ska's untitled contest
Posted: 2013.10.13 (07:35)
This is a mapping and highscoring contest rolled into one. Unlike most highscoring/speedrunning contests which require you to be the fastest player, the aim of this contest is merely to complete the map. While this might sound simple, here are the rules:
1) Create a single map that you can complete, but you feel nobody else could, or at the very least, not many could, but you yourself can complete. You will have one week to create and submit your map to Numa. No late submissions are allowed. I will be very strict on this.
2) You are entitled to submit the map as a private contest if you like. It may be especially useful if the map is of a puzzle nature. For those that are unaware, a private contest will allow you to see the players who have completed the map and their respective scores on NReality, but not their actual demo. To submit a map as a private contest, simply add “|privatecontest” after the map data.
3) You may use NReality mods if you like, but this is not a prerequisite. Also, maps that can inflict serious lag will not be accepted, regardless of whether you use mods or not. If you are unsure of whether your map violates this rule, feel free to PM me your map during the mapping period, and I will either accept it or veto it.
4) The way the points system will work is as follows: After the week long playing period has finished, you will receive 1 point for each run you submit on an opponent’s map, a bonus point for each 0th and will be awarded 20 points, minus 1 point for each opponent that submits a run on your map. You do not get a point for completing a map, but it is required to qualify for any points in that round. For example. If you complete and submit a run on 6 opposition maps, including one 0th and have 12 opponents complete your map. You will get 6 + 1 + 8 points for a total of 15 for the round. Accounts of players not in the contest will not count. All runs must be submitted on the highscores mode of NReality to count. No exceptions. If you’re like me and have separate accounts for mapping and highscoring, I prefer that you use the same name for mapping and runs to minimise confusion. If you cannot do that for some reason, simply PM or forum post your different names so I can easily tally the points.
5) You do not have to submit your score during the mapping period, however, you must submit a run before the end of the playing period or else you will be disqualified from the round, including points earned from completing other maps. If a disqualified player completes your map, it will not be counted.
6) If you would like to compete, post on this thread the name you’re competing with, and the map ID (number in your map’s Numa URL) before the mapping period has ended (I encourage you to do the latter in a separate post) and I will update the main post with a list of the round's levels. The mapping period begins now and ends Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 11:59pm AEDT and the playing round ends Sunday, 27 October 2013 at 11:59pm AEDT. (Use if you need help with conversion with Melbourne, Victoria, Australia being the original location). The playing period will officially commence as soon as the mapping period has ended but even delisted maps can still be found so if you make and submit runs during the mapping period, I won’t mind. I guess the later your submit your map, the more advantageous it will be – just be careful not to submit Also, this should be obvious, but I will state it anyway. You may not edit your map data after submitting it. This will also end in a round disqualification. I will also casually compete if I feel bored which I don’t normally do in these contests. One last thing, if you’re not a competent mapper or just don't feel like mapping, I will allow you to recruit a surrogate mapper to design your maps so you can work as a team, but the map must be submitted under your name you use for this contest. You could use a team name if you like. Good luck, and I will keep this contest active indefinitely until I set a competition end date.
7) I will award bonus points to anyone who points out a mistake on this post or comes up with a name for this contest that I like.
1) Create a single map that you can complete, but you feel nobody else could, or at the very least, not many could, but you yourself can complete. You will have one week to create and submit your map to Numa. No late submissions are allowed. I will be very strict on this.
2) You are entitled to submit the map as a private contest if you like. It may be especially useful if the map is of a puzzle nature. For those that are unaware, a private contest will allow you to see the players who have completed the map and their respective scores on NReality, but not their actual demo. To submit a map as a private contest, simply add “|privatecontest” after the map data.
3) You may use NReality mods if you like, but this is not a prerequisite. Also, maps that can inflict serious lag will not be accepted, regardless of whether you use mods or not. If you are unsure of whether your map violates this rule, feel free to PM me your map during the mapping period, and I will either accept it or veto it.
4) The way the points system will work is as follows: After the week long playing period has finished, you will receive 1 point for each run you submit on an opponent’s map, a bonus point for each 0th and will be awarded 20 points, minus 1 point for each opponent that submits a run on your map. You do not get a point for completing a map, but it is required to qualify for any points in that round. For example. If you complete and submit a run on 6 opposition maps, including one 0th and have 12 opponents complete your map. You will get 6 + 1 + 8 points for a total of 15 for the round. Accounts of players not in the contest will not count. All runs must be submitted on the highscores mode of NReality to count. No exceptions. If you’re like me and have separate accounts for mapping and highscoring, I prefer that you use the same name for mapping and runs to minimise confusion. If you cannot do that for some reason, simply PM or forum post your different names so I can easily tally the points.
5) You do not have to submit your score during the mapping period, however, you must submit a run before the end of the playing period or else you will be disqualified from the round, including points earned from completing other maps. If a disqualified player completes your map, it will not be counted.
6) If you would like to compete, post on this thread the name you’re competing with, and the map ID (number in your map’s Numa URL) before the mapping period has ended (I encourage you to do the latter in a separate post) and I will update the main post with a list of the round's levels. The mapping period begins now and ends Sunday, 20 October 2013 at 11:59pm AEDT and the playing round ends Sunday, 27 October 2013 at 11:59pm AEDT. (Use if you need help with conversion with Melbourne, Victoria, Australia being the original location). The playing period will officially commence as soon as the mapping period has ended but even delisted maps can still be found so if you make and submit runs during the mapping period, I won’t mind. I guess the later your submit your map, the more advantageous it will be – just be careful not to submit Also, this should be obvious, but I will state it anyway. You may not edit your map data after submitting it. This will also end in a round disqualification. I will also casually compete if I feel bored which I don’t normally do in these contests. One last thing, if you’re not a competent mapper or just don't feel like mapping, I will allow you to recruit a surrogate mapper to design your maps so you can work as a team, but the map must be submitted under your name you use for this contest. You could use a team name if you like. Good luck, and I will keep this contest active indefinitely until I set a competition end date.
7) I will award bonus points to anyone who points out a mistake on this post or comes up with a name for this contest that I like.