Firefox installation:
Get Greasemonkey:
Get Plugin:
Chrome installation:
Get Plugin:
Opera installation:
Follow instructions on this page:
Get Plugin:
Throw Plugin in the specified directory
- An add/remove link next to the authors' names on the browse page, on map pages, and on their profiles
- Highlight maps made by your favorited authors
- A link to a page with only maps by your favorited authors (Up to three maps each)
- A notification on top telling you how many of your favorited authors have new maps since your last visit to the favorited authors page
- A 'Clear Favorite Authors' link under your 'Edit Settings' on your profile
- A list of your favorited authors in your profile
Tested in Firefox and Chrome, but not Opera

I'm not a real js programmer, but this was fun to make, and I hope you enjoy using it. If you spot any bugs, please tell me about them so I can fix them.