The Highscore Rankings #175
- As of 16/July/2014
- Includes Tied 0ths
- Using the Spoiler system
New 0th Report03-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 152.125] New: [ macrohenry, 152.650]
05-0 - Old: [ macrohenry, 195.225] -> [macrohenry, 195.725] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 196.275]
05 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 296.325] -> [macrohenry, 301.625] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 305.400]
18 - Old: [ vankusss, 279.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 280.975]
25-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 118.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 118.325]
25 - Old: [ macrohenry, 268.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 269.375]
26-1 - Old: [ golfkid, 84.075] New: [EddyMataGallos, 85.000]
26 - Old: [ macrohenry, 283.525] New: [EddyMataGallos, 284.525]
27-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 151.300] New: [EddyMataGallos, 151.425]
27-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 160.975] -> [macrohenry, 161.225] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 161.625]
27 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 306.425] New: [EddyMataGallos, 312.125]
28-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 114.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 114.500]
28 - Old: [ macrohenry, 248.675] New: [EddyMataGallos, 250.825]
29-2 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 109.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 110.250]
29 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 277.625] New: [EddyMataGallos, 282.275]
30-2 - Old: [ clux, 108.625] New: [ macrohenry, 108.650]
35 - Old: [ macrohenry, 311.850] New: [EddyMataGallos, 316.325]
38 - Old: [ xaelar, 390.425] New: [EddyMataGallos, 393.625]
41 - Old: [ macrohenry, 371.300] New: [EddyMataGallos, 372.200]
42 - Old: [ Wolfos, 392.550] New: [EddyMataGallos, 394.525]
43 - Old: [ macrohenry, 286.550] New: [EddyMataGallos, 287.150]
44-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 105.725] New: [ macrohenry, 105.800]
44-4 - Old: [ macrohenry, 217.900] New: [EddyMataGallos, 218.125]
44 - Old: [ golfkid, 363.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 369.350]
47-0 - Old: [ swipenet, 151.500] New: [EddyMataGallos, 151.675]
47-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 98.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 99.050]
47 - Old: [ xaelar, 269.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 273.925]
48-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 114.475] -> [macrohenry, 115.375] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 115.550]
52-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 173.025] New: [EddyMataGallos, 173.075]
52-4 - Old: [ macrohenry, 134.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 134.450]
52 - Old: [ macrohenry, 438.950] New: [EddyMataGallos, 441.900]
55-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 149.825] New: [EddyMataGallos, 149.925]
55 - Old: [ vankusss, 295.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 301.875]
69-0 - Old: [ macrohenry, 208.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 208.400]
69-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 111.675] New: [EddyMataGallos, 111.800]
70-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 187.600] -> [macrohenry, 189.150] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 189.300]
76-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 176.525] -> [macrohenry, 177.375] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 177.475]
81-1 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 101.000] New: [ macrohenry, 102.475]
82-4 - Old: [ xaelar, 133.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 133.700]
86-0 - Old: [ vankusss, 115.225] New: [EddyMataGallos, 115.350]
86-1 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 199.250] New: [EddyMataGallos, 199.325]
86-4 - Old: [ macrohenry, 148.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 148.725]
86 - Old: [ esp, 331.125] -> [macrohenry, 335.050] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 342.800]
87-0 - Old: [ xaelar, 118.225] New: [EddyMataGallos, 118.250]
87 - Old: [ vankusss, 422.600] New: [EddyMataGallos, 430.475]
88-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 210.700] New: [EddyMataGallos, 210.875]
91-0 - Old: [ Raif, 113.850] New: [EddyMataGallos, 113.925]
97-2 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 152.400] -> [macrohenry, 152.900] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 153.025]
Total: 48 changes
Total 0th Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 345
1 macrohenry - 148
2 vankusss - 29
3 Kool-aid - 27
4 xaelar - 25
5 Ben_Schultz_11 - 16
6 Jp27ace - 9
7 Raif - 6
8 golfkid - 5
- swipenet - 5
- nadroj347 - 5
11 eru_bahagon - 4
12 Izzy - 3
13 Seifer - 2
- ToeFaceKiller - 2
15 Wolfos - 1
- Mr_Lim - 1
- Hendor - 1
- Gutland - 1
- Just4TheFun - 1
- glib_jase - 1
- kryX-orange - 1
- Arctic_Pony - 1
- 1211 - 1
*** The rest ***
- Knu - 1
- Thunder_Mute - 1
- VerbalKint - 1
- Melchoir79 - 1
- Brian1233 - 1
- blobglob - 1
- Echarin - 1
- trib4lmaniac - 1
- Brett_Sully_ - 1
- Ivsound - 1
- Toad - 1
- linkissoowickeddank - 1
- glupi_zmaj - 1
- CrazyKilla - 1
- Johnny_faneca - 1
- djballz1200 - 1
- tktktk - 1
- Eeyore - 1
- Sammage - 1
Level 0th Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 292
1 macrohenry - 120
2 Kool-aid - 27
3 xaelar - 22
4 vankusss - 21
5 Ben_Schultz_11 - 14
6 Jp27ace - 9
7 Raif - 6
8 swipenet - 5
- nadroj347 - 5
10 golfkid - 4
11 Izzy - 3
12 ToeFaceKiller - 2
- Seifer - 2
14 Wolfos - 1
- Mr_Lim - 1
- Gutland - 1
- Just4TheFun - 1
- glib_jase - 1
- kryX-orange - 1
- Arctic_Pony - 1
- 1211 - 1
*** The rest ***
- Knu - 1
- Thunder_Mute - 1
- VerbalKint - 1
- Melchoir79 - 1
- Brian1233 - 1
- blobglob - 1
- Echarin - 1
- trib4lmaniac - 1
- Brett_Sully_ - 1
- Ivsound - 1
- Toad - 1
- linkissoowickeddank - 1
- glupi_zmaj - 1
- CrazyKilla - 1
- Johnny_faneca - 1
- djballz1200 - 1
- tktktk - 1
- Eeyore - 1
- Sammage - 1
Episode 0th Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 53
1 macrohenry - 28
2 vankusss - 8
3 eru_bahagon - 4
4 xaelar - 3
5 Ben_Schultz_11 - 2
6 golfkid - 1
- Hendor - 1
Top-20 Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 599
- macrohenry - 599
2 golfkid - 598
3 eru_bahagon - 584
4 lookatthis - 563
5 xaelar - 552
6 Mr_Lim - 526
7 Hendor - 500
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 459
9 vankusss - 413
10 glib_jase - 402
11 ToeFaceKiller - 358
12 Analu - 325
13 Johnny_faneca - 272
14 Darkshadow1416 - 212
15 swipenet - 185
16 Chouse - 162
17 Izzy - 152
18 trib4lmaniac - 149
19 zapkt - 124
Top-10 Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 599
- macrohenry - 599
2 xaelar - 504
3 eru_bahagon - 463
4 lookatthis - 442
5 vankusss - 369
6 Mr_Lim - 365
7 golfkid - 343
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 315
9 Hendor - 226
10 swipenet - 110
11 ToeFaceKiller - 109
12 glib_jase - 107
13 Analu - 101
14 Johnny_faneca - 91
15 Izzy - 90
16 nadroj347 - 74
17 Darkshadow1416 - 72
18 Jp27ace - 55
- Chouse - 55
Top-5 Rankings0 macrohenry - 598
1 EddyMataGallos - 554
2 xaelar - 358
3 vankusss - 304
4 eru_bahagon - 171
5 Mr_Lim - 161
6 lookatthis - 113
7 Ben_Schultz_11 - 104
8 golfkid - 95
9 swipenet - 53
10 Kool-aid - 51
11 Jp27ace - 46
12 Hendor - 41
13 Izzy - 33
14 Johnny_faneca - 25
15 nadroj347 - 23
- Darkshadow1416 - 23
17 glib_jase - 21
- Raif - 21
19 ToeFaceKiller - 18
Total Level Score Rankings0 EddyMataGallos : 72016.450
1 macrohenry : 71968.100
2 xaelar : 71544.475
3 eru_bahagon : 71289.675
4 lookatthis : 71275.225
5 Mr_Lim : 71268.475
6 golfkid : 71085.250
7 Hendor : 70775.625
8 Analu : 70631.975
9 Ben_Schultz_11 : 70554.100
10 glib_jase : 70281.175
11 ToeFaceKiller : 70008.150
12 johnny_faneca : 70007.175
13 Darkshadow1416 : 69970.900
14 zapkt : 69602.800
15 jg9000 : 68776.675
16 trib4lmaniac : 68322.025
17 blobglob : 67763.800
18 vankusss : 67558.925
19 999_Springs : 67195.525
Total Episode Score Rankings0 macrohenry : 35232.200
1 EddyMataGallos : 35064.750
2 eru_bahagon : 35040.650
3 lookatthis : 34368.600
4 golfkid : 34321.325
5 Mr_Lim : 34106.500
6 Ben_Schultz_11 : 33979.425
7 Hendor : 33573.550
8 jg9000 : 32462.500
9 Analu : 32127.975
10 zapkt : 32070.025
11 ToeFaceKiller : 32068.000
12 xaelar : 30792.200
13 OnurO : 30756.475
14 loudog004 : 30543.825
15 ari22hoops : 30164.325
16 animal_rights : 30117.050
17 innuendonewb : 29307.425
18 J0803 : 27536.275
19 poppinfresh : 27289.875
Total Point Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 11250
1 macrohenry - 10946
2 xaelar - 8695
3 eru_bahagon - 7885
4 lookatthis - 7187
5 golfkid - 6923
6 vankusss - 6692
7 Mr_Lim - 6561
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 5693
9 Hendor - 4926
10 glib_jase - 3253
11 ToeFaceKiller - 2988
12 Analu - 2778
13 Johnny_faneca - 2520
14 swipenet - 2213
15 Darkshadow1416 - 1884
16 Izzy - 1722
17 Chouse - 1348
18 nadroj347 - 1235
19 trib4lmaniac - 1188
Episode Ownages05 - EddyMataGallos
20 - EddyMataGallos
24 - EddyMataGallos
38 - EddyMataGallos
50 - EddyMataGallos
62 - EddyMataGallos
68 - macrohenry
86 - EddyMataGallos
87 - EddyMataGallos
90 - EddyMataGallos
Community Total ScoresCommunity Total Level Score: 72125.025 (20:02:05.025)
Community Total Episode Score: 35664.700 (9:54:24.700)
Difference between both : 460.325 (0:07:40.325)
Alright guys, here's a new installment of the rankings. As suggested by golf, I'm going to increase the frequency of the updates, so you can expect them fortnightly from now on! The reason being that there was just too much information to digest in each update, I agree with him in that its better to expose a moderate amount every update. I considered weekly too but it seems too frequent to me, I'd like to hear any opinions on this regard, maybe weekly seems more "official"? Not a big deal so whatever you guys prefer.
Let's dive right into the overall information. During the past 2 weeks there were a total 48 different 0ths taken, of which 8 were battled, just with a single move though. This increases the total amount of exchanges to 56.
Now, I guess the main event during the past weeks was the race Eddy and Macro were having towards 72000 seconds / 20 hours of Total Level Score. 2 weeks ago, I managed to reach it first, hence becoming the first player to reach that milestone. macrohenry wasn't far though, as he is currently standing barely over 30 seconds away from it himself. He will most likely reach it during this summer.
That being said, lets talk a little bit about the 0ths taken. There were a few levels that were improved by over a second, in particular, 48-4 and 81-1 by cleaning; and 5-0, 70-3 and 76-3, with innovs by macro. The rest of the level 0ths were taken mostly by cleaning and subtle changes, as usual. I won't go through them as there is nothing in particular to pinpoint, we are talking about 0ths though, so of course they do deserve a viewing. There was also a lot of activity in the episode scene, with 19 0ths being taken, mainly because of the trip that I've recently been doing. You can refer to the changes to see a detailed list.
Other interesting changes include both xaelar and vankusss falling under the 30 0th barrier, something unseen since 2007 and 2009, respectively. Even more interesting might be the fact that clux the beast lost his very last 0th, 30-2, to macro, who took it by applying the corner kick innov. Another big name that falls forever. It's worth noting that macro has taken clux's last 3 0ths. I suppose I'm not the only one who thought back in the time that clux was never going to lose his last 3-4 0ths, and look now. Other changes regarding long-standing 0ths include Wolfos falling down to a single 0th due to Ep42, and Seifer falling down to 2 due to 30-2 as well. Also, the mysterious player esp lost his last and only 0th ever, Ep86.
As usual, I'll now go through the Non-NReality 0ths. Even though the period was now just 2 weeks, there were 7 0ths NReality-converted! Regarding legit non-NReality 0ths, 30-2 from clux as I already mentioned, 82-4 and 87-0 from xaelar, and Ep86 from esp. xaelar has no non-NReality 0ths anymore. Also, there were 3 cheated 0ths taken. naem's 26-1 by me, L3X 26-4 by macro, and ANGERFIST's 27-4 which both macro and I battled. I'm also proud to announce that all episode 0ths are now on NReality. Regarding levels, the list is severely reduced, with just 7 legit 0ths (2 of which are tied in NReality), and 7 cheated 0ths.
Before finishing this update, I'll mention that I've done a modification to how ties are sorted now. Previously they used to be sorted chronologically, of course. Now, apart from that, all those tied at 1 0th are divided into 2 blocks. The first one being those whose 0th is not 59-0, and the second one, the others. Each block is sorted chronologically, the second block hence coinciding with the level boards.
I'll conclude, as usual, by mentioning that the Community has gained a total 11.600 seconds of Total Level Score, in proportion to the time, more than in the previous update. Then averaging ~0.38 secs per level, that is, around 15 frames. We have also gained 74.825 seconds of Total Episode Score, averaging ~4.150 secs per episode.
0th Changes by Player since last Update (28th June, 2014) Click on the names:
macrohenry (-11)Lost 16 scores:
05-0 - Old: [ macrohenry, 195.225] New: [EddyMataGallos, 196.275]
25 - Old: [ macrohenry, 268.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 269.375]
26 - Old: [ macrohenry, 283.525] New: [EddyMataGallos, 284.525]
28 - Old: [ macrohenry, 248.675] New: [EddyMataGallos, 250.825]
35 - Old: [ macrohenry, 311.850] New: [EddyMataGallos, 316.325]
41 - Old: [ macrohenry, 371.300] New: [EddyMataGallos, 372.200]
43 - Old: [ macrohenry, 286.550] New: [EddyMataGallos, 287.150]
44-4 - Old: [ macrohenry, 217.900] New: [EddyMataGallos, 218.125]
47-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 98.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 99.050]
52-4 - Old: [ macrohenry, 134.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 134.450]
52 - Old: [ macrohenry, 438.950] New: [EddyMataGallos, 441.900]
55-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 149.825] New: [EddyMataGallos, 149.925]
69-0 - Old: [ macrohenry, 208.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 208.400]
69-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 111.675] New: [EddyMataGallos, 111.800]
86-4 - Old: [ macrohenry, 148.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 148.725]
88-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 210.700] New: [EddyMataGallos, 210.875]
Gained 3 scores:
03-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 152.125] New: [ macrohenry, 152.650]
44-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 105.725] New: [ macrohenry, 105.800]
81-1 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 101.000] New: [ macrohenry, 102.475]
Tied 2 scores:
24-1 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 117.325] New: [ macrohenry, 117.325]
80-3 - Old: [ Raif, 127.550] New: [ macrohenry, 127.550]
Improved 1 score:
30-2 - Old: [ macrohenry, 108.625] New: [ macrohenry, 108.650]
Before: 159 0th, 599 scores. After: 148 0th, 599 scores
vankusss (-6)Lost 6 scores:
18 - Old: [ vankusss, 279.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 280.975]
28-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 114.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 114.500]
30-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 108.625] New: [ macrohenry, 108.650]
55 - Old: [ vankusss, 295.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 301.875]
86-0 - Old: [ vankusss, 115.225] New: [EddyMataGallos, 115.350]
87 - Old: [ vankusss, 422.600] New: [EddyMataGallos, 430.475]
Before: 34 0th, 413 scores. After: 28 0th, 413 scores
xaelar (-4)Lost 4 scores:
38 - Old: [ xaelar, 390.425] New: [EddyMataGallos, 393.625]
47 - Old: [ xaelar, 269.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 273.925]
82-4 - Old: [ xaelar, 133.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 133.700]
87-0 - Old: [ xaelar, 118.225] New: [EddyMataGallos, 118.250]
Before: 28 0th, 552 scores. After: 24 0th, 552 scores
Ben_Schultz_11 (-3)Lost 3 scores:
27 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 306.425] New: [EddyMataGallos, 312.125]
29-2 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 109.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 110.250]
29 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 277.625] New: [EddyMataGallos, 282.275]
Before: 19 0th, 458 scores. After: 16 0th, 459 scores
Raif (-2)Lost 2 scores:
30-2 - Old: [ Raif, 108.625] New: [ macrohenry, 108.650]
91-0 - Old: [ Raif, 113.850] New: [EddyMataGallos, 113.925]
Before: 8 0th, 26 scores. After: 6 0th, 26 scores
golfkid (-2)Lost 2 scores:
26-1 - Old: [ golfkid, 84.075] New: [EddyMataGallos, 85.000]
44 - Old: [ golfkid, 363.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 369.350]
Before: 7 0th, 598 scores. After: 5 0th, 598 scores
Seifer (-1)Lost 1 score:
30-2 - Old: [ Seifer, 108.625] New: [ macrohenry, 108.650]
Before: 3 0th, 47 scores. After: 2 0th, 47 scores
Wolfos (-1)Lost 1 score:
42 - Old: [ Wolfos, 392.550] New: [EddyMataGallos, 394.525]
Before: 2 0th, 69 scores. After: 1 0th, 69 scores
clux (-1)Lost 1 score:
30-2 - Old: [ clux, 108.625] New: [ macrohenry, 108.650]
Before: 1 0th, 62 scores. After: 0 0th, 62 scores
swipenet (-1)Lost 1 score:
47-0 - Old: [ swipenet, 151.500] New: [EddyMataGallos, 151.675]
Before: 6 0th, 185 scores. After: 5 0th, 185 scores
esp (-1)Lost 1 score:
86 - Old: [ esp, 331.125] New: [EddyMataGallos, 342.800]
Before: 1 0th, 25 scores. After: 0 0th, 25 scores
EddyMataGallos (+31)Lost 3 scores:
03-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 152.125] New: [ macrohenry, 152.650]
44-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 105.725] New: [ macrohenry, 105.800]
81-1 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 101.000] New: [ macrohenry, 102.475]
Gained 33 scores:
05-0 - Old: [ macrohenry, 195.225] New: [EddyMataGallos, 196.275]
18 - Old: [ vankusss, 279.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 280.975]
25 - Old: [ macrohenry, 268.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 269.375]
26-1 - Old: [ golfkid, 84.075] New: [EddyMataGallos, 85.000]
26 - Old: [ macrohenry, 283.525] New: [EddyMataGallos, 284.525]
27 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 306.425] New: [EddyMataGallos, 312.125]
28-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 114.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 114.500]
28 - Old: [ macrohenry, 248.675] New: [EddyMataGallos, 250.825]
29-2 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 109.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 110.250]
29 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 277.625] New: [EddyMataGallos, 282.275]
35 - Old: [ macrohenry, 311.850] New: [EddyMataGallos, 316.325]
38 - Old: [ xaelar, 390.425] New: [EddyMataGallos, 393.625]
41 - Old: [ macrohenry, 371.300] New: [EddyMataGallos, 372.200]
42 - Old: [ Wolfos, 392.550] New: [EddyMataGallos, 394.525]
43 - Old: [ macrohenry, 286.550] New: [EddyMataGallos, 287.150]
44-4 - Old: [ macrohenry, 217.900] New: [EddyMataGallos, 218.125]
44 - Old: [ golfkid, 363.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 369.350]
47-0 - Old: [ swipenet, 151.500] New: [EddyMataGallos, 151.675]
47-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 98.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 99.050]
47 - Old: [ xaelar, 269.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 273.925]
52-4 - Old: [ macrohenry, 134.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 134.450]
52 - Old: [ macrohenry, 438.950] New: [EddyMataGallos, 441.900]
55-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 149.825] New: [EddyMataGallos, 149.925]
55 - Old: [ vankusss, 295.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 301.875]
69-0 - Old: [ macrohenry, 208.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 208.400]
69-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 111.675] New: [EddyMataGallos, 111.800]
82-4 - Old: [ xaelar, 133.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 133.700]
86-0 - Old: [ vankusss, 115.225] New: [EddyMataGallos, 115.350]
86-4 - Old: [ macrohenry, 148.350] New: [EddyMataGallos, 148.725]
86 - Old: [ esp, 331.125] New: [EddyMataGallos, 342.800]
87 - Old: [ vankusss, 422.600] New: [EddyMataGallos, 430.475]
88-3 - Old: [ macrohenry, 210.700] New: [EddyMataGallos, 210.875]
91-0 - Old: [ Raif, 113.850] New: [EddyMataGallos, 113.925]
Tied 1 score:
80-3 - Old: [ Raif, 127.550] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.550]
Retook 6 scores:
05 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 296.325] New: [EddyMataGallos, 305.400]
27-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 160.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 161.625]
48-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 114.475] New: [EddyMataGallos, 115.550]
70-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 187.600] New: [EddyMataGallos, 189.300]
76-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 176.525] New: [EddyMataGallos, 177.475]
97-2 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 152.400] New: [EddyMataGallos, 153.025]
Improved 5 scores:
25-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 118.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 118.325]
27-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 151.300] New: [EddyMataGallos, 151.425]
52-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 173.025] New: [EddyMataGallos, 173.075]
86-1 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 199.250] New: [EddyMataGallos, 199.325]
87-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 118.225] New: [EddyMataGallos, 118.250]
Before: 314 0th, 599 scores. After: 345 0th, 599 scores
Extra Things
Ignored Cheaters and Hackers• Cheaters: ANGERFIST, kryX-orange, L3X, Bonzai, naem, crappittrash, Goo, Sp33dy, pokemaniac1342, ACEOFSPADEWINS, Vegeta, BAS3, cheese_god, fuckingyourdad, fuckingyourmom, fuckingcrappitrash.
• Hackers: sry4trbleIMdone, haxYOscoreboard, haxyoscoreboard, igotbored:(, Cuppy33, alllan, ninjump, dnawrkshp, PolakJamByc, Yvsk, Marcao, luanplayer, KOKOZUDO, banan049, JC239, managans, JoaoGCNunes.
Adjustments to the RankingsWhen doing the rankings, some adjustments together with the ignoring list must be done in order to have absolutely proper and correct rankings. This extra adjustments are the following:
• Add Last_FairyTail 0ths to xaelar.
• Add van_come_to_irc 0ths to vankusss.
• Take into account that kryX's 25-2 tied 0th is Legit, even though he is ignored because the rest are cheated.
And thats all at the moment!
Up-to-date list of Non-NReality and Cheated 0thsNon-NReality Level 0ths
11-3 Ben_Schultz_11
32-4 macrohenry
34-3 Ben_Schultz_11
67-2 Just4TheFun (NReality-tied)
85-4 macrohenry
92-3 macrohenry
95-0 Mr_Lim (NReality-tied)
Non-NReality Episode 0ths
Cheated 0ths
02-4 Goo
22-1 crappitrash
32-1 kryX-orange
53-0 kryX-orange
89-0 crappitrash
90-3 kryX-orange