Given how easy N v2.0 is? I haven't tried it out, but I'd say most people can. Levels are really short and straightforward dude, and theres a shitload of gold, couldn't be easier. Just remember the Holiday Challenge to get an idea of which scores you can get on arcade mode (that was 64 levels on a row). Over 1000 seconds.panstromek wrote:You're right with this but I meant something little different. By playing more levels, time you need to beat/perfect level is getting shorter. Highscore says nothing about it, because you don't know how much time player needed to take it. Arcade mode is perfect idea for this. But I don't say that you don't need to repeat a lot, that's needed, too.
Btw. Eddy, can you complete all collumns on arcade mode?
As for your diversity point, by playing more levels, how are you gonna perfect them earlier if at that time you don't even know whats needed to perfect a level? Knowing those things takes the skill you have to develop by playing hard, not diverse. The more skill you develop, the more subtle things you are able to notice and pull off, which are needed to come closer and closer to max. If you don't develop your skill on beforehand, theres no way you are going to be able perfect levels as soon as a highscorer would (probably won't come as close regardless the time spent). So I still mantain my point.
Same goes for highscoring mode. Sure it doesn't tell how much the player took to get it, but you can bet it took way shorter than a novice would have taken to do it. And the same goes for beating levels really. The more skill you develop, the faster you will beat levels. Im sure any highscorer would beat a level faster than a regular player who has beaten all NUMA maps, and would also get closer to max earlier. All those things are directly related to the skill and attained the same way: repetition and hard gaming, not necessarily varied (Metanet levels are enough).
Thats my opinion but I believe most highscorers would tell you the same. Its been a lot of years and hours of playing now, and I'm talking from the experience I've had, if I compare myself now with the past Eddy thats what I can tell you, hard gaming is what has made me improve the most. And I used to play lots of NUMA maps before highscoring Metanet, dedicating time, but thats just not the way (neither to beat levels faster, perfect them faster, get closer to perfect, or anything).
Thats what you are feeling am I right? Thats just because you are developing your skill thanks to the TIME you are spending, not because you are playing a lot of maps/a diversity, skill is not like getting a rich culture knowledge. At first thats more than enough to improve your skills, just playing and spending time beating levels, but if you keep improving there will be a point when that thing you are doing just won't be enough, it will be useless.panstromek wrote:By playing more levels, time you need to beat/perfect level is getting shorter.
You reach a point where improvement will ONLY come by playing so hard you can actually practise those subtle things, or else how are you going to develop your skill on them? For that you will need hardcore repetition. Playing more levels only helps on the first phase, to call it some way.
Honestly no highscorer would improve at all by just playing a lot of levels, even if they develop some time on them, the only way is them to develop a lot of time on them, so much they dont have time to do that on a lot of levels, so not care about diversity. (Because theres just not time to play a lot of levels if you actually want to do your best on them, 2-3 dedicated 0ths and you are tired for the rest of the day haha).