I'll take this opportunity to post this collaborative MBD, mainly by ska:
95-0, 127.600, 0.375 faster than the 3-way tie for 0th beating the drone bottleneck.
EDIT: Btw I'd like to mention that Raif has further investigated this level in an attempt to completely beat the drone at the end, and it seems like this is not possible.ska wrote:In April 2020, a four-way collaboration on 95-0 managed to achieve an innovation that until then had only been theoretical. An idea, raised by ska, was to dodge the drone near the very end of the level. The first phase of the plan was to ensure the dodge (dubbed the 'slip' by ska) was even possible. Vankusss supplied ska with demo data, confirming that the slip was possible. Next, ska made some comparisons between the top-performing highscorers to see where time could be saved. He extracted the first 400 frames or so from Mr Lim's 0th run, which he noticed was exceptionally clean. The initial plan was to stitch various runs together, but after a while it became evident that a proper MBD would need to be made. Because it was ska's first attempt at an MBD, it took him a solid day to get most of the run done. However, he was finding the end to be particularly tricky, so he handed over the final chimney section for EddyMataGallos to complete, which he did, managing to successfully execute the slip to break the bottleneck and thus saving 0.375 seconds and breaking a 13-year-old record (albeit not done in a real-time run). The run is Mr Lim's last remaining 0th, which is currently a three-way tie on the official boards.