Ladies and gentlemen, I have decided to host my first competition after looking at the surprising lack of adventurous pirate/sailing on the sea maps. In lieu of observing such an ordeal, this competition came to mind.
Objectives: Through the ten or so rounds of this competition, you'll essentially create a story from beginning to end - one that involves pirates, ships, and the mother of all roadways: the ocean. You will be judged for each week individually and as a story in the end.
Process: I'll try and make this as simple as possible (and it really is).
- I will assign a portion of the story every week to be completed (it'll be in chronological order, of course).
- Create a map that conforms to the theme. Keep in mind that the map should transition from the previous week if you want to flow well with your story in the end. NOTE: Maps can be designed anyway you want them, extremely simple, overly complex, unbearably difficult, no gold, all gold - it's your story (Your story can consist of N-art if you want as well). Do what you think will help you in the end. You will have a week and a half to complete the map.
- I will rate the map on the given criteria. (See below for rubric)
- There are no eliminations. We wouldn't want to cut your story short, would we? However, if need be, you may drop out by PMing me or posting this this thead.
- Your score will be tallied up and kept in total here on the second post here.
- After however many total rounds we have, I'll put together a slide showcasing your story. You will be judged using a different set of criteria on the final tale (See below).
- Winner will receive a prize (see below).
Individual Weeks
Theme (how well it follows the assigned theme): /10
Gameplay (or Design if it is N-art): /10
Final Storyboard - I'll explain these more when we get to this point.
Flow (how well the story progresses, gameplay-wise): /50
Appeal (how well the story looks as a storyboard): /50
First place: A custom wallpaper + Sigatar set + Ded map
Second place: Sigatar Set + Ded Map
Third Place: Sig
Scrivener - Black Beard
Tunco - Captain Atlantic
Leaff - Calico Jack
Erik_Player - Iron Hook
Southpaw - Sea's Cruelty
SeventhSpirit - Black Caesar
Daikenkai - Privateers Howl
PALEMOON - The Dishonor of the South
ChrisE - The Foul Corsair
Amadeus - Black Bart
squibbles - The Fear of the Serpent
BrassMachine - Cervantes de Leon
Furry Ant - Pacific Poseidon
Riobe - The Rage of the Shark
Brainstone - The Pirate of Dark Water
el_devo - Red Rackham
Any questions, please ask.