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Highscores Question

Posted: 2010.05.04 (17:23)
by EddyMataGallos
Yes, my question is, that when i go to this page: ... MataGallos

It should show my scores (and it does it), but, it says that i've submited 98 episodes, but if you go to NReality, you can see that i've submited all N episodes, what happens??

Also, have you noticed that a lot of Mr_Lim records were submitted on 2007-12-30? Does anybody knows why?

Re: Highscores Questiona

Posted: 2010.05.04 (18:11)
by golf
I don't know why it only shows 98 episodes submitted, but I can tell you a good guess why Lim's stuff is on the date it is. That date is around the time when Unreality updated NReality's anti-speedhack system, and had cleared his server of scores, so everybody had to resubmit them. For example, a lot of my ep 100+ scores on his server are all submitted on one day within a couple hours for the same reason. My Metanet episodes aren't that way because I've since gone through and improved pretty much all of them.

As for your episode submission problem, I would suggest just resubmitting the one that the harveycartel server says is missing.

P.S. You should come on IRC, unless you've happened to be on there when I'm not, in which case keep coming. :)

Re: Highscores Questiona

Posted: 2010.05.05 (12:39)
by EddyMataGallos
golfkid wrote:I don't know why it only shows 98 episodes submitted, but I can tell you a good guess why Lim's stuff is on the date it is. That date is around the time when Unreality updated NReality's anti-speedhack system, and had cleared his server of scores, so everybody had to resubmit them. For example, a lot of my ep 100+ scores on his server are all submitted on one day within a couple hours for the same reason. My Metanet episodes aren't that way because I've since gone through and improved pretty much all of them.

As for your episode submission problem, I would suggest just resubmitting the one that the harveycartel server says is missing.

P.S. You should come on IRC, unless you've happened to be on there when I'm not, in which case keep coming. :)
Ah, now i understand... Thank you :)
P.S. I´ll go on IRC ;)