It'll probably be much easier for LV to code the site if we determine /exactly/ how the new contest will be working, so I want to get the brainstorming started. We need to decide on a lot of things, some of which could be very important to LV in coding the site, and some of which won't. I'll get us started with a basic, functional outline of one player's progress through the contest, and I'll keep this post updated with what we accomplish.
Gym Competition
- The player registers for the Neditor Nation site. Upon registering, the player has no badges, and thus is only allowed to challenge the first Gym.
- To challenge the first Gym, the player submits a map that follows the rules of the Gym.
- The Judges vote to Pass/Fail the player's map. We'll assume the map passes. Because the player has passed the first Gym, he may challenge the second.
- The player submits a map to challenge the second Gym in the same manner as the first, and continues until all eight Gyms have been passed.
- The player may now challenge the Champion in the same manner as the Gyms. The Judges compare his map to the current Champion's. If the player passes, he becomes Champion, and then has to make a map to defend his position from other challengers.
Scrimmage Competition
- Ideally, users would submit their scrimmages in groups of maps, so that rather than viewing one map at a time, a user views the entire scrimmage and all its maps at once. I'm thinking of a submission page with multiple "map data" fields (and corresponding "author" fields), where one player gathers all the maps and submits them as one package.
- When the scrimmage is submitted, a poll is set up where users can vote for their favorite map in the scrimmage. After a certain number of votes is reached, the poll is closed and a winner is determined. The winner's information on the site is updated with his reward.
- These would probably be similar to Gym challenges, where players submit maps into the proper category and have them scored by Judges. The only additional necessity is the ability to establish start/end times for these events. Worst-case scenario, I suppose we run these off-site and update player data manually?
- If we're restarting the entire contest, which we inevitably will be, I propose that we redo the Gyms as well because, let's face it, nobody was going to beat Evil_Bob's no-jump Gym. Instead of using the original Gym Leaders, I think it would be cool to create "fake" Gym Leaders. In other words, real mappers make the Gym maps, but they are attributed to fabricated Gym Leader personas. I'm thinking sprites, the whole nine yards. Then, we can make a little game out of guessing who the Leaders are, and there may be points involved for those clever enough to unmask them.
- Rather than include super-tough rules within the Gyms, I suggest we create a difficulty curve by increasing the number of passing votes necessary to clear each Gym. For example, the number of passing votes for the eight Gyms could be something like 3-4-4-4-5-5-5-6, with the Champion match being decided by the best of seven votes or something. The number of failing votes necessary to lose each Gym challenge should be the same, in my opinion. Say, 2 or 3?
Yeah, that open land is all there for a reason. ;)
I'll post more stuff as I think of it.