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Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (04:23)
by Pheidippides
That, or stop taking ratings so seriously. We've been down this road a million times, and the moral of the story is that sniping isn't a big deal. Just ignore it.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (08:43)
by Spawn of Yanni
Snipers aren't a little community somewhere, there are no "NUMA SNIPERS" forums that coordinate when to launch attacks. That is, there's no collective "they" when talking about snipers. Individual asses will come and go.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (10:01)
by Ampersand
Keep in mind two things - Most NUMA maps are atrocious and can suck my dongle - And also that there's never a solution to snipers.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (10:25)
by a happy song
Ampersand wrote:Keep in mind two things - Most NUMA maps are atrocious and can suck my dongle - And also that there's never a solution to snipers.
This. If you're really worried about it, then just disable ratings. You might be hungry for high scores, but most votes are arbitrary and utterly meaningless.
Just because you have a map with 10 votes at 5/5, doesn't actually mean it's going to be remembered as a flawless masterpiece. IMHO, there are only a handful of authors on NUMA who know what it takes to build a truly unique and classic map, and these are the users you should be paying attention to if they comment on your work. If you don't already know who they are then I doubt explaining any further will do any good.
Might sound elitist to some of you, but unfortunately it's hella truth.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (10:37)
by Ampersand
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (12:25)
by Tunco
You know, it's not possible to actually *stop* them.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (12:32)
by a happy song
Tunco123 wrote:You know, it's not possible to actually *stop* them.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (12:50)
by Tunco
brighter wrote:Tunco123 wrote:You know, it's not possible to actually *stop* them.
Ampersand wrote:And also that there's never a solution to snipers.
That. ^^^Now it makes sense.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (12:53)
by a happy song
Tunco123 wrote:brighter wrote:Tunco123 wrote:You know, it's not possible to actually *stop* them.
Ampersand wrote:And also that there's never a solution to snipers.
That. ^^^Now it makes sense.
Ahh, I see. So it's an ineptness in your humour deliver system that's the trouble here... Gotcha!
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (17:20)
by origami_alligator
Chances are it's somebody already part of the community who wants to have a spot of fun before he is caught. The fact that sniping can produce such an uproar in the community has always been hilarious to me.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (20:39)
by sheganican
I've sniped before. Maybe up to 3 times now, only ever on maps that i think are extroadinarily overrated. Not a big deal.
Just ignore them. Comments are what matter.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (22:27)
by Yoshimo
shenanigan wrote: only ever on maps that i think are extroadinarily overrated.
Defeats the purpose of 'ratings are superficial'.
However, ratings wouldn't be in if they are entirely subjective. They are a good way of judging how the community thinks of a map at a glance. Want more opinion? Look at the comments. Both are useful at preliminarily judging a map.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (22:50)
by a happy song
shenanigan wrote:I've sniped before. Maybe up to 3 times now, only ever on maps that i think are extroadinarily overrated. Not a big deal.
Just ignore them. Comments are what matter.
It's not your place to bring a maps rating down just because YOU think it's overrated. Who the hell do you think you are, the ultimate voice of objective quality?
this close to removing your voting privileges.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.12 (23:31)
shenanigan wrote:I've sniped before. Maybe up to 3 times now, only ever on maps that i think are extroadinarily overrated. Not a big deal.
i can
feel your badassitude from where i'm sitting.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (00:01)
by T3chno
Snipers snipe -good- maps. Take it as a compliment and gtfo.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (02:07)
by origami_alligator
Flight wrote:Snipers snipe -good- maps. Take it as a compliment and gtfo.
No. There is no honour in sniping these days. It used to be that it was only the good maps. Now it's whatever happens to be on the first few pages of the Hot Maps page.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (03:25)
by epigone
Disable your ratings.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (05:00)
by Ampersand
epigone wrote:Disable your ratings.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (05:44)
by origami_alligator
Snipers + Ratings = 0 vote
Snipers + Disabled Ratings = 0 votes
If you're intelligent, you'll notice my play on words.
Ratings give strange numbers to things that shouldn't be defined in numbers. Sure, we can make a translation of our personal enjoyment of them to a number between 0 and 5, but when it comes down to it the quality of the map is difficult to base on a number scale. The majority of the community thinks that anything they find pleasing to them while they are bored shall be a "high" 3 or a "low" 4. A fair number of them will play a map rated a 3, but rarely will a map rated a 2 or less ever be looked at beyond its public rating (if it has one, anyway). We say that the way a map is rated gives people a way to judge a map before playing it, that if everyone else liked it they will too. But people aren't critical enough of the maps that are made the most: action maps. Alternately, we are overcritical of maps such as races and puzzles. Why? Because those types of maps are meant to test our skills at playing N while action maps are mostly there to entertain us.
Because the ratings system doesn't correctly define action maps in any way whatsoever (or other types of maps, for that matter) I think that ratings can be removed from NUMA entirely and I and a select few wouldn't care. But we've been down this road over and over again about ratings and complaints about ratings. If you complain about ratings so much then why bother to continue rating anything, or allowing anything to be rated? If there is one feature on NUMA that has had the most suggestions to redesign, the most complaints, the most trouble, it's the ratings system. Simple as that.
Unfortunately, as long as there are ratings there will be people to complain for and against the system. Even more unfortunate is that they are generally the same people.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (10:40)
by a happy song
Manus Australis wrote:But people aren't critical enough of the maps that are made the most: action maps. Alternately, we are overcritical of maps such as races and puzzles. Why? Because those types of maps are meant to test our skills at playing N while action maps are mostly there to entertain us
I disagree entirely. Firstly, 'test' skill' and 'entertain' aren't necessarily separate things. Secondly, many action maps are more of a test of skill than the 'obvious hold direction jump in an extremely specific place' race maps.
The reason races are criticised greatly is that they tend to be hugely generic. 90% of races look and play almost exactly the same. Take five race maps from five of the top race authors, then take five action maps from five of the top action map authors. I guarantee that, with a massive majority, you'll find that the race maps blend into each other while the action maps stand out entirely.
Puzzle maps are the most difficult to make a challenge while still being fun, they're criticised more because they're probably the most difficult type of payable map to produce and most aren't successful in their construction.
Action maps are criticised less is because there are many more of the and the vast majority of NUMA couldn't feed constructive crit to save themselves.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (15:39)
by sheganican
brighter wrote:shenanigan wrote:I've sniped before. Maybe up to 3 times now, only ever on maps that i think are extroadinarily overrated. Not a big deal.
Just ignore them. Comments are what matter.
It's not your place to bring a maps rating down just because YOU think it's overrated. Who the hell do you think you are, the ultimate voice of objective quality?
this close to removing your voting privileges.
I have as much right to give a map a zero as you do to give a map a 5. I earn that right when i start an account on NUMA. The difference is simply that i'm using my vote to make the public rating what i think it should be, when you're giving it the rate you think it deserves.
What is 'sniping' anyway? if sniping means to rate a map zero, why on earth do we have that option?
Lastly, i would like to clarify, if it helps my case any, that by extroadinarily overrated i meant maps with a public rating of 5 by 27 people. Maps that i didnt think were nearly deserving of that rating. Maps with enough rates that i figured mine would have hardly any effect.
Since i have the right to rate a map anything i want, i will. Taking that right away from me, although i'd be powerless to stop you, would be unjustifiable, but i wouldnt miss it much because i think the rating system has too many holes and i rarely rate maps anyway.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (16:55)
by a happy song
shenanigan wrote:brighter wrote:shenanigan wrote:I've sniped before. Maybe up to 3 times now, only ever on maps that i think are extroadinarily overrated. Not a big deal.
Just ignore them. Comments are what matter.
It's not your place to bring a maps rating down just because YOU think it's overrated. Who the hell do you think you are, the ultimate voice of objective quality?
this close to removing your voting privileges.
I have as much right to give a map a zero as you do to give a map a 5. I earn that right when i start an account on NUMA. The difference is simply that i'm using my vote to make the public rating what i think it should be, when you're giving it the rate you think it deserves.
What is 'sniping' anyway? if sniping means to rate a map zero, why on earth do we have that option?
Lastly, i would like to clarify, if it helps my case any, that by extroadinarily overrated i meant maps with a public rating of 5 by 27 people. Maps that i didnt think were nearly deserving of that rating. Maps with enough rates that i figured mine would have hardly any effect.
Since i have the right to rate a map anything i want, i will. Taking that right away from me, although i'd be powerless to stop you, would be unjustifiable, but i wouldnt miss it much because i think the rating system has too many holes and i rarely rate maps anyway.
Zeros are for maps you think are worthless, not for reducing a maps average rating just because you don't agree with it. Obviously. That you needed me to spell that for you says a lot.
You just admitted to abusing the voting system, removing your voting rights would be completely justified.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (17:09)
by Exüberance
shenanigan wrote:I have as much right to give a map a zero as you do to give a map a 5. I earn that right when i start an account on NUMA.
You have a PRIVILAGE to vote. Not a right. Just because there's no Terms of Use message pops up when you make an account doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. There are consequences to abusing the rating system. Simply because a program allows you to do something does not make it an intended option. It is an exploit. Ratings reflect your individual oppinion of the map, not your individual oppinion of what other people's oppinions of the map are. Big difference.
Also, less QQ, more pew pew.... no wait! Less QQ, less pew pew!
<epic fail pun>I'm tired of you and your shenanigans!</epic fail pun>
One more thing: don't "counter-snipe" people. You're not fixing anything. You're being hippocrits, doing the exact same thing you hate people doing.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (19:17)
by origami_alligator
brighter wrote:Manus Australis wrote:But people aren't critical enough of the maps that are made the most: action maps. Alternately, we are overcritical of maps such as races and puzzles. Why? Because those types of maps are meant to test our skills at playing N while action maps are mostly there to entertain us
I disagree entirely. Firstly, 'test' skill' and 'entertain' aren't necessarily separate things. Secondly, many action maps are more of a test of skill than the 'obvious hold direction jump in an extremely specific place' race maps.
The reason races are criticised greatly is that they tend to be hugely generic. 90% of races look and play almost exactly the same. Take five race maps from five of the top race authors, then take five action maps from five of the top action map authors. I guarantee that, with a massive majority, you'll find that the race maps blend into each other while the action maps stand out entirely.
Puzzle maps are the most difficult to make a challenge while still being fun, they're criticised more because they're probably the most difficult type of payable map to produce and most aren't successful in their construction.
Action maps are criticised less is because there are many more of the and the vast majority of NUMA couldn't feed constructive crit to save themselves.
Ah yes, You do bring up good points and I agree with you. You probably understand that the main point of my post was to highlight the last 4 sentences and that I took a very roundabout way to get there...
Manus Australis wrote:If there is one feature on NUMA that has had the most suggestions to redesign, the most complaints, the most trouble, it's the ratings system. Simple as that.
Unfortunately, as long as there are ratings there will be people to complain for and against the system. Even more unfortunate is that they are generally the same people.
Re: We have a rise-up of snipers
Posted: 2009.07.13 (19:25)
by Cheez
To "snipe" is to rate a map 0 for no reason at all. If you don't think the map is worth the 5s, just leave it be.