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Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.12 (21:42)
by 29403
I have an idea for maps. Isn't it irritating when your map gets bumped off the hot maps without anything? I'm not speaking for myself (because while I am an attention whore, I'm not a selfish git. My maps do get comments and rates, most of the time anyway), I'm speaking for all those underlooked authors. I suggest an idea where a map without any feedback from any users lingers on the page until someone gives a comment or rate, then it's put in its rightful place.FAQ now...

This can be abused. - Yes, but as far as I'm concerned, every comment/rate counts, and even if the comment is pure spam, it shows that at least the mapmaker at least got something better than nothing out of the map.

Stop whining and use the Map-Rating Thread. True. But we don't want to post on a slightly inactive thread when we didn't get anything out of the page where the map should get its rights. Also, some of the authors on NUMA probably don't even know about the thread.

Make better maps. Sorry if we're not as good as you, but every mapmaker has the right to constructive critique or rates, no matter how bad they are. And, not to mention this is the N User Maps Archive, not MoA. Also, this big-headed argument is pretty flawed. If these n00bs with terrible maps don't get attention, they won't improve as much as they would with feedback, so Dr. 29403 says. Feedback from better mapmakers will point them in the right direction.

What about maps like this? Just zero them, it's what they deserve, right?

Also, a idea which will be fair, but no-one will like, bump a map with 20 rates down, because they've recieved unfair amounts of attention.

I know some of you are not going to like this idea, but I speak for the peasents, I, Robi29403 Hood. (Don't I always?) :P

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.12 (21:46)
by Awesome67
I say this is an excellent idea. Underappreciation is so overlooked, nowadays. You are completely right in your opinion that all maps should be critiqued no matter how bad they are. And if they are bad, that's just an opinion, right? Either way, you'll still think it's awesome.

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.12 (21:49)
by 29403
*sigh* I know. I always aim to comment and rate every map on the hot maps page when I submit a map. Every map should have these. It's a shame to see maps without anything, which doesn't help the author improve. NUMA can be a very unfair place, my friend.

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.12 (21:52)
by Awesome67
29403 wrote:*sigh* I know. I always aim to comment and rate every map on the hot maps page when I submit a map. Every map should have these. It's a shame to see maps without anything, which doesn't help the author improve. NUMA can be a very unfair place, my friend.
I salute you, 29403. I do exactly the same thing. If a map's bad, tell them, don't just leave it there to wither and die with nothing on its record! That's just sick.

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.12 (21:57)
by 29403
Exactly my point. If everyone wants to play good maps, we need to give these maps attention so they can improve. Some good mappers complain about n00b maps, but they're going to stay n00b maps if you don't point them in the right direction. My idea, though which might be hard to code, is the first step forward. Everyone does want attention, people like me want too much, so this the idea I came up with.

I suppose that the only possible downside is the difficulty to code the idea, I guess. But if it is coded, 'Viva La Resolution!'

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.12 (22:00)
by Awesome67
Attention is everything in a map. This idea is genius for any so-called n00bs with nothing on their profile page (somewhat like me, I'm sad to say). 29403, you have saved us all!!! I'm glad one of you uptight mods have finally decided to secede from your daily routine and come up with something like this.

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.12 (22:10)
by 29403
Thanks for the Awesome67 input, Awesome67. NUMA would be such a better place for everyone if this was possible to code - for the beginners, and the good map-makers - more good maps to play.

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.12 (22:14)
by Awesome67
Perhaps the near future will bring good things, friend. Perhaps.

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.13 (00:55)
by squibbles
This idea has my full approval.

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.13 (07:16)
by Tunco
Yes. *Approvation Seal*

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.13 (07:43)
by MattKestrel
The only problem with this is that I can imagine the baton being handed to a single user (i.e. me) who rates all of the maps so that they don't clog things up.

Plus, this would be the equivalent of the NRA for snipers, if that analogy even works.

EDIT: 29403 should totally be a mod though <3

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.13 (15:19)
by ChrisE

I don't know. It sounds good, but then we'll have chains and chains of unrated maps, which will cause good maps, once they get one rating, to disappear altogether. Right?

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.13 (18:27)
by origami_alligator
This upsets the balance of the Hot Maps page. Unless you can propose a way to overhaul the entire system altogether in a way that makes sense I doubt you're going to get much support from the key people you need to convince to push your idea through.

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.13 (23:21)
by sidke
What paws said. The hot maps is set up so that maps that get (positive) attention stay longer and maps that don't... don't... If a map doesn't get looked at, (positively) rated, and commented on, it's most likely not a hot map. .___.

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.14 (00:52)
by Radium
I zero shit maps all the time. Someone has to do it. I have no problem being the one.

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.14 (15:12)
by DigitalDuck
Definitely a good idea. It's especially annoying when you have a map that you know is either AMAZING, or complete RUBBISH, and it just gets ignored, leaving you to assume that it's rubbish without any conclusive evidence whatsoever. Plus, it gets repetitive only seeing either "5 votes required for a rating" or "(4 ninjas) by 6927694924 people."

I try my best to comment on uncommented maps, but I very rarely have any constructive criticism to offer anybody.

MattKestrel wrote:EDIT: 29403 should totally be a mod though <3

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.14 (15:15)
by 29403
Radium wrote:I zero shit maps all the time. Someone has to do it. I have no problem being the one.
*sigh* That's not what I meant. That, IMO, is worse. Unless it's a reallly shit map, and not a newb map.
sidke wrote:What paws said. The hot maps is set up so that maps that get (positive) attention stay longer and maps that don't... don't... If a map doesn't get looked at, (positively) rated, and commented on, it's most likely not a hot map. .___.
My idea could produce even more hot maps if it did work. Pawz does raise a good point, I must admit.
GTM (And DD) wrote:29403 should totally be a mod though <3
Ohh thanks!

I think a nice way is to have a seperate page called un-noticed maps, where rating and commenting a map would give you karma... :D

Re: Map Idea.

Posted: 2009.09.15 (09:52)
by SkyPanda
Awesome67 wrote:Underappreciation is so overlooked
You're awesome :P