Game pauses at every keystroke?

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Postby [email protected] » 2009.09.20 (18:44)

I'm having alot of trouble with my game, i've only had it for a couple days. I haven't figured out the cause, but at least once a day, I'll be playing, and it will pause when I press *any* key, right, left, up, down, jump, anything. And I can't figure out why the devil it's doing it. I've tried closing it and reopening it, but nothing but restarting the PC works. =/ Anyone having the same trouble? Help me? =/

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Postby Ampersand » 2009.09.20 (19:03)

Pausing as in going to the completely Gray Boss Mode screen? Or pausing in the level editor? If it's the former, you might just have to go into your config menu and re-set some of the keys, as they may all be set to Boss Mode for some reason. If the latter, then all you have to do is turn Caps Lock on.
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