NHigh - New functions (Im updating this thing)
Posted: 2015.01.25 (18:06)
LATEST VERSION - Updated: 05/Sep/2015
Downloads pre-reupload: 182
If you already have NHigh, you can download the update, and replace the changed files in your NHigh folder with the ones in the update. Only nhigh.pyw (the main program) and nhighlib.py are required. The other texts are just information, of course.
So I thought that since I updated quite a lot of things already, and I'll probably keep doing it, it would be a good idea to emulate eru and create a new thread to post them. You can also suggest features/changes here. I've flagged most of my edits in the code, as eru did. It involves around 1200 new lines, and some edits here and there.
For starters:
To use it you need to install Python 2, not 3! And it needs to be over 2.3, e.g. I use 2.7.2.
Also, open it with nhigh.pyw, which is inside the NHigh folder
For the evolution functions:
Most new functions refer to evolution over time, hence they are located under "Reports -> Rankings over time". They require you to have a folder with NHigh files to analyze them and extract the info.
I haven't added any folder/file selection dialog yet for those functions that require it, because I'm too lazy and creating a dialog it too tedious xD And because the standard dialog sucks ass. Because of this reason, you'll have to use the predetermined names for certains folders and files to use it:
- Put your NHigh files to be analyzed in a folder called "scores".
- Put the usernames to be taken in a file called "input.txt".
Make sure they are in your NHigh folder, where your nhigh.pyw is. I think that's it, I'll probably implement these dialogs when I get some time, and feel like doing so :P
Downloads pre-reupload: 182
If you already have NHigh, you can download the update, and replace the changed files in your NHigh folder with the ones in the update. Only nhigh.pyw (the main program) and nhighlib.py are required. The other texts are just information, of course.
So I thought that since I updated quite a lot of things already, and I'll probably keep doing it, it would be a good idea to emulate eru and create a new thread to post them. You can also suggest features/changes here. I've flagged most of my edits in the code, as eru did. It involves around 1200 new lines, and some edits here and there.
Code: Select all
NHigh update by Eddy - Changelog
Release 2 - 5.Sept.2015
- Demo analysis shows demo code
- Player's 0th/Top20/TopX Scores Trivia (a bunch of interesting stats)
- Added over dozen cool charts for a player's level/episode scores, as well as a general episode cleanliness chart.
-- In particular, they include charts which highlight the ranks of each level/ep, the top15's, the top10's, the top5's, the 0ths, and in episodes in particular, also the cleanliness of the 0ths held by the player by means of the time lost against the sum of all 5 level 0ths.
-- The trivia includes charts for the 0th distribution by columns and eps, as well as stats regarding the leads, ratio between level and ep 0ths, etc.
-- Finally, there's a general chart as well in the Episodes submenu, to show the cleanliness of all episode 0ths.
Release 1 - 13.Dec.2014
(1): Security measure: Ignore any entry with score superior to 650 seconds.
(2)-(3): Old 0ths not on board anymore, old 0ths still on board (needs some fixing, but its already implemented so meh)
(4): Player's 0th evolution
(5): Player's Top-20 scores evolution
(6): Player's X-Y scores evolution
(7)-(9): Each of those 3 reports but with the graph code output.
(10)-(15): Each of those previous 6 (3*2) reports, but for a multiple amount of people n, which are the n top players in the top-20 rankings. Just a way to speed up things. The final output should be proper in all cases.
(16): Function to resave all NHigh score files. By doing this, you ensure your current ignore list is applied to all of them (and the 650 seconds limit measure too), erasing hacked scores and cleaning the highscore files.
(17): Function to rename all NHigh score files to standard name format (tidiness).
(18)-(20): Community total level/ep score evolution over time, and TLS-TES difference evolution.
(21)-(22): Include ties in episode ownages, and eps with 3 0ths by the same person too.
(23): Manual correction to TLS/TES (for files with null scores due to levels filled with hacked scores back in the day)
(24): Added scan of subfolders for NHigh files.
(25): Careful when saving files with the same name measure added (for the rename files functions).
(26): Read players from text file for global stats.
(27): Output graph code in php files.
(28): Total 0ths ever held by a player.
(29)-(30): Lvl/Ep unique 0th holders.
(31)-(32): Lvls/Eps sorted by amount of unique 0th holders.
For starters:
To use it you need to install Python 2, not 3! And it needs to be over 2.3, e.g. I use 2.7.2.
Also, open it with nhigh.pyw, which is inside the NHigh folder
For the evolution functions:
Most new functions refer to evolution over time, hence they are located under "Reports -> Rankings over time". They require you to have a folder with NHigh files to analyze them and extract the info.
I haven't added any folder/file selection dialog yet for those functions that require it, because I'm too lazy and creating a dialog it too tedious xD And because the standard dialog sucks ass. Because of this reason, you'll have to use the predetermined names for certains folders and files to use it:
- Put your NHigh files to be analyzed in a folder called "scores".
- Put the usernames to be taken in a file called "input.txt".
Make sure they are in your NHigh folder, where your nhigh.pyw is. I think that's it, I'll probably implement these dialogs when I get some time, and feel like doing so :P