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Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (17:29)
by Brainstone
You may know a popular game, that is basically played with a oiece of paper and as much columns as persons. Someone writes a male name in the first column, then crumples the paper in a way the next person can`t see it. The next persons writes a female name in the next column, crumples the paper again, etc...

The result is normally a funny sentence like "Barack Obama met Ann in the cinema. He said: " I like your red socks." She said "I love you" and the result was that everything exploded.

And that are we going to do with n.

What to do:

It`s easy: I submit a map with five rooms to NUMA, and five participants will each edit one of the five rooms. Exit and ninja are given. You must not change the tileset. You must place all objects in your room. You may place doors the player has to open in the exit channel of your room. If there will be more persons than five, there will be more than one map. If the number of participants is not divisible by five, there will be less rooms in the last map. You have one week from the moment I post the map, in this week you PM me your part of the map with your group number.

Ther is no control wether the people in the same group are showing their map parts to each other. Just don`t do it!

If someone wants to jugde the maps, feel free. I will not.

Everything`s clear? Here`s the map of this week:

Group 1:
- room 1: njitsu
- room 2: deltainferno
- room 3: nevershine
- room 4: chrisE
- room 5: bufar

Group 2:
- room 1: inspired
- room 2: slayr
- room 3: tunco 123
- room 4: stalkR
- room 5:

Group 3:

- room 1:
- room 2:
- room 3:
- room 4:
- room 5:


Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (18:06)
by njitsu
Gief part 1 pl0x.

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (18:17)
by deltainferno
Meh... Sign me up.

P.S. This is my comeback post from like, 5 months ago..... I demand acceptance of this fact.

P.P.S. Could you please PM the participants? that way we don't have to keep looking on this Thread. Thanks, in adance.

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (18:19)
by bufar
Sounds like fun. I'm in.
P.S. I accept deltainferno's comeback.

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (18:21)
by deltainferno
:D I thanks you.

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (18:44)
by ChrisE
I'll join :DD

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (18:44)
by nevershine
i'd like to have room 3, pls :)

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (18:50)
by Brainstone
ok, bufar, I switched your room with nevershines. You are now room 5 and nevershine is room 3 like he wanted.

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (20:49)
by nevershine
Are you going to submit the final thing on numa?


/edit/: removed the map.

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (21:17)
by bufar
I don't think you're supposed to post it here.

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.25 (21:22)
by nevershine
you're right bufar. I'll send it brainstone.

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.26 (10:50)
by Brainstone
@Nevershine: of course I wil submit it to NUMA. People should plaqy your hard work.
@Inspired: Was this supposed to be a "sigh." or "sign me up." ?

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.26 (21:22)
by Slayr
im in on this

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.29 (17:47)
by Tunco
In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In.

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.09.30 (15:14)
by sTalkR
sign me up.

Re: Invisible Teamwork

Posted: 2009.10.18 (19:47)
by njitsu
Alright, I sent you my part of the map.