Can't get credit

Need help getting the classic version of the ninja game to work? Ask here. Find a bug? Tell us here.

Postby Rosco » 2010.11.18 (01:19)

Hey guys,

I just beat the game... or so I thought. In checking the high scores, the game isn't giving me credit for beating 83-3 (Bricklayers) no matter how many times I beat it, and, as such, I don't have access to the custom colors.

I had previously beaten the game, and the data weirdly wiped, claiming I had unlocked a bunch of levels by cheating and beaten none legitimately. I diligently went through, legitimately again, however the game won't give me credit for 83-3. I have a backed up .sol that is about 70% complete, is there anyway to combine this maybe? I'm not sure what to do here... this bug is preventing me from beating the game. Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks.

Postby Rosco » 2010.11.18 (01:20)

To be clear, my backed up .sol is from the first time I beat it, and has 83-3 completed.

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Postby squibbles » 2010.11.18 (01:22)

it doesn't show up in the highscores as a completed level of yours unless you took less than 90 seconds, I believe.

Tsukatu wrote:I don't know what it is, squibbles, but my brain keeps inserting "black" into random parts of your posts these days.
I totally just read that as, "I'd hate to be the only black guy stuck using v1.4."

Postby Rosco » 2010.11.19 (09:43)

In that case, I do not know why I do not have access to the color picker. Whenever I clear a level X9, I see the transcendence screen, but it will not get me the color picker. Any ideas?

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