Non-response Problem

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Postby WordBlamCreator » 2010.04.28 (03:07)

Since I haven't been able to find a topic explaining a similar problem...

Here's the deal, I start up Nreality (or N, I tried it, same problem) and the first thing I noticed is that it is taking FAR longer than normal to start it up. When the menu finally does appear and I start making a map I find that I cannot return to the Ned menu... when I press the home key the screen flashes momentarily and then returns to normal... except I still can't get back to the editor menu.

I've tried re-installing Nreality/N but with no results... The problem doesn't seem like lag since I can't detect any... I'm wondering if I should just re-download it or just start playing on my ten year old laptop?
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Postby WordBlamCreator » 2010.04.28 (14:59)

Ok, sorry for taking up space... I haven't done anything but for some reason it seems to have solved itself... : :|
Mankind! A sesspit of hatred and lies! Fight for them then, and die for their sins!

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