A Pre-programmed Robot Competition
If your still confused, think of this as a type of dda contest, but instead of not doing anything the ninja follows a path already chosen. However this is not an absolute DDA, see scoring for details.
For example here is an example map that I just made:
The judgment is done by myself, so naturally I am out of the contest. Contestants that sign up see through to the end of the contest, where their final scores are totaled and the winner declared. Everyone posts a map based on a certain posted demo at the beginning of each round and have a week to submit a map to the competition. Submit the map either here, or post it on NUMA and post a link here. Not following the rules and/or submitting a map late will result in a 50% decrease of the map's score. No late maps on the final week period.
How the maps will be scored:
1) Enemy usage (30%): The effectiveness of enemies (rockets, drones, mines, floorguards, gausses) in the map.
2) Non-enemy usage (30%): The effectiveness of non-enemies (oneways, launchpads, thwumps, bouncies, doors, tiles, gold) and how it enhances performance.
3) Aesthetics (30%): How nice it looks.
4) Repeatability (10%): Do I want to watch is again for fun?
I'll give everyone a while to enter the contest, while posting the map above on NUMA so the larger community can enter as well. This is my first contest and I hope its a good one!
Good Luck!
1) Aldaric
2) XY
3) aerodynamic
4) golfkid
5) numa_ninja