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Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.10 (06:09)
by Tunco
When I look at my Numa profile I see that I have 37 maps, and 26 rated. (It's supposed to be 33)
And when I look at my rating graph, I see that "1" rated maps are more, according to the graph. But the problem is, I don't have any "1" rated maps.
Btw, "Total Ratings" is "208". It should be more. Although this happened after I delisted a few maps.

Please fix.

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.13 (20:04)
by origami_alligator
This happened to me just after I delisted a map, but it is gone now.

My column was centered over the 2 though and stretched from about 1.5 to about 2.4, and was as tall as the graph would allow it to be.

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.13 (21:01)
by 29403
Just don't delist maps... it messes with your brain histogram

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.14 (03:00)
by KlanKaos
My new rated maps simply aren't showing up. It's like the histogram is just frozen where it was when it was implemented.

My rated maps count is the same.

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.14 (03:22)
by Rose
KlanKaos wrote:My new rated maps simply aren't showing up. It's like the histogram is just frozen where it was when it was implemented.

My rated maps count is the same.
For me, the histogram changes as it should, but the actual count is frozen (it says 36; I have 50).

But why are we creating threads about this instead of e-mailing arachnid?

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.14 (05:43)
by Tunco
maxson924 wrote: For me, the histogram changes as it should, but the actual count is frozen (it says 36; I have 50).

But why are we creating threads about this instead of e-mailing arachnid?
To show Arachnid I'm not the only one dealing with this problem, so he should fix it immediately.

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.14 (15:14)
by unoriginal name
Tunco123 wrote:
maxson924 wrote: For me, the histogram changes as it should, but the actual count is frozen (it says 36; I have 50).

But why are we creating threads about this instead of e-mailing arachnid?
To show Arachnid I'm not the only one dealing with this problem, so he should fix it immediately.
But arachnid doesn't check the forums that often. One person emailing him would be more effective than a thread of fifty people complaining about the same issue.

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.14 (17:46)
by otters~1
You have 33 rated maps?

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.14 (21:42)
by Tunco
xVxSupremeMastarxVx wrote:
Tunco123 wrote:
maxson924 wrote: For me, the histogram changes as it should, but the actual count is frozen (it says 36; I have 50).

But why are we creating threads about this instead of e-mailing arachnid?
To show Arachnid I'm not the only one dealing with this problem, so he should fix it immediately.
But arachnid doesn't check the forums that often. One person emailing him would be more effective than a thread of fifty people complaining about the same issue.
'k. I'm going to email arachind. Email, please?
-If someone who has more adminstrive responsibilty and dealing with this problem, it would help more.

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.15 (16:14)
by 29403
[email protected].

Ohh... always pampering your histograms...

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.16 (16:03)
by Pikman

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.16 (16:19)
by Mae
xVxSupremeMastarxVx wrote:One person emailing him would be more effective than a thread of fifty people complaining about the same issue.
Five people posted above you.

I also have random errors in my profile. But my complaints fall on deaf ears... sigh. To the uservoice I go.

Re: Ratings Graph (Bug?)

Posted: 2009.06.22 (10:42)
by Ad
Manus Australis wrote:This happened to me just after I delisted a map, but it is gone now.

My column was centered over the 2 though and stretched from about 1.5 to about 2.4, and was as tall as the graph would allow it to be.
Upon fiddling, I found a similar thing happens when I delist this map, except from around 1.2 to 2:
(2.07 KiB) Downloaded 112 times
Haven't found any others of mine that do this, though.