07-4 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 148.700] New: [ninja_matt 149.500] => [vankusss, 149.775] => [Izzy, 149.875] => [xaelar, 149.950]
27-4 - Old: [lookatthis, 159.225] New: [vankusss, 159.525] => [xaelar, 159.575] => [vankusss, 159.800] => [xaelar, 160.750]
41 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 369.650] New: [eru_bahagon, 370.175]
43 - Old: [Seifer, 285.450] New: [eru_bahagon, 285.750]
44 - Old: [golfkid, 361.275] New: [eru_bahagon, 361.450]
48-3 - Old: [vankusss, 214.950] New: [eru_bahagon, 215.025] => [xaelar, 215.100]
48 - Old: [vankusss, 407.950] New: [eru_bahagon, 409.400]
84-2 - Old: [macrohenry, 101.350] New: [Meta_Ing, 101.375]
89-4 - Old: [Mr_Lim, 126.825] New: [golfkid, 127.100]
The Rundown:
This week started off with van snagging 27-4 breaking up a tie between LAT and Eru. xaelar then set his sights on 27-4 as well. After xaelar's improvement van innovated the ending take it back, but then xaelar managed to pull off ANGERFIST's top section retaking the 0th by 2 frames shy of a second. Eru's non-stop assult on the Episode 0ths carried him to an Episode Column Domination of the 40s column with 4 new Ep 0ths right in a row. In doing this Eru broke up van's Episode Ownage on Ep48 by taking the Ep 0ths and -3 0th. golfkid took Lim's long standing 89-4 by sheer cleaniness, no small feat when it comes to Lim 0ths. Meta popped in this week to snag 84-2 from Macro. He only beat Macro by a frame, but he pulled off a route that has potential for 3 more seconds. This 0th is also one of the few and coveted true 0ths where there are no unbeatable hackers on the board. The level of the week has to be 7-4 after ninja_matt came up with a brilliant innovation of using a low jump to change the gold route. This was Matt's first Metanet highscore 0th, however it was taken shortly there after by vankusss, but that is not where this 0th stopped. The day after Matt innovated this 0th saw 3 different owners, one improving upon the next. xaelar took the 0th from Izzy and ended up keeping it after the innovation had netted 1.250 seconds over Lim's original 0th. This 0th gave xaelar Episode ownage on Ep7. Currently xaelar is the only played with an Episode Ownage, having both Ep7 and Ep3. As a whole the community had a good week going +3.225 seconds of total level score, and +2.450 in total episode score.