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Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.25 (19:20)
by Baraba
In my profile when I click on Maps, Rated Maps and Featured Maps, nothing shows up.
When I click on Favorites, only LouDog's 'Steppe' appears.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but what's the deal here?

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.25 (19:54)
by lord_day
A few profiles on NUMA are broken I'm afraid. You can try PMing arachnid, but unfortunalety not much can be done...

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.25 (21:15)
by aids
Holy shit you're back!

Also, AMomentLikeThis has the same problem.

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.26 (02:11)
by amomentlikethis
Hey Barabajagal. I have the same problem, my profile has been broken for almost a year now. I don't think Arachnid sees it as something important enough to fix, unfortunately.
The only way to view your maps is to find a map of yours and click back through your Recent Maps shown above the comments.

I hope you'll stick around and make a few new maps, it's always nice to see people returning to N! :)

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.26 (02:24)
by Skyling
Yeah, I'm not really sure why this has been happening to people.

(Here is a link to Baraba's most recent map for those who have not located it yet)

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.26 (06:41)
by squibbles
I expect gan to update the mappack now.

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.26 (14:35)
by EdoI
Your maps are also unrecognizable for Google (link), it just gives some random results.

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.26 (23:54)
by otters~1
I laughed out loud at the title. We've had threads dedicated to this for months, and Baraba's just now noticed. Ironic or something.

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.27 (02:38)
by Pheidippides
Barabajagal! Welcome back!

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.27 (02:54)
by Amadeus
Hey, I'm your biggest fan. Yeah. Hey.

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.09.29 (21:36)
by bobaganuesh_2
same problem is occuring with Guiseppi and Mechtradevil too.

Re: Can't see my maps

Posted: 2009.10.01 (00:30)
by otters~1
I suppose I should link you to this just in case you didn't bother looking around when you came back.