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The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.09.29 (13:33)
by Pheidippides
The Metanet Contests Billboard

The idea: This thread is the place to check out all the latest contests going on in the community. It will prevent pinned contests from piling up and will allow users to see the most popular contests, their status, deadlines, relevant links, and so on. Having all the information in one place will also make it easier to follow and participate in more than one contest at once. Post here to get your contest advertised.

The format: Examples of advertised contests are given below. Contests will be sorted alphabetically and by status (Popular, Inactive, and Closed). Once contests are complete, they will be removed.

Notes: Only N-related contests will be hosted here. To find, for example, an image contest, check the appropriate forum. Before starting a contest, be sure to read the "About to Start a Contest?" thread. While this thread should help increase contest participation, please try not to clog the forum with contests. If you have a good idea and there are already many contests going on, hold off on starting the contest until others are over. You'll decrease traffic and probably get more entrants that way.

Contest :: Host :: Status :: Deadlines
Neditor Nation (link; blog) :: Pheidippides :: May need more Judges, depending on the Contest's needs. Always Accepting Entries. :: Week 4 in progress. Gym Challenge Submissions close at 12AM, Thursday, Eastern Standard Time.
Puzzles of the Exuberant (link) :: Exüberance :: In Progress. Always Accepting Entries. :: Contest progresses when each subsequent riddle is solved.
Rainshank (link) :: tinkers7777 :: Accepting Entries, Needs More Judges. :: No Deadline.
The Caption Contest (link) :: Exüberance :: Accepting Entries :: Repeats Weekly, Entries Close on Mondays.
The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things (link) :: Daikenkai :: Accepting Entries, Needs people to make sigbars. :: No Deadline.
The Paradigm Shift Contest (link) :: bufar :: Constantly Accepting Entries:: No Deadline.
Think Different.® (link) :: incluye :: Week 1 Underway, /Really/ Needs More Judges :: Week 1 ends November 20th? Ask the Host for Clarification.
The NedReality Competition (link) :: Geekhead :: Needs one Judge :: No Deadline.
Game ON: The Contest (link) :: KinGAleX :: Entries Closed, Awaiting Judging :: This Contest has ended.
International Take a 0th Off xaelar Week (link) :: Infernus :: Entries Closed, Judging Finished, Prizes to be Awarded :: This Contest has ended.
Re-Tile Challenge (link) :: southpaw :: Finished :: This Contest has ended.
The add-an-innovation contest (link) :: Meta Ing :: Underway :: This Contest is underway, but is now closed to entries.
The Finish The Map Contest (link) :: Why Me :: Round Three Underway :: Judging for Round Three begins Sunday; Round Four to start when Judging is finished.
The Tilerun Competition (link) :: Riobe :: Speedrun Round 1 Underway :: This Contest is underway, but is now closed to entries.
Tourney of Awesomeness (link) :: lil'n :: Entries Closed :: This Contest is underway, but is now closed to entries.

Active Contest (link) :: Host :: Accepting Entries :: Entries Close mm/dd.
Inactive Contest (link) :: Host :: Needs Judges :: No Deadline.
Closed Contest (link) :: Host :: Round 3 :: Round 3 Ends mm/dd.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.05 (18:02)
by Pheidippides
Topic reopened because the old topics won't be brought over.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.05 (18:47)
by Riobe
Okay then, I'll get this going?

The Tilerun Competition

A basic contest for tileset makers to show off their tilesets and speedrunners to show off their talent.

Things we'll need:
  • 2 More Experienced Judges
  • Signature and Sigbar Makers
  • 32 Speedrunners
  • A Sufficient Amount Of Tileset Makers
Please help! There isn't an official date as to when this will start, so we need people for this fast!

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.05 (21:55)
by Pikman
There's also the nedReality contest. Geekhead says he needs one more contestant and one more judge to start.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.06 (11:07)
by Calcy
Pinned, so that this stays at the top of the thread list. Good idea, Pheidi.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.07 (02:26)
by KinGAleX
I added my contest to the billboard, Pheidi. Hope you don't mind. ^-^

Check it out, erryone!

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.08 (00:38)
by Pheidippides
No problem, KA. Looking forward to that one. I need to think of a game...

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.09 (22:36)
by blackson
Great idea. :D

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.12 (20:38)
by Geekhead
now all i need is one more judge :)

*if you want to be a judge after the positio is filled, you can take my place. just PM me

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.17 (02:57)
by bufar
There is also the Paradigm Shift contest going on. All it needs is a somewhat steady stream of mapmakers for it to continue, possibly forever.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.24 (21:42)
by Geekhead
if someone doesn't voulenteer as a judge in my contest by the next few days, than I will start it with only 2 judges

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.24 (23:45)
by bufar
For the record, the Paradigm Shift Contest is in progress. However, the format of it requires a constant influx of entrants.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.10.25 (05:20)
by Infernus is now running.

Edit: Thanks Pheidi!

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.03 (02:00)
by Exüberance
Ah, I just noticed this topic now. Maybe this is why entries suddenly dropped off for the caption contest: it's not listed here!

Name: Caption Contest [Weekly]
Status: Active, provided I get the normal number of entrants
Deadline: Monday every week

Currently it's located here in the This Community forum, rather than this forum.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.06 (02:30)
by Why Me
Here's mine. Finish the Map Contest. Even though the first round has started, people may still join in, judges may still join in, and map-creators may join in for the first round, or starting with the second round.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.06 (23:47)
by Infernus is now over. Prizes are being shipped.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.06 (23:55)
by otters

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.09 (03:41)
by Pheidippides
The Billboard is now up-to-date and now includes a Neditor Nation entry because if everyone is still interested and we could just find a few more Judges the contest would be ready to begin.

Hosts: In the future, please provide information on the status of your contest and any deadlines I should add when you post. It makes it a bit easier to add you to the Billboard. Thanks. :)

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.11 (08:55)
by Rikaninja
I'll be starting a nreality tileset contest soon.
Thanks Pheidippides

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.11 (15:23)
by Pheidippides
Just be sure to post here when you have the details, Rikaninja.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.13 (16:14)
by otters
Think Different® has started, and depending on the demo turnout, I may need a couple judges. Just PM me for details.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.13 (18:26)
by Pheidippides
incluye wrote:Think Different® has started, and depending on the demo turnout, I may need a couple judges. Just PM me for details.
Updated. :)

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.16 (21:26)
by Why Me
Round two of my Finish the map contest is almost done. Sorry I didn't post an update. The judging will start on Monday, and the third round will begin mid-week.

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.18 (20:06)
by otters

Re: The Metanet Contests Billboard

Posted: 2008.11.18 (21:10)
by Pheidippides
incluye wrote:Okay....I NEED JUDGES.
Don't we all, haha. :D
