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11th Map error

Posted: 2009.08.30 (01:14)
by amomentlikethis
Mkay this is something new, I think, I noticed it earlier with one of my own maps, but thought nothing of it.
kkstrong just bought the issue up on IRC, so it's a recurring issue.

When your map gets pushed down from 10th place on the Hot Maps page to 11th place, it disappears from the Hot Maps page completely.
Page 1 goes from 0-10 maps. Page 2, for some strange reason, starts at map 12. Map 11 will not appear until it's pushed further down - and thus replaced by a new invisible map.

To see the 11th map, simply change the page 2 URL from start=10 to start=9.

Edit: I can't find any other pages with the same problem.

Edit: Seems this problem doesn't exist for every map (or user). No idea what causes it.

Edit: Whilst I'm on the subject of errors; my maps page is still broken, as are Barabajagal, Jackel and Mechtradevil's. This really isn't something that should have to be put on the feedback page to get fixed. Thanks.

Re: 11th Map error

Posted: 2009.08.30 (09:32)
by Tunco
Numa is being an ass these days. Arachnid needs to fix all of these.

Or someone goood.

Re: 11th Map error

Posted: 2009.08.30 (09:50)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
Tunco123 wrote:
Numa is being an ass these days. Arachnid needs to fix all of these.

Or someone goood.
I can think of bigger asses.

Re: 11th Map error

Posted: 2009.08.30 (12:38)
by amomentlikethis
Tunco123 wrote:
Numa is being an ass these days. Arachnid needs to fix all of these.

Or someone goood.
Honestly, I don't feel the need to post a suggestion to fix a bug. Bugs should be dealt with ASAP - they shouldn't have to be voted on.

Re: 11th Map error

Posted: 2009.08.30 (12:49)
by Tunco
amomentlikethis wrote:
Tunco123 wrote:
Numa is being an ass these days. Arachnid needs to fix all of these.

Or someone goood.
Honestly, I don't feel the need to post a suggestion to fix a bug. Bugs should be dealt with ASAP - they shouldn't have to be voted on.
But you know what, I think Arachnid or someone goood looks at suggestions or bugs need to be fixed at uservoice page so, it's better you add it, if not, someone would do it.

Re: 11th Map error

Posted: 2009.08.30 (18:31)
by amomentlikethis
Another bug: when a map of yours gets rated the 'rated maps' counter on your profile doesn't increase.

Re: 11th Map error

Posted: 2009.08.30 (21:08)
by Tunco
amomentlikethis wrote:Another bug: when a map of yours gets rated the 'rated maps' counter on your profile doesn't increase.
Also, when you delist any map, it messes with histogram and your 'rated maps' counter doesn't increase.
Also, Blackson has -2 favorites. :/

Re: 11th Map error

Posted: 2009.08.31 (14:42)
by SkyPanda
Aha! This may explain why I occasionally miss maps