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Thwump Slide Glitch

Posted: 2010.10.17 (03:48)
by BluePretzel
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but what the heck.

I was playing one of my old levels, House of the Thwumps, when I came across someting quite abnormal in the mid-left corner of the house.


Here's a recreation:

I have a feeling it's got something to do with the glitch of entering a thwump with gold delay. The movement of the thwump keeps you from exiting it, then when you slide off it, you get this glitch.

Have any of you guys experienced this before? Feel free to share which map/s if you have, or any explanations that you might have different to mine.

Re: Thwump Slide Glitch

Posted: 2010.10.17 (05:09)
by Raif
This also happens to ska on his 40-3 highscore. The same glitch is also possible with bounceblocks. I don't have any explanation for it though.

A demo of the bb glitch:
xaelar wrote:

Re: Thwump Slide Glitch

Posted: 2010.10.17 (07:48)
by krusch
Not sure if this link will work: ... &id=227647

But there's a demo of mine of the same thing. Bizarrely, I seem to be invincible during the wallslide, and get pushed downward by the blue side of a descending thwump.

Here's the original topic if that link doesn't work (the demo is six or so posts down):

Re: Thwump Slide Glitch

Posted: 2010.10.17 (09:14)
by BluePretzel
Thanks for checking ths out guys, and clearing up that it doesn't require gold to perform... I guess it's just another strange working of N :D

@Anyone else, feel free to post any demos of it that you come across.