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Ned Keyoard Controls for a laptop
Posted: 2008.10.03 (00:36)
by Jimargherio
I'm on a new MacBook, and naturally it lacks the numpad and set of control keys (pgup, pgdwn, etc.). This causes a slight hiccup in the editor, as these keys are essential to use Ned. Any way to get around this?
Re: Ned Keyoard Controls for a laptop
Posted: 2008.10.03 (04:53)
by kkstrong
I'm not on a mac, so my best bit of advice would be so:
onscreen keyboard, or usb external keyboard.
Re: Ned Keyoard Controls for a laptop
Posted: 2008.10.03 (11:55)
by unoriginal name
kkstrong wrote:onscreen keyboard, or usb external keyboard.
Yeah, that's about all that'll work.
Re: Ned Keyoard Controls for a laptop
Posted: 2008.10.10 (06:35)
by BNW
Are you sure that it lacks some keys like "page up" and "page down".
I don't think i have ever seen a keyboard lack those keys, even on my laptops tiny one.
It might be under an overlay setting where you have to click a key and it changes keys on your keyboard to different ones. My laptop works like that. It has a numpad where the middle keys are.
Re: Ned Keyoard Controls for a laptop
Posted: 2008.10.27 (05:57)
by PsychoSnail
BlckNWhteNnja wrote:Are you sure that it lacks some keys like "page up" and "page down".
I don't think i have ever seen a keyboard lack those keys, even on my laptops tiny one.
It might be under an overlay setting where you have to click a key and it changes keys on your keyboard to different ones. My laptop works like that. It has a numpad where the middle keys are.

I don't think there's a pageUp or pageDown key
anywhere on the MacBook keyboard, if that image is of the right keyboard. That's really strange.
You'd best get another keyboard or an onscreen keyboard.
Re: Ned Keyoard Controls for a laptop
Posted: 2011.09.05 (16:14)
by mathy
On-screen keyboards should work on mac.
Re: Ned Keyoard Controls for a laptop
Posted: 2011.09.05 (16:29)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
mathy wrote:On-screen keyboards should work on mac.
Hi. Not that it matters since these forums are practically dead, but this thread is from years ago aaaaand on-screen keyboards were already mentioned. You just did this sort of a thing in a bunch of threads, so yeah, please check the date first.
Re: Ned Keyoard Controls for a laptop
Posted: 2011.09.10 (01:25)
by Apakenua
I'll jump in, seeing as no-one has yet:
fn + m is keypad 0
fn + backspace/delete is keypad delete/point/period
fn + left arrow key is the 'home' key, I believe.
About 25% of any of my 'N time' is spent on a mac; I should know these things.