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Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.12 (15:17)
by XY
In the attached demo I fall through a one way without touching any tile or other object.
The one way isn't NaN'd or code-edited...

So how did that happen? O.o

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.12 (16:54)
by Tunco
Wow dude, I never saw that kind of thing before. I erased and replaced the one-way and the same thing happened again. Probably your computer or N lagged or something technical like that, no need to worry about.

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.12 (16:56)
by deltainferno
I agree with Tunco. Welcome to the forums btw!

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.12 (18:04)
by Raif
People already know about this bug. Your ninja has to be just at the right height so that when you hit the one way you glitch through. The glitch is very random and theres seemingly no specific height at which your ninja has to be.
Heres a demo.

(The level was made by TheRealOne)

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.13 (06:46)
by BluePretzel
This is strange. This is the first time I've ever seen it, and when I wnt to play this level, I done it on my first try, aswell :O
Obviously just a little N glitch, but yeah, Interesting stuff.

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.13 (18:40)
by Nexx
Wow, I have never seen this before. Crazy. Thanks for posting!

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.13 (22:18)
by XY
This bug only seems to work if the one way has a y-coordinate of 264... hmmmm...

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.14 (14:45)
by 999_Springs
XY wrote:This bug only seems to work if the one way has a y-coordinate of 264... hmmmm...
I read on the n wikia once that there's a similar bug like this that means the ninja falls straight through a oneway platform if the fall distance is exactly 132 pixels. Maybe it's the same bug. Maybe it's a slightly different bug.

Hey, 264 is exactly twice 132, so something strange is going on.

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.14 (16:18)
by heatwave
mohamedraif wrote:The glitch is very random and theres seemingly no specific height at which your ninja has to be.=
Incorrect. There is a very specific repeatable place.

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.14 (16:56)
by Izzy
lord_day made this with kryX quite a while ago. It only works at a specific height and you have to switch directions on the frame you hit the one-way. Plus, the one-way you do it on has to be touching a tile.

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.15 (19:02)
by Raif
heatwave wrote:
mohamedraif wrote:The glitch is very random and theres seemingly no specific height at which your ninja has to be.=
Incorrect. There is a very specific repeatable place.
Nah. The height to which you have to jump changes depending on the y-value of the one-way.

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.15 (20:45)
by XY
Heatwaves map was a little strange to me, because the one way has a height of 522.
Well, because of 999_Springs' comment I tried to put a ninja 132 pixels above a one way with the height of 522 and... it worked.
Then I noticed that there are some one ways in TheRealOne's map which are slightly off and have a height of 266...

So, it seems that there are now three possible heights:
264 (works with free falling ninja on 134) ,
266 (works with free falling ninja on 60, 134 and 178) and
522 (works with free falling ninja on 390).

Probably there are more heights with which the glitch works, but I really don't want to try them all out now :P...

Example Map:

I'm pretty sure that this map works with the same glitch; the one way has a height of 264.

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.15 (22:37)
by TheRealOne
Okay, I have done extensive testing with this bug and what i have come up with is that it is strangely random. Now this is not random in the sense that sometimes it will happen and sometimes it will not. There are specific heights that the ninja must fall from to glitch through a oneway. I read a long time on the wiki that the glitch worked when two upward facing oneways were placed 132 pixels apart, but this is not true.

I will explain what I have found based on this map I made (moh also posted this above.)

First off, the glitch has nothing to do with x coordinates. if you can fall from one, oneway, at a specific height then you can fall from anyone at that same height to a lower one at the same lower height respectively. This can be shown in my map, with the two long rows across the map with oneways, you can fall from any oneway on that top row and glitch through one on the lower row. you can also from from that top row to any of the oneways with gold under them. I am not sure why you can fall through both, but there must either be range of a few pixels that you can fall through, or that both distances are of a specific height where you can fall through.

Now to disprove the 132 pixel thing further, you can fall from the oneways in the center of the two rows to the oneways with gold under them and fall through. these oneways were originally placed at 200,200 and 266,266. Making them 66 pixels up and 66 over, obeying the 132 pixel rule, but if you put oneways at 300,300 and 366,366 you can not fall through. Should you fall from your starting position to the oneways with gold under you can also fall through that that is much greater than 132 pixels. Also you do not need to fall from another oneway to glitch through, my latest simple challenge map demonstrates this point. So To sum up I really have no idea how this glitch really works, within the physics engine. Because it seems that it is not based upon velocity, angle, or some predefined distance. I am sure that these are not all of the heights that you can fall from and glitch through a oneway. Should anyone figure out with any certainty how to replicate this glitch with precision them please tell me, because I would like to know as it could possibly lead to many innovations on metanet lvls.

EDIT: another strange thing about this glitch is that you are actually standing on the oneway for 1 frame before you fall through it, so if you jump the frame you land on the oneway you will jump up instead of falling through.

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.17 (05:24)
by Neil_Bryan

This map does it perfectly
Indeed. Test it.

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.03.17 (06:37)
by BluePretzel

This map does it perfectly

Wow, that's the first time one of my maps has been refered to :D

Re: Strange One Way Bug

Posted: 2010.04.23 (18:19)
by amomentlikethis
I personally haven't seen this kind of thing before: