Welcome to Week 2! The race is on!
Before we begin, please update your map descriptions with links to the original maps. You can find these maps by clicking
Wow! Last week we had some amazing maps from all 17 contestants. I was impressed with how well everyone took to retiling, both new and old authors alike. I know all of you are eager to see your scores, but first let's talk about the scoring process.
Gameplay and
Tileset are the two categories we were scoring. We had a range of styles and gameplay mechanics, and each judge had their own interpretation of these categories, which I asked them to provide in comments with your scoring. We tried to be as thorough as possible while still being brief. Please read these, and others, carefully. They are provided to help you understand what worked and what didn't. It should be helpful to read what worked for the maps that scored highly and read what didn't work for the maps that scored lower, so that you can learn what to look out for and what pitfalls to avoid this week.
Without further ado, please click on the judge name to see your score from them this week. Totals are below.
Gameplay :: 10/25
Tileset :: 8/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 18/50
I understand your object set wasn't very populated. However, the gameplay in this is a bit lackluster and I feel as though you could have done more with it. In particular, the rocket-dodging doesn't put very much pressure on the player, and the gold collecting is rather boring. The bounceblock sections were the most interesting part of this map, but you could have put pressure on the player by allowing the rocket to still see you while trying to get past the right-side bounceblock section. That would have been a doable challenge that upped the gameplay. For this next week, try to think about ways to put pressure on the player to increase the satisfaction for completing the map.
audrey (Tempus_Fugit)---
Gameplay :: 18/25
Tileset :: 16/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 34/50
Very neat map that plays closely to the original. I wish that the final locked door switch behind the exit was necessary to grab in this tho. I think that you would have scored more in the Tileset category if you had done that. The lower chambers worked well with the enemies given. Overall, it is solid, but as a retile it doesn't feel like you tried to use the objects in ways they weren't intended to begin with.
Gameplay :: 8/25
Tileset :: 12/25
Subjective :: 5/5
TOTAL :: 25/50
I am conflicted about this map. I absolutely love the challenge but I wanted to be able to complete this map in a single run. I wanted to write haikus with flowery language about how ninjas can dodge bullets but it was hard to maneuver to the safe areas of the map. Gameplay suffered greatly because you made the ascent something that you had to do twice. For a challenge like that, once is enough. The tileset points were halved because I felt you could have opened up the map more. But I gave you 5 subjectivity points because out of all the maps submitted this week, yours was the most-talked about, the most-critiqued, and I wanted to love it so bad I made some edits that fit how I thought the gameplay could have been opened up. Feel free to give it a whirl and let me know what you think:
Gameplay :: 10/25
Tileset :: 16/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 26/50
I honestly like this map. I think it's a neat use of the objects, especially for how few there really are to interact with. Overall, it is incredibly short. I am a sucker for races and I think that they are incredibly fun. This works as a race until the end, and the spammed gold doesn't help for the finish. It might have been better if you tried to pass over that gold section twice so that the player didn't have to stand still for so long. Gameplay is lacking, but your use of the tileset with the given objects stood out the most to me. Well done in that regard.
Gameplay :: 12/25
Tileset :: 17/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 29/50
You worked well with what you had. Obviously the lowest mines were not able to be incorporated into the map in a useful way for how you built it and unfortunately I had to drop your tileset score for that. I think for sparse object sets like this, making spaces where certain enemies shine works better in your favor. The floorguard was the best enemy usage. I wish the ninja had to interact with the gauss turret more. You may have been able to score more points in gameplay if you had created a couple more jumping puzzles for the ninja, particularly one that caused more interaction with the gauss. You and Amibe both have similar things to think about for this next week.
Gameplay :: 20/25
Tileset :: 25/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 45/50
To me, this was the most stellar map of the week. Gameplay is only dropped 5 points because of the sheer difficulty. I'd have to spend a long time to get this in one run. However, I think your use of the objects with the tileset kept me interested in completing this map in parts. There's an ambiguity to the intended route, and I appreciate that I had to find it on my own instead of having it spelled out for me. Fantastic start to the competition, however I would keep the critiques of the other maps in mind as we continue on to the next week.
Gameplay :: 21/25
Tileset :: 21/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 42/50
This map is really well made. I wish it had something a little more... The segmented tiles would sometimes throw me off my intended path and I found that to be a little offputting. Overall, the map is filled with some great moments and I think that your use of the objects with the tileset and the gameplay were fantastic. The pathing of the laser to become a threat at the end of the level as well was such a nice touch.
Gameplay :: 17/25
Tileset :: 15/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 32/50
While this map is beautiful, I think in some cases you chose aesthetics over gameplay, especially in places where aesthetics weren't as important as gameplay. In particular, the island to the left of the beginning - why is there a 7-tile on the top of that island and not an E-tile? It causes the ninja to skip and makes jumping across that chasm more difficult for no reason. Your aesthetics are beautiful, but don't let it ruin how the objects and tileset interface, and don't let it ruin your gameplay in particular.
Gameplay :: 14/25
Tileset :: 13/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 27/50
I was in the Discord chat when you were lamenting certain aspects of this map and so for me, I feel as though you were focusing so much on how to use the floorguards correctly that you forgot that there was a whole map of other things to focus on. Although I don't expect everyone to be good at floorguard puzzles, when you're given this many floorguards, even a mediocre puzzle can be fun. There seems to be a lot of emphasis in the community as of late in creating maps with extremely difficult jumps and requiring precision runs. For the next 4 weeks, focus on making something that allows for mistakes to be made without meaning death for the ninja.
Gameplay :: 15/25
Tileset :: 8/25
Subjective :: 3/5
TOTAL :: 26/50
I don't mind nonlinear maps, but I felt like this map was pulling me in two or three directions at once. While there were sections that I felt were really great, the way that the mines were utilized with the tileset was not well done. I think that the connecting parts between the section of this map were great, and the way the enemies caused the ninja to be pressured was well-intentioned. Next week, think about how your tiles interact not only with the ninja but also with the tiles and how the ninja interacts with both. The mines on the corners of tiles or underneath 3-tiles make for a less enjoyable map. I added 3 points to your score because you nail the transitions between sections, but you could work on the tileset and gameplay of the main sections of your maps a bit more in the coming weeks.
Gameplay :: 19/25
Tileset :: 11/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 30/50
This map might be the best example of the differences between scoring for the tileset and scoring for the gameplay. I think the gameplay in this map is actually well done. You created a different space for the ninja to play around in. The rocket-dodging is fun, the left side with the drones is fun and overall I enjoyed playing this. However, you opted to use the drones as simply as possible. You didn't try to use the one-ways as anything but extra surfaces to land on and jump off. One-ways could have been used in many ways to make the drones more hazardous or something to keep an eye on more than I did. Like I said, I had fun jumping around in this but you didn't really do anything with the tiles that caused an interaction with the objects in a different way.
Gameplay :: 17/25
Tileset :: 12/25
Subjective :: 3/5
TOTAL :: 32/50
This being my object set, obviously I had to judge as impartially as possible. The original objects were fairly spread out and the laser was used much to the same effect as in the original map: only a threat when you move to the left side. Occasionally, if I spent too long in a section, the laser was able to travel lower and threaten me as I tried to make my way toward the exit. The rocket dodging was well done, and each section only had one or two rockets chasing you. The tileset played off the objects well, but I wish that you had done a little more with the floorguards and made the zap drone more threatening in particular. Overall, a solid map. I gave you 3 extra points because you were able to create a very cute tileset in addition to some wonderful gameplay.
Gameplay :: 17/25
Tileset :: 11/25
Subjective :: 2/5
TOTAL :: 30/50
I liked this map and the simplicity. I think it's hard to grade the more simple retiles based on the rubric alone. Although I really like it, I think that the only use of the tiles was to create a path for the ninja and the zap drone. The zap drone was much more effective than I anticipated. It was a good threat up until the ascent to the rocket section. However, the only interaction the ninja has with the tiles is in the rocket section. I see this more as an aesthetic retile. It is cute, and for that I give you 2 bonus points.
Gameplay :: 23/25
Tileset :: 21/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 44/50
I'm quite surprised at how well this map is built. The minefield looks daunting at first, but is actually quite easy to pass through. The only complaint about the enemies is the lonely gauss turret on the right. But that turret is more than made up for by the gauss turret in the chamber. Even though that chamber feels chaotic, what I found when I played it was that it was all about timing. Once I made it past that room, I was initially confused. "Is this map possible?" Then I found that it was possible not 10 seconds later. Great use of the physics in N to create really cool gameplay at the end there with the tileset.
Gameplay :: 16/25
Tileset :: 16/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 32/50
Based on your object set, I think that you did a very good job with this. Instead of the usual, you went for the unusual. I'm unable to think of a better analogy at the moment, but this map feels like the green bell pepper to DW's California Reaper. The points I deducted were for the parts of this map that were somewhat... lacking? I feel as though there may have been ways to create space for collecting some of the gold that was less-desirable to go for because it was so far off the path that I wanted to go on. The look is clean, but I wanted more.
Gameplay :: 20/25
Tileset :: 18/25
Subjective :: 0/5
TOTAL :: 38/50
Overall, this map works wonders. The use of that bounceblock at the start was a wonderful introduction to the map. I think you understand what I meant when I said retiles can offer you the opportunity to rethink how objects can be used to create interesting gameplay mechanics. My main concern was with the lack of effectiveness of the second gauss turret, which wasn't entirely your fault. The route you were intending was very fun and intuitive, so I see why you blocked out those one-ways. The upper left was also a nice jumping area that left me feeling good. I'm not sure what to suggest you focus on for next week, but I feel like there was something small missing from this map and I can't quite put my finger on it. Solid start, however.
my cat has an unquenchable thirst for bread. I don't know why. one time he tore open a pack of king's hawaiian sweet rolls and ate two. After some mild panic, i found out while bread isn't bad for cats, it doesn't give them shit for nutrition - he's just getting fat on carbs. Same, little guy. Same.
TILESET // +420
Big chunky pieces of corrugated carboard have been freakin' godsends for me. Jet takes his scalpel paws and operates on those things like he's a 10 foot long primordial Smilodon chugging Bang energy drinks. After the cloud of cardboard bits has settled, my houses' walls, table legs, and couches are entirely scratch-free! He still tears up my arms, though (what can i say? the guy's adorable and i can't help but brave the claws and rub his belly). Perhaps a suit of cardboard armor is in order...
BOOST // +80085
Outside, there lives a spindly tabby. Occasionally he will walk right up to the my window and proceed to stare blankly, almost as if he's unaware that my cat is on the other side of the glass straight up wilding out. He knows, though. You can definitely see a little grin on his furry orange face as he watches the muffled yowling and scrabbling beyond. A bit of a bastard, to be sure.
TOTAL! // imagine this 8 is sideways yo
You've done some excellent stuff here. Gradually understanding the scope of the plan with the rocket and laser D and witnessing them sneak through some tile gaps when i thought i'd finally gotten away made for a great experience. The floorguard at the end was a fiendish roadblock right when fatigued players think they're moments from beating the map, i love it. I would have liked the blue drones to have been expanded, as they're secluded in one spot and not nearly as exciting as the other enemies. i found that some movements needed, especially when right nearby the rocket, to be clunky at best and irritating at worst.
TILESET // +12
I do love the planning that has gone into the tileset, allowing for that slick drone route. However, i thought that the overall tyle style(lol rhymes) sacrificed a lot of personality in favor of functionality and ended up looking out of order and bland. Some extra flair would make this map really pop.
BOOST // +5
Your intelligent gameplay design has earned you a nice paycheck of bonus points. Nicely done!
i made these objects! How am i supposed to score that?! I find it interesting that in lots of ReTile maps, authors opt for free-floating mines rather than embedded ones. Skirting carefully around the contest restrictions? I appreciate how you handled the hidden trapdoor in the top left - relatively inoffensive but nevertheless irritating trapdoors are my kink (not so much feeling the bottom trapdoor when i forgot and ran into the deathtrap, but hey! I asked for this when i placed those bastards). I wanted a bit more aggression with the gauss cannons, as they are easily avoided and not even present in large portions of the map. Overall, the length of the map combined with a low-pressure environment had my enjoyment waning after several tries.
TILESET // +16
You always have some nice interactions with objects and tilesets in your maps. I especially liked that first climb up into the structure and the mine-camouflaged entry to the bottom right - very creative. Perhaps it's just the nature of ReTile maps to have broken-up and varied tilesets in order to deal with unfamiliar objects, but i felt that this tileset goes the same way as the gameplay - overall pretty good and with little to really complain about, but not able to hold attention for long. It seems sort of built to be a middle-level in an episode.
BOOST // +1
Although i am one to appreciate some a e s t h e t i c s, it is admittedly a clever action to hide some objects you don't want. I see you there, one-ways and middle bounceblock! you look good, but you don't do anything! I've given you a slight bonus for the sleight of hand, though.
Plunging through that cloud was quite fun! the shrouded enemies attacking you in there felt like a really great intro to the map. Unfortunately, the gameplay seems to fall off the wagon at this point, as much of the map after this consists of a couple easy jumps over mines and an impotent rocket launcher. Although much of the map is accessible, a majority ends up being unused white space, seemingly forgotten. No love for the wall-jump pads down in the corner? tsk, tsk!
TILESET // +16
AS good as the tiles are at lending to the map's full theme, players don't end up interacting with them much during the map, as most of the movement takes place suspended on bounceblocks or in the upper section standing on one-ways. I wanted to see more incorporation of the tiles into the gameplay.
BOOST // +3
Nice job incorporating the lightning bolt mines into a full-map theme. an inspired choice!
So, floorguards. It's not that i'm overly bothered by the floating floorguards as a concept (in fact i think they were way more interesting than the stationary ones), I just wanted a LOT more interaction with them. ReTiling is all about the objects after all, even if you hate them! What little focus there was in the map worked great - i liked the corners of the map and that drop down through the top for the exit switch. However, I've taken off points because of your reluctance to use these objects to best effect - only 1 of the 12 floorguards actually, well, guards a floor. The gameplay suffers as a result.
Now, on paper, having a large amount of negative space and a breezy aesthetic is absolutely fine for maps (and in fact it's a style that's really popular right now). In the ReTile contest, though, I really want to see more work put into them. Here, the tiles don't exist where they should, and many of them function only to restrict how the floorguards function as an enemy.
BOOST // +2
Floorguards may have probed you, but don't count yourself defeated just yet! We've got a lot of rounds of ReTiling to go! I look forward to seeing your next entries in this contest!
This map is appealing to me because of the subtle difficulty it hides. Jumping around, it quickly becomes apparent that a lot more work and creative jumps are gonna be needed to get where you need to go. I found that puzzle aspect of the map to be quite cool. In addition, you didn't have very many active objects to work with. A lot of good design went into making that thwump a big part of the gaemplay. Something about it just felt good.
TILESET // +15
Now, of course the tiles were placed nicely to allow for all sorts of perp jumps and leaps, but what i really enjoyed was the channel with the thwump. Like i said above, it was great including that one weird thwump in the overall jump design. Functional tiles are great, but i feel that the relaxed nature of the gameplay could allow for some more extra design or spice to look at while planning that next jump.
BOOST // +4
This was the first map i've ever played from you as an author, and i thought you had a great understanding of what a retile's all about. I've given you some bonus points for the creativity used here to make an ordinarily boring object set quite fun.
A large amount of the map appears to be focused on blocking you from interacting with the rocket launcher in any way, i feel that it's barely a threat. This is unfortunate, as it's also the only active obstacle in the entire map. Admittedly this was a hell of a set of objects to work with, so i understand your troubles, but don't be shy! Some kind of greater focus on the threat of being trapped on the sides, or a retooling of the tileset could allow the rocket to do its job.
TILESET // +10
These tiles feel deliberately placed to block off any sort of danger for the ninja. Even those broken gaps on the right ended up being much less dangerous than expected. The top right switch really needed some pressure from that rocket, it was a perfect place to vice the player between a rocket and a one-way place. Okay, that was a bad joke. Sorry.
BOOST // +4
Getting an unfortunate object set is all the luck of the draw in this sort of contest, so oftentimes you'll just have to roll with the punches. I've awarded you a bonus due to soldiering on and giving it your best shot anyway. Good luck next round!
total score! // 24
A8197BBD8FDF537B49D1502A28CBC98101B5F5BD by DAGGAFORK
gameplay // +19
The beginning of the map is all about boosting you to the coolest part: that jump through the mine channel. Finding the momentum to do so, both initially and on the return trip, felt really good. There's lots of opportunities to shave off frames in this map, but i'm not too particularly keen on that. i simply found it to be a quick, fun, and easily accessible adventure. As always, i'm slightly grumpy about authors sidelining some objects that prove problematic (like those mines at the bottom), even if they DO look good that way. Feel the ReTile. Embrace the ReTile. This didn't prove to be too large of a penalty this round, just something to think about.
tileset // +17
A lot of focus goes to that really neat intersection of tiles in the top left. Otherwise, the flat surfaces and brutalist angles look nice, but don't much contribute to the map at all. I'd say the most important tiles in the map are the ones framing the mine channel, and that's totally okay.
boost // +1
quite a minimalist set of objects for you! i think you did a fine job getting a good amount of gameplay out of it.
total score! // 38
gameplay // +20
Spicy objects for sure. It's hard to subdue them, those giant pennants of gold kick major ass. You've done well in making both the trip to the gold and the act of collecting it very fun, and i have a soft spot for those sort of non-lethal falls that still pretty much end the run for players who make that mistake.
tileset // +5
WAAW. Easy to feel out-done against these objects, yes? I think you were right in playing to the objects' strength with some meek tiles, but I wanted you to break away from the iconic original map and try something new. As it stands you've mostly remixed the original into a slightly different configuration. ReTiles are about doing your own thing instead of emulating the other.
BOOST // +0
I haven't awarded any bonus points here. LET ME REITERATE: I'm not saying it is a bad map by any means (and in fact i had a lot of fun), i just feel that this design went counter to the spirit of the contest due to a really, really striking amount of similarities with the original, and the overall score in terms of this contest suffers because of it. On NUMA i rated it quite high as it was a blast to play.
total score! // 25
gameplay // +20
Hyteriux left a very nice demo on your map and mentioned that he had more fun than expected. I think that's true. Lots of times we tend to give the map an "eye playthrough" of maps, and that doesn't really give off the whole story. Highlights include the green guy on the bottom of the map, and a suprisingly flowly trip up into the top chamber from the middle. I really wasn't interested in finding the gold on the sides and up in the chaingun room; it just was too far away and a bother most of the time. Problem: that 2/3 tile bottom left. Players can step on the top side of the tile and still trigger the bomb. Feels ungood.
tileset // +10
I've gotta lean to the "mess" side of your map title for these tiles. Definitely not exciting, more of a way to section off the objects into easy to deal with packages. That's not necessarily bad, but i always like to see greater interaction between those grey blocks of stone and our "friends", the enemies of the map.
boost // +3
I think you did really well with an above-average amount of objects. these bonus points are just a general "nice going!" boost.
total score! // 33
You have a history of some really brutal minejumpers, and there's certainly a crowd for that. In addition, i really enjoyed the variety of skills required to thrive in this hazardous environment - it wasn't just the same jump performed 100 times. Nicely made.
TILESET // +18
Was this an attempt to butter me up with the angular jagged triangle aesthetic? well, it worked, i think it looks pretty good. I would have liked to see more of those things up top to make the map more harmonious. those triangles really tie the room together. My other complaint is that while the tileset has a general vertical sweeping motion due to the direction of the triangles and upper walls, the horizontal mines clash terribly and hurt to look at, with floating 2/3 tiles adding to the strain.
BOOST // +0
although i can appreciate the occasional hardcore minejumper, after some cruel deaths at the hands of explosives i felt that i was wasting my time with a careful run just to die. I tried not to let my gaemplay skill show through in the actual judging, but i did not award any points due to gettin' mad. No hard feelings! Check out both Jasdanu and Macrohenry's demos on your map for some truly mad skillz.
i see you were given no small amount of objects to deal with. Combined with a lot of open space, i had a hard time finding focus or a fun route through the chaos. Those drones milling around look like a zoo, right? There were a couple cool moments when i found some flow to zip around in, but mostly it was just too hectic and inattentive.
You said this map would function better without tiles. Perhaps. Like yahoozy, i have no idea how i would’ve scored that. Lots of authors are very sparse with tiles during a ReTile (in no small part because of object sets like this and the sheer amount of WTF), but with something this overwhelming maybe a very dense tunnel-style map is what's needed. As it is, the tiles you have neither looked good or added much to the gameplay.
BOOST // +3
I feel the pains you went through this round. as with others, it's all about what you do with what you're given. Work those tiles! I look forward to your maps in the coming weeks!
gameplay // +15
I'm feeling sort of torn about this one. i loved the concept of repurposing the objects into a race - the gauss cannons felt particularly good at their jobs and really added to the player's haste as they try to find the route. My problem with races is that there isn't enough flexibility in routes - i jumbled around for a bit before settling on the intended path. Once i did that, the map was over in a flash! sort of a "welp, i guess that's it" moment. Not much replayability, either - the intended route is often the fastest one.
tileset // +13
i liked those decorative garlands of E tiles strung around, but felt that the awkward nature of the angles held me back from really jumping around the map and exploring. Then again, exploring's not really what this map is about.
boost // +2
leaving that patch of stacked gold until the last moment was a nice way to handle a bizarre quirk in the overall design of the objects. neat.
total score! // 32
A lot of this map revolves around doors. You've gotten all 3 (okay, 4 if you count the exit) types, and used them to their strengths! i love it. That first trapdoor is an omen of things to come - you get lured into thinking other traps will be nice and benign and then BLAM the exit's locked and you're not sure how. This is one of those times when a total re-start of the map is really cool: the new knowledge of those trap doors and thinking about how to avoid your mistake last time changes a player's perception of what strategies to use! Regarding the gauss cannons, i didn't really care about them. Not enough of an impact for sure. Not really what the map's about, anyway.
tileset // +11
I did not like these tiles. I found the excessive chunky 6/7 tiles both unattractive and not good for much other than the occasional perp jump.
boost // +4
your alternate names for the map made me laugh; FoldedPaper_Crocodile in particular is great (CrumpledHotelTowel_Gharial!). Mostly these hefty bonus points are due to how happy i was with how you handled the hidden trapdoors assigned to you.
total score! // 37
'twas the night before judging was due, when all through the house / all the gold and enemy variety were gone - not even a gauss. What a wild set of objects we have here! Luring the rockets around so you can bypass them was very intuitive, making most of the challenge focused on getting where players need to go, and fast. Your design has spaced out the rockets nicely, but if they're feeling particularly unruly you can get swamped quick. Being totally devoid of gold takes away a lot from replayability, but the open and breezy routes left a lot of room for shortcuts and other improvements. I found myself quite enjoying the simple but demanding task of avoiding rockets while keeping top speed.
TILESET // +19
I really like the bold repeated pattern here and how unobtrusive it ends up being in relation to the rest of the gameplay. You've really filled the map in with style and artwork while preserving the nice flat surfaces and wide-open areas needed for wrangling rockets effectively. This sort of elegance does come with a hidden snag, though: hitting the 6/7 tiles at the wrong angle or a slight mis-time can lead to an explosive death due to stuttering with a failed perp jump. It's always good to have lots of reliable options when dealing with multiple rockets, and at times i felt myself not even wanting to attempt some jumps just in case i got robbed by the game physics.
BOOST // +4
I like being generous with bonus points when an author gets a weird set of objects to deal with. You did an excellent job molding those unlucky 13 objects into something far greater than its minimalistic parts.
One must be thoroughly acquainted with the behavior of those ninja-sized tanks in order to succeed, and even then a single .50caliber will wreck you. The chaingun displayed here is a god-damned raid boss. In addition, a few mines in key "fuck you" positions were a problem players can really do without while dealing with the hail of death from below. Overall an intensely difficult map, and definitely not in a good way. It's quite a job to even unlock the path to the door, and players have to go up and down the main chamber TWICE! God damn do i love that first death-defying jump, though. I felt like such a badass timing it perfectly with bullets just a ninja scarf's breadth below. Thanks for putting it at the beginning of the map so i could practice! It's hard as fuck! Why, just why!!
Chainguns are a very trial-and-error enemy. Case in point: those bits of triangles floating up there at the top of the map. Due to quirks in positioning, the ninja's hitbox, and the shape of 2/3 tiles, quite a few bullets can slip by and paste you even when you're seemingly hidden in cover. Combine that with the effort and time it took to climb over the other weirdly-angled tiles to even get up there, and it's a combo for death. I was wanting more flat space to run or more safe space to hide, and to my dismay i found neither.
BOOST // +3
most of my complaints stem from how difficult the map is, and how easily a challenge like this can slide into frustration. However, I'm awarding you a bonus because of your ability to turn one single chaingun into an unbearable enemy that is beating down on the player throughout the entire map. Rarely was there a time where it wasn't either spitting hot lead at me, or spinning up for another volley. Deep down, we all both hate and love chainguns.
Hello, ska. Interesting design you've got here! It's like a buffet of N-maps genres. We've got the minejumper, we've got the metanet-esque (METANESQUE) section in the middle, and then as an disgestif there's that jumper puzzle down below. Interesting. I foudn that middle section to be cramped and real irritating to move in, and it killed my vibe. For the large map size and amount of objects, there was striking little substance to any one section. Jack of all trades, master of none up in here.
TILESET // +15
i found these tiles to be barebones to the max!!! A lot of the style went into the jumper section, otherwise they're just there to stand on.
BOOST // +4
Sectioning off the areas into very unique parts was a great bit of thinking i really appreciate. you get a substantial bonus for the concept!
Thanks for playing, everybody! See you all next week for ReTile 3, week 2!!
PALEMOON -> a googolplex times infinity
DW40 -> 39
SKA -> 33
KAYLAB -> 33
SCRIPT -> 31
CHRISE -> 31
AMIIBE -> 24
Amibe - Kind of difficult to go through
Gameplay - 7/25
The fun of this map comes almost largely from the clever bounceblock section, which, do to their nature, are relatively unchanged from the original map. There’s just not enough here, and the rocket has been severely neutralized.
Tileset - 8/25
Very unattractive. With that out of the way, the function of the tiles wasn’t all that bad. Easy to run around in, and the hole that allows the rocket to see you when you collect the key is clever. It’s so barren, though, and not in a way that makes the level interesting enough to play more than once.
Bonus - 3
Even though you’re a less experienced mapper, you have some good instincts. A good effort.
Total - 18/25
blacklef - Zebulon's desire
Gameplay - 10/25
This is entirely too difficult. I think that very first jump only has a window of a few frames? Would that you kept the chaingun in the initial area or gave more cover for the top exploration you’d have a more reasonable difficulty. I removed the chaingun to feel out the level with no enemy pressure and there are some interesting and fun maneuvers that I’d, unfortunately, never get to try in the actual level. I did beat it a few times, but could never manage an all-gold run.
Tileset - 7/25
At no point did it seem like the tiles were made to help the ninja traverse this level. Sometimes that can make compelling gameplay, but every part of this level felt clunky. I thought the floorguard area was cute, but even then I couldn’t blast through that area like I’d wanted because you placed some obstructive tiles instead of just allowing the player to enjoy the level.
Bonus - 2
Couple of bonus points because I sympathize with how difficult it is to use a chaingun without it ruining the entire map.
Total - 19/50
ChrisE- Shattered Constellations and Broken Stars
Gameplay - 15/25
Truly did not expect to enjoy this to the degree I did. Perhaps the most obvious re-tooling in the first round, it still could be an original map from any number of authors who value open space and a breezy quality.
Tileset - 12/25
Given the start, seems the idea was to make the route linear, and I would have gone all-in with the race influences. Tried playing around with other routes but there's really no practical or interesting way to get to the top area without using the launch pad. Looks pretty good. I hate to recall my own maps when talking about someone else's but I just wanted to say that some of my early, earliest maps used that E-and-3-and-2-tile setup that makes a circle because it was the coolest shape I could manage to make in the editor. I don't think I've seen that in a long time.
Bonus - 3
Ambitious design.
Total - 30/50
DaggaFork - a8197bbd8fdf537b49d1502a28cbc98101b5f5bd
Gameplay - 17/25
Surprised me. The intention here was obviously to keep things minimal and so I’ve decided to grade it as such, and it does this remarkably well. Gauss was almost a non-issue. Every different jump was fun to pull off.
Tileset - 14/25
The route you’ve carved out for this map is so good that I wish there were more tiles in place to punish the player for not taking it, adding some stakes. Honestly very surprised that isn’t the case because your levels are usually pretty devilish. Design is stark but interesting.
Bonus - 3
Daring to make something so potentially insubstantial. Great use of a small set of objects.
Total - 34/50
DW40 - Cosmic Fragmentation
Gameplay - 19/25
I appreciate the high-difficulty and repurposing the objects into a jumper puzzle completely distinct from the original. I thought some of the maneuvers were more awkward than I would like, particularly the jump over the 2-tiles parallel to the first set of gold. Impressive nevertheless.
Tileset - 17/25
The nature of the map means that the orientation of much of the tiles are absolutely necessary, though some are unnecessarily clunky. My complaints are mostly about what's left; I don't mind at all that most of the map is tiled off (in fact, there's a larger play area than the original level), but I'm really not up on the way this level looks. In fact I hate it. I would say it has a cohesive design that does not happen to flatter me in the slightest. This did not deduct many points from the overall score.
Bonus - 4
Bumping up the score because I feel this is a really great effort considering the only enemies were mines.
Total: 40/50
fingersonthefrets - Impepho
Gameplay - 24/25
Incredible. The persistence of the enemies is constantly impressive. I can’t think of a thing to suggest. Just kind of amazed.
Tileset - 23/25
Again, honestly can't find much to deduct here. Some small areas where it feels like aesthetics took precedence (top rocket area with the switches could have been smoothed out, but I appreciated that it made me hesitate a bit), but every piece feels deliberately placed and the interplay with the objects is astounding. Bravo.
Bonus - 0
Not eligible.
Total - 47/50
Hyteriux - View From Above
Gameplay - 17/25
Right away, the first section is extremely fun to jump around in. Little transitional spot between the left and right was oddly very satisfying, pushing oneself against the E-tile and walking under the 1-tile gap. Next section was challenge-less but fun to explore. Decision to use the trap doors to block off the switch was a Bad Idea. Not a fan. Final area was good. Liked how distinct each section was, but they flowed into each other very well.
Tileset - 19/25
Very fun to run on. Well-worn territory with its design, which also does not appeal to me at all, but I respect its cohesiveness.
Bonus - 4
One of the most convincingly-original maps in the first round. Props for that.
Total - 40/50
jasdanu - Floorguards Probed me and Left me Defeated
Gameplay - 10/25
Honestly, this was kinda fun to jump around in. Needed to be able to go up the right side of the left tower, I think, but (I don’t think?) it’s possible with the nearer floorguard. Liked that there were so many ways to traverse the map.
Tileset - 5/25
Apologies, but these tiles truly have no interplay with these objects. Not being sarcastic, that is a pretty bold choice! Sometimes it’s interesting to remove most of the surfaces of a level just to see how the objects act in empty space. There’s something entirely more compelling in these objects, however.
Bonus - 1
A bonus point because I think you gave an honest effort despite the mental block this object set gave you.
Total - 16/50
Kaylab - Modern Decor or Mess
Gameplay - 14/25
Pretty fun. Lots of maneuverability, which is appreciated.
Tileset - 10/25
Similarly to Lightning55's submission, I like that you let the negative space work out naturally; just a few places for the ninja to launch off of are all that's necessary. Some questionable decisions to this end. Some of the tiles felt haphazard at best and very clunky at worst. An extra point deducted because I hate mines under 2/3-tiles; entirely too easy to get killed by the mine for stepping on the other side of the tile, and as a hazard it feels... disingenuous? It's something I always avoid.
Bonus - 2
A couple of bonus points because you really nailed the flow in a few sections of this map and I enjoyed the nonlinearity.
Total - 26/50
Lightning55 - I Ruined A Good Map
Gameplay - 11/25
I understand how you struggled with this layout—being absolutely inundated with objects might be just as tricky to deal with as being given a very barren set. I appreciate that you saw the objects worked well without much reassembly.
Tileset - 8/25
Unfortunately I don't feel that the tiles added much to this level but deciding where to use negative space is just as important, and the areas where tiles didn't really get in the way were the best parts of the level.
Bonus - 3
In the description you admitted that the map would have been better with 0 tiles. That would have been a radical submission. Can't speak to how well it would have done, but I almost agree.
Total - 22/50
origami_alligator - waffle iron
Gameplay - 14/25
Some exciting moments to be had for sure, but the rockets often felt unruly and left little room to innovate. For instance, the only way I could really manage to get the first key and back up to the threshold near the first rocket was to loop around the floating tiles twice and getting the rocket to follow me. Don’t see a practical way to get the top switch coming from the bottom, would have definitely liked more choices.
Tileset - 10/25
Seems a lot of concessions were made to make this level eye-pleasing. I really love perp jumps, so I expected to do more in this level, but it never really utilized them that much.
Bonus - 5
What a harsh set to get in your first round. Geeze.
Total - 29/50
PALEMOON - jet black and the fishbones
Gameplay - 20/25
Very fun. Rockets were surprisingly persistent. The left side of the map is excellent and utilizes a technique you use in a lot of your oeuvre: completely optional, wide-open areas. Made even more interesting with the inclusion of the laser, which provides just enough pressure to not make going through that area trivial but can be dangerous once it makes its way down.
Tileset - 19/25
Tiles are, of course, beautiful. I like the amount of room there is to take wildly different paths. Love running up to the exit and that the area is inaccessible from the bottom.
Bonus - 1
Total - 40/50
script - Stormy and the President's Fire
Gameplay - 13/25
Not bad, very breezy (appropriate given the theme). Wish it were more substantive. Beginning is silly but I like that you used the bounceblocks instead of just tucking them into an unexplored area of the map.
Tileset - 11/25
It’s cute. I’m not sure how much it adds to the level, however. Like previous assessments, I appreciate that you let the objects do the heavy lifting in a lot of the map, but I think something more interesting could have been made.
Bonus - 1
Extra point for keeping with the theme of the tiles.
Total - 25/50
ska - playing the cards you're dealt
Gameplay - 15/25
The minefield at the beginning is great, really neat that you took what was an inessential part of the original map and made it integral. I have problems with the middle, which is entirely too cluttered and begged for more maneuverability. The gauss is in the exact deadliest location. That’s cool and all, but the prospect of going through the area twice to get all the gold, which requires wall-jumping right into the gauss point blank, is more frustrating than fun. Jumps at the end were cute and fun.
Tileset - 18/25
Good use of tiles here. Safe, simple, but very deliberate and made for some compelling movement. Middle area needed reworking, possibly just more tiles in order to make different routes or reduce the enemy pressure.
Bonus - 5
Large bonus because, again, turning that minefield into something traversable and interesting was very cool.
Total - 38/50
Spackal - Scalloped
Gameplay - 19/25
Very clean, very fun jumps. Top section with the thwump changed things up and was really interesting. I have little complaints about the technical aspects of the gameplay.
Tileset - 22/25
Excellent. This was a completely different interpretation of these objects from their origin. You managed to find some engaging movements around the mines, which ended up being decently effective despite a relatively low challenge. Loved the squeeze at the end.
Bonus - 0
Not elligable.
Total - 41/50
Tempus_Fugit - our fortress has not yet fallen
Gameplay - 17/25
Interesting that you let a couple of the drones just roam around the entire map, but it actually worked. Plenty of exciting jumps. Some real fun here. One should BE so lucky to get these objects.
Tileset - 20/25
Hilarious how close this ended up to the original level. Great, effective tiles, if safe. Really liked the variety of entrances into the exit area.
Bonus - 1
One point because everyone else got them, but watch yourself counselor.
Total - 38/40
Tempus_Fugit - 43
Fingersonthefrets - 43
Origami_alligator - 41
Ska - 38
Hyteriux - 36
DW40 - 36
DaggaFork - 34
Lightning55 - 34
ChrisE - 33
Script - 32
Yahoozy - 31
Amibe - 30
Jasdanu -30
Kaylab - 29
Blacklef - 26
Spackal - 23
Amibe :: Kind of difficult to go through
Gameplay - 14/25 I enjoyed the bounceblock trick, and I liked the door switch placement, but I feel as if you could've used the oneway walls more.
Tileset - 15/25 I really like this one. It looks like a pirate ship Picasso would paint.
Subjectivity - 1/5 I very much enjoy the flag bit.
Total = 30 points
blacklef :: Zebulon's desire
Gameplay - 11/25 I really did not enjoy playing this map. The chaingun ruined any chance I had at having fun. It needed to be much easier.
Tileset - 13/25 No theme coalesced from the tiles. There should be some reason for the jagged look of the map.
Subjectivity - 2/5 I acknowledge that this is a very tricky objectset, and I too would have a hard time with it.
Total = 26 points
ChrisE :: Shattered Constellations and Broken Stars
Gameplay - 12/25 While I enjoyed the initial fall, I would have liked to see better use of the launchpads.
Tileset - 18/25 I feel that there is a bit of a dissonance between the wispy middle section and the jagged outer section though. I would've preferred if you had stuck to one style.
Subjectivity - 3/5 Based on the object set that you were given, I have no problem giving you an extra few points for the map you were able to come up with.
Total = 33 points
DaggaFork :: a8197bbd8fdf537b49d1502a28cbc98101b5f5bd
Gameplay - 18/25 I love how you transformed this into a puzzle. I recognize the objects, and the original was a little bit puzzly, but this is great.
Tileset - 13/25 It services the map, but doesn't add much else. I like the arrow though.
Subjectivity - 3/5 I appreciate your enthusiasm for puzzles.
Total = 34 points
DW40 :: Cosmic Fragmentation
Gameplay - 10/25 Way too hard. I could get maybe three of the tricky jumps, but there's no way I could ever finish the map.
Tileset - 25/25 It's beautiful. It fits the objects very well.
Subjectivity - 1/5 I'll give you a point for the tiles, but nothing else.
Total = 36 points
fingersonthefrets :: Impepho
Gameplay - 23/25 Holy shit man. How did you pull this off? Incredible use of these objects. I love this laser.
Tileset - 20/25 This feels like you carved the map out of granite; it's a good style but it's function over fashion.
Total = 43 points
Kaylab :: Modern Decor or Mess
Gameplay - 15/25 This map was very deceptively designed. I expected to be able to bounce around the map and collect the gold fairly quickly, but the enemies worked great to keep me on my toes.
Tileset - 13/25 It fulfilled the needs of the map, but didn't add anything special or have any flair.
Subjectivity - 1/5 The floorguards are my favorite part.
Total = 29 points
Hyteriux :: View From Above
Gameplay - 19/25 Really enjoyed the layout of this map. I loved how every part of the map felt different, but were still parts of a whole experience.
Tileset - 14/25 The rough-and-tumble aspect the tiles helped a lot with the atmosphere.
Subjectivity - 3/5 This map makes me enjoy playing the game.
Total = 36 points
jasdanu :: Floorguards Probed me and Left me Defeated
Gameplay - 14/25 Underwhelming use of the objects. I would have liked to see more exploration into the floorguard placement, perhaps as a puzzle or jumper.
Tileset - 13/25 The left side had a little flavor, but the rest was fairly bland and boring. I did like the single tile beneath the middle gold though.
Subjectivity - 1/5 As it stands right now, this feels like abstract art.
Total = 30 points
Lightning55 :: I Ruined A Good Map
Gameplay - 17/25 It was a little bit hectic, but it scratched my highscoring itch.
Tileset - 15/25 I felt I was exploring an ancient and mysterious tree. It was cool.
Subjectivity - 2/5 Excellent use of drone paths, my man.
Total = 34 points
origami_alligator :: waffle iron
Gameplay - 19/25 Excellent use of the objects. The rockets weren't too overwhelming and the map didn't take too long to figure out.
Tileset - 22/25 Clever. It works perfectly with the objects, and it's pretty. I would not mind borrowing these tiles.
Total = 41 points
PALEMOON :: jet black and the fishbones
Gameplay - 22/25 Fantastic use of the rockets. I also really enjoyed how you used the oneways.
Tileset - 20/25 It has a cat, what's not to love?
Total = 42 points
script :: Stormy and the President's Fire
Gameplay - 16/25 All of the individual parts work well, but it's very disjointed. I really like the bounceblock part though.
Tileset - 15/25 The lightning bolts were cool, but I wasn't a fan of the rest of the tiles.
Subjectivity - 1/5 Honestly, great use of those bounceblocks.
Total = 32 points
ska :: playing the cards you're dealt
Gameplay - 18/25 It's very hard, but it's very satisfying to beat. If the middle section could be a little bit easier, it would be perfect.
Tileset - 16/25 I love the slanted angles, but I wasn't a fan of the floating tiles.
Subjectivity - 4/5 I just want you to make more jumpers with this difficulty.
Total = 38 points
Spackal :: Scalloped
Gameplay - 13/25 I don't think that the gameplay fit the tiles very well, and I wasn't a big fan of the thwump section.
Tileset - 10/25 The tiles were not easy to maneuver, but not in a challenging way, more in a frustrating way.
Total = 23 points
Tempus_Fugit :: our fortress has not yet fallen
Gameplay - 23/25 I love everything that you've chosen to do with the enemies and the corridors. Such a great challenge.
Tileset - 20/25 The left and right edges could've been better arranged, but damn if this isn't a beautiful design.
Total = 43 points
Yahoozy :: Oh Yeah
Gameplay - 14/25 It was a fairly standard map, but I liked the beginning and the top left side a lot.
Tileset - 15/25 The Yahoozy brand is "goddamn gorgeous", and while this has the echoes of beauty, it was a little bit uninspired.
Subjectivity - 2/5 I like how you separated the groupings of gold.
Total = 31 points
waffle iron (http://www.nmaps.net/238748) by origami_alligator
Gameplay: 18 / 25
I like that perp jumps were a consistent gameplay element. You also varied
the use of rockets (used in open spaces, used near squeeze points, and omitted
on the right side).
Tileset: 20 / 25
I love this kind of tileset, and it works well here. I would prefer to see a
little bit of greeble/variation in a few places, especially if you can use it
to improve flow or allow more movement options.
Bonus: 2 / 5
Bonus for making a fun map without any gold and with so few objects.
Total: 40 / 50
jet black and the fishbones (http://www.nmaps.net/238746) by PALEMOON
Gameplay: 16 / 25
I found parts frustrating. Especially feel like you could have done more with
the left side. The laser could be an interesting enemy but as-is it just makes
you occasionally wait. You did control the rockets' power very well.
Tileset: 19 / 25
The cat head is adorable. And I like the tube on the left. But I don't
really care for the movement options in the middle of the map. The very end is
nice though.
Bonus: 2 / 5
Kawaii kitty and the face in the bottom right made me smile.
Total: 37 / 50
Oh Yeah (http://www.nmaps.net/238747) by Yahoozy
Gameplay: 22 / 25
I love the feel of this. Consistent challenge all the way through, and every
section required interesting moves. No complaints here.
Tileset: 12 / 25
Plays fine, but doesn't really add much on top of the objects. The chandelier
on the left is the only thing I like, visually.
Bonus: 1 / 5
I actually really like the trapdoors, so kudos for using them well.
Total: 35 / 50
Amibe :: 90
audrey (Tempus_Fugit) :: 140
blacklef :: 89
ChrisE :: 119
DaggaFork :: 135
DW40 :: 160
Frets :: 169
Hyteriux :: 145
jasdanu :: 96
Kaylab :: 114
Lightning55 :: 108
script :: 116
ska :: 153
southpaw :: 150
Spackal :: 134
yahoozy :: 138
***note: There were some discrepancies for some of the judges when calculating the total score for each map. The scores above are NOT calculated from the totals given by each judge, but from the sum of the scores in each category from each judge. If you feel a mistake was made with your score, please contact me so that we can correct it. Thank you!
...am I forgetting something? Oh, right! This week's object sets! You can find them below :D
audrey (Tempus_Fugit)---
You have until midnight PST on Saturday, April 4th to submit to NUMA. Remember to tag your maps
"retile" and good luck!