Pokemon and gloomp Competition.
Posted: 2010.01.13 (15:19)
This is inspired by both Pokemon and Gloomp.
There is a gym. A gym with a leader o_0!!! There are actually 7 gyms and an Elite 4, that will all be made into one map pack.
Here is how it would work.
The first map for the gym will have two doors. The following two rooms will each have two doors as well. That creates 4 more rooms, that will each have only 1 door. These last doors will all lead to the same last room. ONLY 1 LAST ROOM. In numbers 1,2,4,1. This is where it becomes a competition. The judges will elect the best 8, out of all the maps submitted for a gym. These 8 will also be categorized by goodness. The first room will be the worst of the 8. (Keep in mind that just getting in is good, so just because it is the worst doesn't make it bad.) The best map will go into the last room. That might be a little confusing, so in numbers with little words it is- 1worst,2secondworsts,4secondbests,1best. I REPEAT! ALL THE MAPS WILL BE GOOD! JUST BECAUSE IT IS THE WORST OUT OF THE 8 DOES NOT MAKE IT BAD!
This will be done for each gym! Each gym has a different theme. (Taken from Pokemon blue)
1st Gym-Rock
2nd Gym-Water
3rd Gym-Electricity
4th Gym-Grass
5th Gym-Poison
6th Gym-Psychic
7th Gym-Fire
Time Frame for the Competition: I think that we should do 1 gym a week.
The elite four is more simple
1st person/map-Ice
2nd person/map-Fighting
3rd person/map-Ghost
4th person/map-Dragon
Time Frame for the Competition: 1 person a week, these last 4 maps will be the best of the NUMA region.
That is 60 maps in 11 weeks! It is a pretty long period of time, but you know the themes for each week! So if you can't make it a week, make a map in advanced, and PM it to me and the other judges! Also, nobody is getting kicked out. If you miss a week, you can just try for the next gym. I think this could be really cool, but I need a few things first.
I will be using Riobe's judging thing. It works well and it is simple.
Fun x/50
Aesthetics x/25
Theme x/25
Would you like the difficulty increase from first gym to last gym? A difficulty increase from the first room in a gym to the last? ALSO DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS OR QUESTIONS? POST IT!
If you think this looks cool comment saying this is something you would do. Also, if you want to be a judge inform me.
There is a gym. A gym with a leader o_0!!! There are actually 7 gyms and an Elite 4, that will all be made into one map pack.
Here is how it would work.
The first map for the gym will have two doors. The following two rooms will each have two doors as well. That creates 4 more rooms, that will each have only 1 door. These last doors will all lead to the same last room. ONLY 1 LAST ROOM. In numbers 1,2,4,1. This is where it becomes a competition. The judges will elect the best 8, out of all the maps submitted for a gym. These 8 will also be categorized by goodness. The first room will be the worst of the 8. (Keep in mind that just getting in is good, so just because it is the worst doesn't make it bad.) The best map will go into the last room. That might be a little confusing, so in numbers with little words it is- 1worst,2secondworsts,4secondbests,1best. I REPEAT! ALL THE MAPS WILL BE GOOD! JUST BECAUSE IT IS THE WORST OUT OF THE 8 DOES NOT MAKE IT BAD!
This will be done for each gym! Each gym has a different theme. (Taken from Pokemon blue)
1st Gym-Rock
2nd Gym-Water
3rd Gym-Electricity
4th Gym-Grass
5th Gym-Poison
6th Gym-Psychic
7th Gym-Fire
Time Frame for the Competition: I think that we should do 1 gym a week.
The elite four is more simple
1st person/map-Ice
2nd person/map-Fighting
3rd person/map-Ghost
4th person/map-Dragon
Time Frame for the Competition: 1 person a week, these last 4 maps will be the best of the NUMA region.
That is 60 maps in 11 weeks! It is a pretty long period of time, but you know the themes for each week! So if you can't make it a week, make a map in advanced, and PM it to me and the other judges! Also, nobody is getting kicked out. If you miss a week, you can just try for the next gym. I think this could be really cool, but I need a few things first.
I will be using Riobe's judging thing. It works well and it is simple.
Fun x/50
Aesthetics x/25
Theme x/25
Would you like the difficulty increase from first gym to last gym? A difficulty increase from the first room in a gym to the last? ALSO DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS OR QUESTIONS? POST IT!
If you think this looks cool comment saying this is something you would do. Also, if you want to be a judge inform me.