::BLUR 4:: WINNERS :: romaniac && Arctic_Pony + report

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Postby 999_Springs » 2010.09.07 (18:01)


Completed N and NReality.
106 N v1.4 highscores.
I used to maintain 1000 NReality Level Top20 Highscores - Ranked 0th
Former Owner of Episode 169, way back when.
I've taken 10 Metanet 0ths. 6 of them lasted <2 days. I don't have any of them anymore. >:(
Third Place in BLUR 4 highscore.
Not highscoring anymore until v2.

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Postby Raif » 2010.09.07 (19:10)

What happened to the Arctic Pony? Why isn't it on the list? D:

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Postby Raif » 2010.09.07 (19:59)

Inspired wrote:Because Arctic Pony isn't a person or anything.
It should be on the poll because it says "favourite animal"

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Postby Pony » 2010.09.08 (23:57)

Inspired wrote:Because Arctic Pony isn't a person or anything.
harsh, guy!
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Postby bhz » 2010.09.09 (00:29)

Please note: It is not bhz's birthday. Please disregard the message in the thread title. Thank you for your cooperation.

EDIT: Thank you.
<Izzy> Who are you?
<Meta> I'm meta?
( #n-highscores )

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Postby ska » 2010.09.09 (14:51)

to Adam Sandler who turns 44 today!

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2010.09.09 (16:19)

Yeah Adam Sandler is a great actor.
Last edited by EddyMataGallos on 2010.09.09 (21:11), edited 1 time in total.
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About me & Stats (Spoiler)

Hi, im Eddy, a Spanish highscorer and current Grandmaster of N. I've been playing N since 2006, I beat it on the 8th September 2008, and NReality later too. Started intermittently highscoring Metanet in 2010, although serious highscoring started in late 2011.

Current Stats
• Completed N on 8th Sept. 2008
• Completed NReality on 24th Dec. 2010
0th Place on Metanet 0th Rankings with 443 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Top20 Rankings with 599 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Top10 Rankings with 599 Scores.
1st Place on Metanet Top5 Rankings with 595 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Level 0th Rankings with 361 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Episode 0th Rankings with 82 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Total Level Score: 72142.900 (20:02:22.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Episode Score: 35669.900 (09:54:29.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Point Rankings with 11669 Points.
0th Place in NReality 0th Rankings with 235 0ths.
0th Place for a grand total of 676 Total 0ths.
• Winner of some contests (BUST, 100, 9000, Bounty Hunters, SOAST) and of some rounds of some contests (ROPP, NErratic, Red Ball, NReality Team Arena)

{Info as of 01/Feb/2015} The info may be outdated.

• 6th highscorer to reach 100 Metanet 0ths
• 4th highscorer to reach 200 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 300 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 400 Metanet 0ths
• 8th ever Grandmaster
• 2nd* highscorer to reach 599 top-20 Scores
• 1st highscorer to reach 599 top-10 Scores
• 10th highscorer to reach 70k Level Score
• 5th highscorer to reach 71k Level Score
• 2nd highscorer to reach 71.5k Level Score
• 1st highscorer to reach 72k Level Score

Relevant Dates
• First 0th: 31-3 on 04/Oct/10
• Reached 100 Metanet 0ths on 25/Feb/12
• Reached 200 Metanet 0ths on 30/Sep/12
• Reached 300 Metanet 0ths on 16/Mar/13
• Reached 400 Metanet 0ths on 04/Sept/14
• Reached highest amount of 0ths on Jan/2013
• Became the Grandmaster on 12/Apr/2012
• Reached 70k Level Score on 25/Dec/11
• Reached 71k Level Score on 13/Jan/11
• Reached 71.5k Level Score on 01/Aug/12
• Reached 72k Level Score on 04/Jul/14
• Completed N 1.4 on 08/Sept/08
• Completed NReality on 24/Dec/10
• Reached 100 NReality 0ths on Oct/2011
• Reached 200 NReality 0ths on Nov/2011
• Reached 100 Top-20 Scores on Aug/10
• Reached 200 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 300 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores on Dec/11
• Reached 500 Top-20 Scores on Jan/12
• Reached 599 Top-20 Scores on 04/Apr/12
• Reached 599 Top-10 Scores on 18/Nov/12

Deds & Images (Spoiler)

Thanks to ska for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to BluePretzel for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to da_guru for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this full episode to me!: 00-0 00-100-2 00-3 00-4
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this mappack to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to runningninja for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to trance for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to llabesab for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Traveleravi for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to 123leonidas321 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Ors_II for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Sunset for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Leonhard for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Daggafork for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to RandomDigits/SpartaX18 for dedicating this map to me
Sorry if Im missing any ded.

ImageThanks to leo.

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Postby amomentlikethis » 2010.09.10 (14:57)

vankusss wrote:amlt well you can suggest/create maps all BLUR long, your bad you didn't do any of that
I said nothing about the maps. I just said it hasn't been enjoyable. I preferred BLUR 3 as that was better run in my opinion.

Also, I don't really see the point in making the demos private on NReality:
#n-highscores wrote:15:51:29 <@Kool> now how the hell does van get 415 on this blur map
15:51:38 * Matt knows
15:51:39 <Matt> :P
15:51:39 <@Kool> btw this map sucks as a sr map
15:51:44 <Matt> yeja
15:51:45 <Matt> *yeah
15:51:45 <@Kool> pastebin?
15:52:02 <@Kool> did he pastebin it? or do you just know his route?
15:52:08 <Matt> <van> this demo is secret
15:52:11 <Matt> pastebinned it
15:52:17 <Matt> *pm on forms
15:52:27 <@Kool> forums*?
15:52:33 * Matt fail spell
15:52:36 <Matt> yeah
15:52:41 <@Kool> may I take a look?

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Postby vankusss » 2010.09.10 (15:52)

well Kool had the opportunity to suggest maps, too, now it's too tale to whine about the map
and if i choose to show my demo to someone, it's my choice, it doesn't mean i made it public, i showed it only to Matt in exchange for his demo; i hope he isn't sharing it to others
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Postby ska » 2010.09.10 (16:24)

vankusss wrote:i showed it only to Matt in exchange for his demo; i hope he isn't sharing it to others

this is really fair -.-

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Postby Seifer » 2010.09.10 (17:36)

vankusss wrote: :: Rules
do not show other people your innovations or reveal tricks that they may have missed until after that particular map has been finished with.

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Postby vankusss » 2010.09.10 (22:18)

Seifer wrote:-.-
that just for your own safety, i won't share anything with anybody if i accidentally make it to the finals
you may notice that there is no punishment for sharing demos, it's just that you lower your chances or something, previous blurs had it so i just copied :P
iNsane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwrkTEaTXk4 (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )

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Postby ska » 2010.09.11 (04:49)

Seifer wrote:
vankusss wrote: :: Rules
do not show other people your innovations or reveal tricks that they may have missed until after that particular map has been finished with.
Rafferty's Rules
Edit: I'm sorry, but this utter BULLSHIT.
You are straight up cheating van! You're corrupting your own tournament and I don't think you give a damn. This is disgraceful and hypocritical to say the least... I'm probably going to get booted out of the speed run section as a direct consequence of your collusion.

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Postby Nexx » 2010.09.11 (06:37)

vankusss wrote:
Seifer wrote:-.-
that just for your own safety, i won't share anything with anybody if i accidentally make it to the finals
you may notice that there is no punishment for sharing demos, it's just that you lower your chances or something, previous blurs had it so i just copied :P
It's less about someone posting their demo for everyone (thus potentially raising everyone's score) and more about someone giving their demo to a specific person or subset of people (thus potentially raising the scores of only those people). The former can be problematic because some guy is giving away the "secrets" of the map, but at least everyone is being given that advantage indiscriminately. The latter can easily become cheating since only certain contestants are being given that advantage.

I'm not saying you did or didn't cheat or that I do (or don't) care, I'm just offering an explanation as to why ska is accusing you.

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Postby ninja_matt » 2010.09.11 (10:17)

i showed it only to Matt in exchange for his demo; i hope he isn't sharing it to others
I didnt show him yours

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Postby ska » 2010.09.11 (10:39)

amomentlikethis wrote:
vankusss wrote:amlt well you can suggest/create maps all BLUR long, your bad you didn't do any of that
I said nothing about the maps. I just said it hasn't been enjoyable. I preferred BLUR 3 as that was better run in my opinion.

Also, I don't really see the point in making the demos private on NReality:
#n-highscores wrote:15:51:29 <@Kool> now how the hell does van get 415 on this blur map
15:51:38 * Matt knows
15:51:39 <Matt> :P
15:51:39 <@Kool> btw this map sucks as a sr map
15:51:44 <Matt> yeja
15:51:45 <Matt> *yeah
15:51:45 <@Kool> pastebin?
15:52:02 <@Kool> did he pastebin it? or do you just know his route?
15:52:08 <Matt> <van> this demo is secret
15:52:11 <Matt> pastebinned it
15:52:17 <Matt> *pm on forms
15:52:27 <@Kool> forums*?
15:52:33 * Matt fail spell
15:52:36 <Matt> yeah
15:52:41 <@Kool> may I take a look?
to raif and van and any other moron who thinks van bragging about collusion is fine, let me emphasise that amlt and Matt agree with me.

0. you couldn't even post map IDs in time or notify you contestants when the rounds start.
1. You said yourself you don't care about us, so why should we care about you or your competition.
2. You blatantly broke your own rule. (meaning some players are given an advantage for colluding, honest players are not)
3. I spent a long time getting the 0ths honestly for round 1 and 2 which counted for nothing because of your dumb rules and weren't willing to compromise to use my bonus points (for what? fucked if I know).
4. I don't hate you, I've just lost all respect for you.

5. I propose someone else to highjack this contest and run it properly with /good/ maps.

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Postby ninja_matt » 2010.09.11 (10:56)

to raif and van and any other moron who thinks van bragging about collusion is fine, let me emphasise that amlt and Matt agree with me.

0. you couldn't even post map IDs in time or notify you contestants when the rounds start.
1. You said yourself you don't care about us, so why should we care about you or your competition.
2. You blatantly broke your own rule. (meaning some players are given an advantage for colluding, honest players are not)
3. I spent a long time getting the 0ths honestly for round 1 and 2 which counted for nothing because of your dumb rules and weren't willing to compromise to use my bonus points (for what? fucked if I know).
4. I don't hate you, I've just lost all respect for you.

5. I propose someone else to highjack this contest and run it properly with /good/ maps.
sorry van, but i totally agree with every word that ska said ;_;

EDIT: Except number 4

EDIT 2: <van> that's ultra cool, since i'm having these problems thanks to you
wtf is that supposed to mean ??????

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Postby ska » 2010.09.11 (11:23)

Matt wrote:EDIT 2: <van> that's ultra cool, since i'm having these problems thanks to you
wtf is that supposed to mean ??????
It's just van shifting the blame to us for highlighting his ignorance as usual.

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Postby Raif » 2010.09.11 (11:42)

I suggest ska stops complaining. And are you forgetting that you yourself shared innovations and demos as well?

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Postby ninja_matt » 2010.09.11 (11:45)

mohamedraif wrote:I suggest ska stops complaining. And are you forgetting that you yourself shared innovations and demos as well?
Its not just about that....

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Postby vankusss » 2010.09.11 (11:47)

ska wrote:to raif and van and any other moron who thinks van bragging about collusion is fine, let me emphasise that amlt and Matt agree with me.

0. you couldn't even post map IDs in time or notify you contestants when the rounds start.
1. You said yourself you don't care about us, so why should we care about you or your competition.
2. You blatantly broke your own rule. (meaning some players are given an advantage for colluding, honest players are not)
3. I spent a long time getting the 0ths honestly for round 1 and 2 which counted for nothing because of your dumb rules and weren't willing to compromise to use my bonus points (for what? fucked if I know).
4. I don't hate you, I've just lost all respect for you.

5. I propose someone else to highjack this contest and run it properly with /good/ maps.
0. map ID's were post at most 2 hours after the previous round ended, i really dunno what are you talking about. Please more detail. I notify contestants through thread name, for people who care that's enough. And I know only about 1 person who has problems with this (Nexxx).
1. I mainly don't care about what you say anymore, since you're constantly finding problems and criticising, noone else seems to be having any problems except Nexxx with no notification and amlt about not enjoying the maps. I care about others opinions, but there are none.
2. I can't investigate who is honest and who is not, and I know people are sharing demos. You just seem angry that I shared. And I solved this point with poll, so dunno what's your problem. Just vote what you consider the best solution.
3. I WARNED you during the first round that the runs in groups stage won't mean anything in next rounds. You seem to constantly ignore it and now you're pointing it out. There was also a poll whether I should take them into consideration. They shouldn't be, so I don't count them. I didn't announce that the runs would be important in future, so I just can't use them if there is at least 1 person. During registrations phase, you could have raised your ideas about counting them later, of course you were silent and now it's my fault.
4. Respect over internet. Thx.
5. About maps, EVERYONE has the right to suggest map. Noone is using their right. That's not my problem. I think all maps were really good, most of them were choosed with polls or with approval from people on irc. Except you, I don't hear any people saying I don't run it properly. Also it's my 1st contest, if you are really that upset with everything I do, drop out.

@Matt, I said partly, about like 20%, of course you didn't quote that. It's just that if you didn't mention it to amlt and Kool this problem would never raise. But I take it back now considering that you seem to be upset with that.

And I think you're trying to shift the blame to me for ignoring what I said higher.

I really don't think that this sharing demos is that big of a deal, that's why I first tried to ignore it. Now you have the opportunity to kick me out as a punishment. Let the crowd decide.

Also you're the most problematic person, constantly criticizing almost everything I do and choose. That's pretty ironic coming from someone who didn't even finish Mistixia. I do the best I can.

EDIT: I'm sorry that I shared my demo with Matt. I shouldn't do that, I didn't think that someone would care that much. I won't do it in future and I'll delete that rule if I ever run something like this again (which I doubt).
Last edited by vankusss on 2010.09.11 (11:53), edited 1 time in total.
iNsane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwrkTEaTXk4 (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )

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Postby ninja_matt » 2010.09.11 (11:52)

vankusss wrote: @Matt, I said partly, about like 20%, of course you didn't quote that. It's just that if you didn't mention it to amlt and Kool this problem would never raise. But I take it back now considering that you seem to be upset with that.
wtf did i say to kool/amlt ??

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Postby ska » 2010.09.11 (11:54)

The reason i didn't finish Mistixia is because my long-term girlfriend was killed in a car accident.

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Postby vankusss » 2010.09.11 (12:03)

ska wrote:The reason i didn't finish Mistixia is because my long-term girlfriend was killed in a car accident.
I'm of course sorry about that. You didn't say it in Mistixia thread.

Can you react to the other parts of my post? From my point of view it's closed anyway until more people say their opinions, but from what the poll looks like now, I don't think that anyone except you care enough to write anything.
iNsane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwrkTEaTXk4 (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )

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Postby eru_bahagon » 2010.09.11 (14:15)

Can you react to the other parts of my post? From my point of view it's closed anyway until more people say their opinions, but from what the poll looks like now, I don't think that anyone except you care enough to write anything.
I just want to say that you've done a great job.

I mean, if someone wants to propose something, he always could. That's a good point.
Personally i don't care about maps, i think that the maps choosen were good enough.

Since i'm not in the sr contest anymore, i won't say anything about that "data sharing". However, it would be nice to organize a hunt for pterodactyl.

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