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I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (02:39)
by Sondrigal
per week rule. This would allow more time for maps to get noticed, and in someways force people to only submit the maps they like the best. It is a pretty simple idea.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (02:54)
by a happy song
Sondrigal wrote:per week rule. This would allow more time for maps to get noticed, and in someways force people to only submit the maps they like the best. It is a pretty simple idea.
Two maps per page was the limit before, it was a hardcoded queue system and it worked very well. Two maps per week and NUMA would not only slow to a crawl, but it would feel stagnant and dull.
Fact: If your maps are good (read: unique, interesting, artistic, etc..), you'll be noticed at some point. If they blend in, they won't be. The main reason maps go unnoticed on NUMA is that they're awful.
Thoughtless suggestion, really.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (03:03)
by Sondrigal
I think that it would make people think about their maps more, but I will defer to your belief because you have a greater knowledge of the subject.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (03:06)
by Ampersand
I say let 'em spam. It'll let the community know what awful, awful maps they make.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (03:06)
by a happy song
Sondrigal wrote:I think that it would make people think about their maps more, but I will defer to your belief because you have a greater knowledge of the subject.
You're right, it might fore those who need to put a little more thought into their submissions to do so, but at a detriment to the entire community.
Do you really think NUMA could thrive at such a low sub rate? People would loose interest in now time.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (03:07)
by SkyPanda
Anything that restricts map submissions is just hurting the people who enjoy playing maps
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (05:45)
if this happened i would die in real life.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (06:17)
by Ampersand
I think that NUMA should have a two-drink minimum.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (07:55)
by Sondrigal
Besides PALEMOON everyone who has commented on this post would not have a problem with the new rule. I'm not saying I am the greatest map maker and nobody realizes it, but I do think that some form of limitation would help. You all, who have commented, are well respecter authors, but I am not. I find it hard to get good constructive criticism about my maps. A form of limitation would make people look at maps that are not made by well known people. Sometimes a gem might be lost. You could give good authors privileges of course, like PALEMOON. I just think that NUMA would be able to produce better mapmakers if limitations were added to it.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (08:09)
by Spawn of Yanni
Two maps per week is a bit too strict. Anyway, there is already some sort of map-submitting-limitation system being thought of, based on the idea of tokens; I'd link to it, but I have no idea where the discussion took place.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (08:46)
by EdoI
I actually agree on this, two maps per week would be great. It would crawl slower, but it would also mean more rating, comments. And I'm not sure how many active NUMA users are there, but I think there are enough to provide ten maps per day, what would be good.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (09:52)
by Tunco
I agree at some point.
If each author can max submit 2 maps per week, submissions would be low, and people would lose interests.
On the other hand, each map would get more attention, more rates, more criticism.
And now, think:
In one day, appromixately 50 maps submitted in 12 hours to Numa.
Suppose that there are 25 authors active every 12 hour, each submits 2 map, then we would have 50 maps, 5 pages in 12 hours.
But there are usually 10 authors active every 2 hours, so calculation mistake.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (10:55)
by MattKestrel
I can see myself making 5 maps a week during the holidays, 3 if I'm semi-busy. 2 would be too much of a limit on users outside of the spamming/noob circle, imo.
And yeah what atob said.
Edit: Maybe a "1 map a day" rule would work better? Nowhere near restrictive for these users, but more or less prevents spam in any case.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (12:06)
by 29403
EdoI wrote:I actually agree on this, two maps per week would be great. It would crawl slower, but it would also mean more rating, comments. And I'm not sure how many active NUMA users are there, but I think there are enough to provide ten maps per day, what would be good.
Honestly, I don't think it's a good idea. SkyPanda hits the nail on the thread.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (12:15)
by Tunco
29403 wrote:EdoI wrote:I actually agree on this, two maps per week would be great. It would crawl slower, but it would also mean more rating, comments. And I'm not sure how many active NUMA users are there, but I think there are enough to provide ten maps per day, what would be good.
Honestly, I don't think it's a good idea. SkyPanda hits the nail on the thread.
Although, I liked GTM's idea.
1 map per day.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (12:36)
by crescor
Limitations never work.
Look at your history book.
Edit: (almost) never work.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (12:37)
by SkyPanda
29403 wrote:SkyPanda hits the nail on the thread.
That is totally what I did to my mechanical workshop project last year, completely ruined it ;____;
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (12:45)
by Tunco
crescor wrote:Limitations never work.
Look at your history book.
Edit: (almost) never work.
Not for Numa. :/
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (14:43)
by 29403
Tunco123 wrote:crescor wrote:Limitations never work.
Look at your history book.
Edit: (almost) never work.
Not for Numa. :/
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (14:50)
by Tunco
29403 wrote:Tunco123 wrote:crescor wrote:Limitations never work.
Look at your history book.
Edit: (almost) never work.
Not for Numa. :/
Not for everything?
That was to crescor or me?
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (15:23)
by Rose
Sondrigal wrote:Besides PALEMOON everyone who has commented on this post would not have a problem with the new rule.
I would have a major problem with this rule.
There are some weeks when I post
fifteen maps. Does this mean they're spammed? No; I don't even sub half the maps I make to NUMA nowadays. It's just that I have a lot of free time, especially now that it's summer break.
Ampersand wrote:I think that NUMA should have a two-drink minimum.
This would be a much better rule.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (15:28)
by Tunco
maxson924 wrote:
Ampersand wrote:I think that NUMA should have a two-drink minimum.
This would be a much better rule.
Ampersand wrote:I think that NUMA should have a two-drink four-drink minimum.
Aha. There you go.
Much better.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (19:07)
by Ampersand
Here's my problem with Minimums - If ever we wanted to put Legacy onto NUMA, with any type of map minimum, it would take us *DECADES* to put the entirety into the database. I don't like that prospect at all.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (21:38)
by KlanKaos
maxson924 wrote:Sondrigal wrote:Besides PALEMOON everyone who has commented on this post would not have a problem with the new rule.
I would have a major problem with this rule.
There are some weeks when I post
fifteen maps. Does this mean they're spammed? No; I don't even sub half the maps I make to NUMA nowadays. It's just that I have a lot of free time, especially now that it's summer break.
Ampersand wrote:I think that NUMA should have a two-drink minimum.
This would be a much better rule.
Soo... uhh... I was totally just about to post, and then I saw that you had already said exactly what I was planning on saying, so I never bothered.
Even though I would never pull off fifteen. I think I did four maps in a day a couple weeks ago, but that's scary for me. It's usually one a week.
Re: I think that NUMA should have a two map
Posted: 2009.06.21 (21:58)
by Sondrigal
maxson924 wrote:Sondrigal wrote:Besides PALEMOON everyone who has commented on this post would not have a problem with the new rule.
I would have a major problem with this rule.
There are some weeks when I post
fifteen maps. Does this mean they're spammed? No; I don't even sub half the maps I make to NUMA nowadays. It's just that I have a lot of free time, especially now that it's summer break.
My quote referred to all who had commented so far. You would be one of the mappers that would get PRIVILEGES.
I believe that nobody should have to suffer a Viper. (Viper is the first mapmaker to get no ratings) It is not enjoyable when one of your maps gets no comments. You (the people that have commented) have never (At least in a long time) experienced the HEART-WRENCHING feeling from getting no comments on your maps. Again, I stress privileges.