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Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (16:46)
by mintnut
So yeah, I was just wondering what has happened such that this guy is back on numa again with yet another account, and has been given reviewer status. What message are we sending out by giving a position of responsibility to a perennially abusive member. Not to mention that he was gifted this position spontaneously and entirely unannounced whilst others, like myself, went through the standard process of submitting sample reviews during a strictly adhered to application window. There is currently a number of members who would have liked to apply for reviewership but missed the application period and have been told in no uncertain terms to wait "4 to 5 months", regardless of their experience.
While it is not my place to criticize the NUMA staff, whom I am aware have greater injustices to deal with, I can't help but feel a little disenfranchised with our treatment of users who have been given multiple chances and yet continue to show, for me at least, unacceptable behaviour - his current profile did, until sometime today, chronicle how he felt well within his rights to insult and lay into anyone he felt deserving of his anger. His profile (open to all users) even linked to a sexually explicit map (long since delisted) which he had bemoaned, through a torrent of expletives, to be unacceptable for younger users.
: /
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (16:49)
by ChaoStar
Being bad gets you rewarded in life! Let's all be evil!
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (16:55)
by T3chno
Why is this guy still walking around here? He should be fucking perma-banned by now.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (17:08)
by Amadeus
Yeah. I'm getting mad by that fact he comes back saying he's all nice again, and then creates two new accounts on which he flame baits people and rates his own maps.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (17:13)
by Skyling
Yeah, I was actually looking through his comments on NUMA and thinking about suggesting getting him banned.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (17:38)
by Ampersand
I don't understand why he's still around. He's certainly not welcome here on the forums.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (19:13)
by a happy song
I think he earned his reviewer position legit via the application process, but that his name had been missed out on the NUMA announcement. I might be wrong though.
As for his attitude, there are quite a few members of the community who are consistent dicks on NUMA, and a at leasts one of them is on the reviewer roster (Aside from e_s, that is).
There's no need for this thread, if e_S does something worthy of a ban, then make sure you report it/screen shot it/ whatever and let the staff know. If you're just complaining about general dickery, then you should probably ban 50% of the community with him.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (21:37)
by mintnut
Personally, I think there is a line between the general dickery which I myself amongst others have shown in the past, and the constant barrage of aggression, abuse, and multi-accounting which E_S has brought with him on more than one occasion.
At least bupo was generally likeable, I can't see any facet of this guy's personality worth salvaging.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (22:57)
by otters~1
Agree with mintnut, etc.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (23:44)
by Amadeus
He's flame baited and made 5 accounts, which he uses to rate his own maps. He's ripped off map designs and themes without a hint of credit. That seems worthy of a ban imo.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (23:45)
by a happy song
Amadeus wrote:He's flame baited and made 5 accounts, which he uses to rate his own maps. He's ripped off map designs and themes without a hint of credit.
Since his return?
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.12 (23:55)
by otters~1
His profile says, "FUCK YOU FLAG."
EDIT: Awwww.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.13 (09:21)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
So... what's the name of the new account?
<squibbles> Evil_sire's new acount is "Ampburner"
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.15 (04:41)
by SkyPanda
mintnut wrote:At least bupo was generally likeable, I can't see any facet of this guy's personality worth salvaging.
I don't know about on the IRC or the forums, but on NUMA bupo was an offensive spammy troll. He was only likeable to people who like offensive spammy trolls, and his behaviour isn't one that I'd like to see encouraged or accepted on NUMA.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.15 (10:00)
by a happy song
SkyPanda wrote:mintnut wrote:At least bupo was generally likeable, I can't see any facet of this guy's personality worth salvaging.
I don't know about on the IRC or the forums, but on NUMA bupo was an offensive spammy troll. He was only likeable to people who like offensive spammy trolls, and his behaviour isn't one that I'd like to see encouraged or accepted on NUMA.
Heh. Bupo was a git to you, huh? I remember! :p
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.15 (16:10)
by epigone
atob you are wrong.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.15 (17:06)
by Tunco
That guy is my room-mate.
Kind of.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.16 (08:53)
by SkyPanda
atob wrote:Heh. Bupo was a git to you, huh? I remember! :p
that's right, why else would i bitch about him ;P
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.16 (22:51)
by origami_alligator
ampburner was the only person who was selected by both people I asked to help choose reviewers as well as myself. He had one of the best applications of the entire process. I didn't announce him because I wasn't sure which account he wanted to be a reviewer on, and then I banned (or maybe I simply disabled ratings) on the account he didn't want.
I agree in the past he has been an awful person, given me much grief as well as the rest of the staff. People can change, and though I'm not too quick to accept that he has changed I can at least give him his reviewer status which he earned by writing some of the best reviews that I've seen on NUMA.
Apologies if this sends a message that causes mixed feelings about the staff of NUMA or the example that is supposedly being shown here. I hope this clears things up.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.16 (23:27)
by yungerkid
I haven't seen very much of Evil_Sire's supposed flamebaiting, but I can say that he does write excellent reviews, and that his first account (godenAtor) was a legitimate reviewer. I think he deserves the position, and I can't say he's raising enough of a riot currently to be worth expulsion from the community.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.17 (00:06)
by Nexx
brighter wrote:Amadeus wrote:He's flame baited and made 5 accounts, which he uses to rate his own maps. He's ripped off map designs and themes without a hint of credit.
Since his return?
Yes. He spells it out nicely on his N Wiki page, which he wrote himself:
That's 4 new accounts in 8 months? Not to mention that he is clearly okay with his own actions (his NUMA profile under ampburner made that abundantly clear, but he's since changed it).
I definitely agree that observing before acting is best, and it all comes down to what he's doing right now, which I don't know. But his old ampburner profile was atrocious, and from what it said, I can't see how he's not still flaming people left and right.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.17 (12:46)
by Rule
Ever since he became Evil_Sire, he has been a dick. And now you guys say he has changed?
Even if he has changed, which I doubt, he has caused so much problems for this community that I think he shouldn't be allowed to be here anymore.
Even if he writes fantastic reviews.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.17 (15:15)
by otters
No, no. By all means, let him stay here. He can continue to clog up NUMA, abuse users, curse violently, and multi-account. As long as the higher levels refuse to do anything about it, it makes this place more interesting.
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.17 (15:24)
by a happy song
Wight wrote:No, no. By all means, let him stay here. He can continue to clog up NUMA, abuse users, curse violently, and multi-account. As long as the higher levels refuse to do anything about it, it makes this place more interesting.
Step back in line, son! Looked at the guy's
profile lately?
Re: Evil_Sire...again : /
Posted: 2009.08.17 (18:18)
by Amadeus
Ha! Go admin power.