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The CALT - Round 3 maps due sat 11:59PM EST Join anytime.
Posted: 2009.01.15 (20:14)
by 大見解
So. You're wondering what this is. Simply put, each week, you make a map in order to get as many achievements as you can.
All you have are the achievement names. Nothing else. Work with it to guess the achievements. And some (that means not that many (as in 3-4 ish) ) Don't exactly have to happen with the map. So those few you can get at any point in the contest.
- Your map may be anything. N-Art, action, race, you name it. (though I'll say this: N-Art really is not any achievement)
- You may join at ANY time
- Submission:
- Submit your map to and link them using the numa tag to this forum
- OR PM me the code for the map[/list]
JudgingAt the end of the week, I will go through the maps and compile how many achievements you earned. I will PM you your results, which achievements you earned, and how you earned them.
To WinGet all the achievements. There are 30 of them. Go.
Achievement Names- A Big Mouthful {3,4} - {1,5}
- Alone {7,8} - {}
- Architect {} - {}
- Armed forces {} - {}
- Choices {} - {}
- Desert {} - {8}
- Diversity {} - {}
- Electrifying {} - {}
- Gold digger {5} - {8}
- Huh? {2,4,5,6,7} - {}
- I'm a Playah {3,7} - {}
- Juggernaut {} - {}
- Landscaper {} - {4}
- Mouthful {1,3} - {5}
- Oopz {2,3} - {7}
- Open {} - {}
- Pixeled {5,8} - {3,7}
- Rebound {} - {}
- Robot city {} - {}
- Spikeful {} - {}
- Squished {} - {}
- Squisher {5} - {}
- Target {7} - {5}
- The best contestant EVAH {1,2,3,4,5,7,8} - {}
- Time Collector {4,5} - {8}
- Time Conserver {8} - {}
- Titletified {} - {}
- Trampoline {} - {}
- Virtual Reality {1} - {8}
- Wait a second... {} - {}
Achievements marked numbers after them denotes which players have achieved them
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.15 (20:25)
by 大見解
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.15 (21:03)
by Kablamo
ill join
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.16 (07:04)
by Kablamo
is nreality aloud?
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.16 (13:17)
by isaacx
i'll join, but you should at least tell us what we need to do to gain acheivments
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.16 (17:48)
by 大見解
isaacx wrote:i'll join, but you should at least tell us what we need to do to gain acheivments
ok. my mom locked my comp up, so im using my wii. anyways, nreality is ok.
and i wont tell what you have to do to get the achievements bcause then it wouldnt be much of a contest. think of other games. All that is offered is the achievement names. Sorry i cant go any more in depth atm, but this wii thing is hard. Ill get back to this once i get my comp back.
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.16 (20:24)
by Kablamo
Ok cool heres my first map
its :nreality: by the way
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.16 (21:57)
by Rose
I'll join. This sounds fun.
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.16 (22:49)
by 大見解
Kablamo_Boom wrote:Ok cool heres my first map
its :nreality: by the way
Hasn't started yet >_>
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.26 (02:03)
by Hoohah2x2sday
hey, i'll join. Could you PM me when this starts up?
EDIT: can we submit maps to this contest that have already been posted to numa? Or do they have to be new?
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.26 (02:14)
by UnknownKirbyMan
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.26 (13:32)
by 大見解
Hoohah2x2sday wrote:hey, i'll join. Could you PM me when this starts up?
EDIT: can we submit maps to this contest that have already been posted to numa? Or do they have to be new?
The maps should be new.
Remember, this is sorta like a game, where you have to do certain things to earn achievements. All you have are the names of the achievements, so you have to try to earn them, pretty much by guessing what you have to do.
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.27 (14:14)
by 大見解
Well, after a certain amount of achievements earned, I might give out hints for every... say... 6 achievements earned?
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.27 (14:23)
by Erik-Player
This looks cool. May I join? Also, what happens when you get all 30 of the achievements?
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.27 (14:41)
by 大見解
Erik-Player wrote:This looks cool. May I join? Also, what happens when you get all 30 of the achievements?
You win.
That's all.
EDIT: I changed submission requirements. Please read the first post.
Re: The Contest of Achieving Lots of Things - (CALT)
Posted: 2009.01.27 (21:17)
by Kablamo
Kablamo_Boom wrote:Ok cool heres my first map
its :nreality: by the way
if i can submit this, i would like to.
Re: The CALT - Round one maps due saturday 11:59PM Join anytime
Posted: 2009.01.27 (22:17)
by 大見解
Yes, sure. You may submit that map. But no other previous maps. I'm only allowing that because it was made intentionally for this contest .
Re: The CALT - Round one maps due saturday 11:59PM Join anytime
Posted: 2009.01.28 (16:50)
by UnknownKirbyMan
Can any of the achivements can only be earned with NReality?
Re: The CALT - Round one maps due saturday 11:59PM Join anytime
Posted: 2009.01.28 (17:11)
by Hoohah2x2sday
Whala! A map:
Re: The CALT - Round one maps due saturday 11:59PM Join anytime
Posted: 2009.01.28 (17:52)
by Destiny
sure, i'll give it a shot
Re: The CALT - Round one maps due saturday 11:59PM Join anytime
Posted: 2009.01.29 (01:07)
by UnknownKirbyMan
Re: The CALT - Round one maps due saturday 11:59PM Join anytime
Posted: 2009.01.29 (01:32)
by bufar
I'll join.
I'm hoping that this is worth 5 achievements.
Re: The CALT - Round one maps due saturday 11:59PM Join anytime
Posted: 2009.01.29 (01:51)
EDIT: nevermind, no time
Re: The CALT - Round one maps due saturday 11:59PM Join anytime
Posted: 2009.01.29 (02:11)
by 大見解
really? Not even one map per week? Shouldn't take all too much time.
Take a look at everyone's map. Amazingly, everybody has gotten some achievements so far.
Re: The CALT - Round one maps due saturday 11:59PM Join anytime
Posted: 2009.01.30 (02:56)
by notsteve
joined? me? yeah>