Just speaking for myself here.
The guys who speedrun for a living have played their respective games for years. They know them back to front. I watched a guy beat SM 64
with one hand. They're legitimately crazy good. And even if goldeneye is a more than a decade old, people will still watch a guy play the same level over and over for hours on end. I've been marathoning a thing called "
Games Done Quick" on YouTube and I'm fascinated by speedruns. No more so than I've always been, but I think that given the right circumstances, N would be more than suitable as a medium for Twitch.
Like you said, there's going to be lots of suicides, but we're professionals and won't settle for anything less than frame-perfect demos. The in-game levels have been played and beaten into the ground, and while every once in a while one of you madmen gets an innovation good enough for a 0th, I reckon that the levels on NUMA would offer more variety and (to be honest) enjoyability for viewers. Video games as a spectator sport requires certain things, and I will kindly direct you to
this video by Extra Credits which sums up all my same suggestions.
But here it is: N has several factors which will hinder its practicality as a spectator game. No soundtracks means listening to heavy breathing or long soliloquies, both of which would quickly grow tiresome. There's no combo moves or specials or any type of dazzle to the game, so we would either need
very compelling players or something extra like NReality mods. And lastly, it wasn't designed to be watched. DDAs are as close to that as you can get, and those are dying out. (I mean, watching MBDs would be cool for a while to see what exactly players are trying to pull off, but those aren't gonna be for everyone.) If I were to make a list of the pros and cons to streaming N, it would probably be skewed in a most unfortunate manner.
There are aspects of N which you cannot get around, like slope stutter and undeath and a multitude of glitches both good and bad. But at the end of the day, players stream because they like to. Making money is a nice plus, but the majority of Twitch users don't make money, they do it for the enjoyment of the game. And I, Aidiera, would in fact love to watch people play N. I've been part of this community for seven years now and not once have I ever watched someone besides myself play N. I don't know how you guys think, how you process the maps in your heads.
That to me is truly the most interesting part. Everything else is just extra. There's a lot of work to be done here, and if it all amounts to naught, well, at least we can say that an attempt was made.
Anywho, it's 4am. Talk amongst yourselves and get back to me.