Help with saving please!

Need help getting the classic version of the ninja game to work? Ask here. Find a bug? Tell us here.

Postby Radiohank » 2009.01.15 (03:53)

Hey I downloaded the latest N version to my computer and it works fine except it wont save my progress. Every time I open the app, adope flash player asks if I will allow the program space to (I assume) save stuff onto my computer. I always say yes, but when I close the program and reopen it, my progress has not been saved. Any ideas? Im using Vista if that helps. Thanks.
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Postby Pikman » 2009.01.15 (21:22)

When Flash Player asks about storage, hit "Yes." Then right-click on the game window and hit "Settings..." Hit the second button on the little toolbar in the box that comes up, and slide the bar for storage space all the way to the right. Also check the box "Never ask again," and hit OK.

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Postby Superpok » 2009.02.09 (03:57)

your .sol file might be getting deleted

go to control panel and change it so you can view hidden folders

then search for .sol
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