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Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.14 (17:25)
by Amadeus
In this contest, a map will be chosen for speedrunning. Then the winner's frame count will be the map next played. If the map has been delisted or is impossible to beat, the second fastest competitor's frame count will serve as the next speedrunning map.

Arachnid's Pinball, map 000001, is chosen originally. Goflkid gets a framecount of 301 and wins the round. Now, map 301, Really Hard Level by dantheman, is chosen for speedrunning.


1. You must submit a new speedrun. Old demos do not count.
2. There is a 3-day deadline. If you miss the deadline three times, you are eliminated.
3. The winner of each round gets a point, to be tallied. First to 25 points wins the contest and gets a special sig bar.

Sig bars:

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.14 (17:31)
by EdoI
I'm in.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.15 (02:56)
by Kablamo
good idea, but a problem is that maps over 2000 probably wont be seen, and maps from 1-2000 are kinda. well, not to great.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.15 (06:07)
by Raif
I'm participating.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.15 (06:32)
by Meta Ing
I'll join, though Kablamo does have a point.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.15 (06:53)
by Amadeus
First map is:

Demos due tomorrow at 1AM Eastern Time

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.15 (07:50)
by Kablamo
Im in BTW


feel free to say no.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.15 (17:16)
by EdoI
Here's the 1191 demo:

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.15 (23:14)
by UnknownKirbyMan
Kablamo_Boom wrote:good idea, but a problem is that maps over 2000 probably wont be seen, and maps from 1-2000 are kinda. well, not to great.
What if you add a 0 to the end each time. Or the winner picks a number to put on the end.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.16 (03:13)
by Amadeus
Each week we'll step it up a 0

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.16 (12:09)
by EdoI
You didn't make the deadline clear. First, you expressed the time with Eastern time instead of the universal UTC. So I had to search when is 1 am 16 March converted to UTC. And I saw it's at 18 (6 pm) 15 March. My time zone is UTC+1 so I added one hour, but you get the point. So, after the deadline, I was the only one submitted my speedrun. I also saw that Meta_Ing submitted it's score after the deadline (I know it's after because I checked yesterday after the deadline and no one but me has submitted, and now he has a record there). So that confused me, a lot. So, please make the deadline more clear from now on, and if I'm not late, I improved my record a bit (1176):

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.16 (13:56)
by Etz
1 day is rather short for one map to speedrun. If anybody is busy with school or something like this, he doesn't have a chance to win the contest.
Also I agree with EdoI about the time zone.

I'm in.
So is the the first round over, or does it still run?
Anyway, I'll submit a run.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.16 (15:26)
by bhz
a demo
i'm in if regardless if this round is over

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.16 (22:42)
by Amadeus
I'll call it about 3 days...that should be enough time that specific hours don't matter.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.17 (13:50)
by Etz
Again faster.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.17 (17:52)
by bhz
using fbf...i got a 1008 (not like that will count in any way)

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.19 (02:22)
by Meta Ing
Demo. Could be faster but this is pretty decent I think.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.19 (03:09)
by Amadeus
Contest closed.
Next map, 10060, One Way Maze by SaltedFish
Good luck all

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.19 (04:03)
by Kablamo
autually its mines mines mines...

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.19 (05:28)
by golf
Well, if I'm gonna start off this round, might as well do it right. Here's a sub-300 frame demo for you all to chew on.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.19 (17:57)
by Etz

Getting close(r).

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.20 (02:17)
by Amadeus
I made a mistake in the map number, it was actually supposed to be 1060. However, as everyone has already submitted demos (or a large portion) we will continue.

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.20 (04:33)
by Superpok
Can i still be in? and what happens if we land on an N art or such?

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.20 (20:59)
by bhz
here's mine (10060)

Re: Chain Reaction Speedrunning Contest

Posted: 2009.03.22 (10:42)
by Etz
Improved by 1 frame ;)