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Rate Count not going up
Posted: 2009.05.26 (16:44)
by kkstrong
I have been at 599 rated maps for a long time now. Even through a couple maps submitting that recieved 5 votes.
Re: Rate Count not going up
Posted: 2009.05.26 (18:51)
by otters~1
Happened to me too. Everything's just fucked up right now.
Re: Rate Count not going up
Posted: 2009.05.26 (22:47)
by Rhekatou
Mine too (my old account, I don't have any rated maps on this one.
Re: Rate Count not going up
Posted: 2009.05.27 (11:58)
by EdoI
I have the same problem. I've got 20 rated maps, but my profile says I've got only 12. I wrote about it on our uservoice.
Re: Rate Count not going up
Posted: 2009.05.29 (16:32)
by Tunco
Yes, I have 33 rated maps, but it says 26.
Anyway, since Arachnid did some updates on Numa, there are some bugs needs to be fixed, which is caused by the updates.
I think so.
Re: Rate Count not going up
Posted: 2009.05.30 (09:33)
by Seneschal
I've noticed this a lot recently.
this guy, a very good new author. His profile says he has no rated maps yet a brief check shows that in fact all of his maps are rated.
Re: Rate Count not going up
Posted: 2009.06.27 (12:15)
by Seneschal
I hate to double post, but this really does need's very damaging to some of the newer and older authors alike (fortunately it's not a great problem for me).
Re: Rate Count not going up
Posted: 2009.06.27 (13:10)
by Spawn of Yanni
Have you emailed the nid?
Re: Rate Count not going up
Posted: 2009.06.27 (13:18)
by lord_day
cheesemonger wrote:I hate to double post, but this really does need's very damaging to some of the newer and older authors alike (fortunately it's not a great problem for me).
How is it damaging to anyone?
Re: Rate Count not going up
Posted: 2009.06.27 (15:20)
by Tunco
Spawn of Yanni wrote:Have you emailed the nid?
I emailed
[email protected] but didn't get a respond.