The Highscore Rankings
- As of 6/07/10
- Includes Tied 0ths
New 0th Report06-4 - Old: [Ben_Schultz_11, 97.550] New: [mohamedraif, 97.700]
09-3 - Old: [mc_george, 100.050] New: [xaelar, 100.125]
15-0 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 200.325] New: [vankusss, 200.825] => [vankusss, 200.850] => [vankusss, 201.000] => [vankusss, 201.625] => [xaelar, 201.650] =>
[vankusss, 201.675] => [xaelar, 201.775] => [vankusss, 201.950] => [xaelar, 202.275]
21-2 - old: [Mr_Lim, 235.825] New: [L3X, 236.575]
45-2 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 144.900] New: [vankusss, 144.975] => [xaelar, 145.000] => [vankusss, 145.100] => [xaelar, 145.225]
50-3 - Old: [vankusss, 230.250] New: [xaelar, 230.325]
76-0 - Old: [lookatthis, 136.950] New: [Ben_Schultz_11, 137.300] => [xaelar, 137.325] => [Ben_Schultz_11, 137.475]
84 - Old: [lookatthis, 350.725] New: [eru_bahagon, 352.125]
Total 0th Rankings0 xaelar - 229
1 Mr_Lim - 100
2 vankusss - 89
3 lookatthis - 40
4 eru_bahagon - 21
5 Hendor - 17
6 Seifer - 15
7 golfkid - 14
8 Izzy - 13
9 macrohenry - 12
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 12
11 Darkshadow1416 - 7
- Analu - 7
13 johnny_faneca - 6
- clux - 6
15 Kool-aid - 5
- Gutland - 5
17 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
- Sp33dY - 4
Level 0th Rankings0 xaelar - 205
1 vankusss - 85
2 Mr_Lim - 75
3 lookatthis - 30
4 Seifer - 14
5 Izzy - 13
6 macrohenry - 12
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 12
8 golfkid - 8
9 eru_bahagon - 7
- Darkshadow1416 - 7
11 johnny_faneca - 6
- clux - 6
- Hendor - 6
14 Analu - 5
- Kool-aid - 5
- Gutland - 5
17 trib4lmaniac - 4
- The_TGM_Project - 4
- Sp33dY - 4
Top-20 Rankings0 eru_bahagon - 570
1 lookatthis - 568
2 xaelar - 550
3 Mr_Lim - 546
4 glib_jase - 401
5 Analu - 393
6 Hendor - 388
7 ToeFaceKiller - 381
8 golfkid - 339
9 johnny_faneca - 319
10 Darkshadow1416 - 230
11 vankusss - 229
12 Ben_Schultz_11 - 213
13 Chouse - 191
14 trib4lmaniac - 173
15 macrohenry - 162
16 zapkt - 150
17 Izzy - 134
18 jg9000 - 130
19 Amdi - 117
Community Total Level ScoreSeconds - 71709.575
Hours - 19.919
Frames - 2868383
Seconds left until 20 hours - 290.425
Frames left until 20 hours - 11617
First thing is first, L3X came up with a great innovation on 21-2, however he didn't use NReality and he also admitted to cheating that run, so I will leave it up in the new 0ths report, but Lim still has that 0th. However L3X if you want to start doing legit runs, download NReality and all 0ths you take with it will count just like kryX's 25-2.
Moving on to this week. Most of the action was between xaelar and van battling on 45-2 and 15-0. Van had a great route change on 15-0 saving quite a bit after some improvements. Then xaelar enter this week and took 15-0, 45-2, and 76-0 all by a frame. All were taken back by their respective owners. Ska managed to keep his 76-0, van had to battle more for his 0ths. He retook 15-0 by another frame and then had another innovation, which xaelar capitalized on and brought the time saved up to 1.950 over Mr_Lim at the start of the week. xaelar also took mc_george's last 0th 09-3. Kryx bites the dust on 50-3 thanks to xaelar. Moh took his first metanet 0th, 06-4, with my innovation. Eru also grabs him self an Ep 0th.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.
<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house