, that sounded ninja-y and stuck with it. I prefer to be BNW now though.
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (22:15)
by a happy song
Kablizzy wrote:BNW wrote:I normally don't ever think of usernames till I hit the spot where it asks for it. I just thought up something really quick, that sounded ninja-y and stuck with it. I prefer to be BNW now though.
Want some spicy pickle for that spam baguette? I got some pickle for you right here, baby!
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (22:18)
by Kablizzy
I changed his name, and wanted to bring it to light, is why. =D
Re: How did you think of your Username for NUMA
Posted: 2009.01.23 (22:21)
by a happy song
Kablizzy wrote:I changed his name, and wanted to bring it to light, is why. =D
So you don't want my spicy pickle? ;_;