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Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (00:30)
by Buckeye23
Its says the map data must have a "|" in it, what does that mean?

Re: Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (00:39)
by Pheidippides
The "|" separates the tile data from the object data. If you copy the map data directly from N's level data box, it should already contain the "|". Tile data comes first, so if you're only submitting a tileset, the "|" occurs at the end of the data, and is still necessary. (I think you need at least one object to submit a map anyway.)

Hope that helps.

Re: Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (00:40)
by sidke
You probably don't have any objects in your map data.
Put a gold piece in an inconspicuous spot and try submitting it again.

Pheidi is on top of things. (Shouldn't you be out partying or something?)

Re: Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (00:52)
by Buckeye23
sidke wrote:You probably don't have any objects in your map data.
Put a gold piece in an inconspicuous spot and try submitting it again.

Pheidi is on top of things. (Shouldn't you be out partying or something?)
The code has a | separating the tiles and objects but it still wont submit.

Re: Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (01:05)
by a happy song
Be sure you don't have anything either side of the map data. Raw map data only, not userlevel data.

You want it to look like this:

Code: Select all

and not like this:

Code: Select all

 $200: lightly seared on the reality grill#astheoceansblue#none#0000001110000000000000000000011100000000000000000000111000000000000000000001110000000000000000000011100000000000000000000111000000000000000000001110000000000000000000011100000000000000000000111000000000000000000001110?1100000000000000GK1110CA000000000000000B11111E000000000000000001QQQ1A00000000000000000Q000Q000000000000000000000001D0000000000000000000001E000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001D0000000000000000000001E000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001D0000000000000000000001E00000000000000O000O00000000000000000?1OOO100000000000000000C11111D000000000000000?E0111MI0000000000000011A0111000000000000000000001110000000000000000000011100000000000000|5^708,60!0^348,204!0^354,192!0^354,216!0^366,222!0^378,222!0^390,222!0^402,222!0^414,222!0^426,222!0^438,222!0^450,222!0^462,222!0^510,222!0^522,222!0^534,222!0^546,222!0^558,222!0^570,222!0^582,222!0^594,222!0^606,216!0^612,204!0^606,192!0^594,186!0^582,186!0^546,186!0^534,186!0^522,186!0^510,186!0^498,186!0^486,186!0^474,186!0^462,186!0^450,186!0^438,186!0^426,186!0^414,186!0^378,186!0^366,186!0^498,222!0^474,222!0^486,222!0^390,186!0^570,186!0^558,186!0^402,186!12^396,204!12^564,204!12^480,204!12^468,330!12^456,342!6^612,228,4,0,0,2!6^348,180,4,0,0,0!1^564,252!12^396,306!12^408,318!12^588,354!12^600,366!12^612,252!12^348,156!3^396,156!12^684,168!12^672,156!12^288,252!12^276,240!12^768,564!12^756,576!12^252,336!1^252,360!12^228,168!12^216,156!12^108,168!12^96,156!12^168,132!12^180,120!12^24,132!12^36,120!12^108,96!12^96,84!0^168,156!0^180,156!0^192,150!4^132,162,1!11^708,60,48,156!12^24,36!12^36,24#

Re: Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (01:15)
by Buckeye23
I Dont, nothing on either side.

Re: Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (01:23)
by sidke
Could you pastebin the code, maybe then we can try to see what's wrong.

Re: Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (01:34)
by Buckeye23

Re: Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (01:48)
by sidke
Okay, here's the working version:

What atob said is half true. You can have the stuff around the data, but make sure it's all there. Your data had the left side, but didn't have the closing '#', and that's what messed it up.

Re: Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (01:50)
by Buckeye23
Thank you soooo much!

also what do u think of the level?

Re: Error When Submitting Maps

Posted: 2009.07.25 (03:10)
by Pheidippides
sidke wrote:Shouldn't you be out partying or something?
I think we all saw that I already had my party, right here at Metanet. XD