Finding Foundations
Posted: 2009.07.15 (22:34)
Alright, guys. This is a very simple contest; sort of like the Paradigm Shift Contest.
This contest starts out with me posting the link to an all E-tile map I created. You will take the tiles and spruce them up according to the theme, using your own individual style. (Having a theme when you win is optional.) From the time the link is posted you have three days to make and post the link to the new map. There is no rounds or enter date or anything (meaning you can join whenever).
YOUR MISSION: Create a better map than everybody else. I will decide who wins the first time. Once you win, you create the tileset, post the link to the E-tile map, and chose the winner.
WARNING: 1. You must have all the E-tiles in thier original places, or you can be disqualified.
2. You must edit the tiles. Don't be a noob and cry about it.
3. In the map you make there must be gold.
4. In the case of one person submitting, they win.
Have fun with this contest. If you have any questions, PM me.
This contest starts out with me posting the link to an all E-tile map I created. You will take the tiles and spruce them up according to the theme, using your own individual style. (Having a theme when you win is optional.) From the time the link is posted you have three days to make and post the link to the new map. There is no rounds or enter date or anything (meaning you can join whenever).
YOUR MISSION: Create a better map than everybody else. I will decide who wins the first time. Once you win, you create the tileset, post the link to the E-tile map, and chose the winner.
WARNING: 1. You must have all the E-tiles in thier original places, or you can be disqualified.
2. You must edit the tiles. Don't be a noob and cry about it.
3. In the map you make there must be gold.
4. In the case of one person submitting, they win.
Have fun with this contest. If you have any questions, PM me.