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Few questions before I get N+ DS

Posted: 2010.04.25 (09:24)
by Dataflash-Sabot
1. As I understand, it hasn't been released in the UK (or Europe for that matter) and almost certainly never will be. That's okay, Amazon has it.
2. So I searched to see if the US version would be compatible with WFC and found that the online services are down, forever. :(

I think I'll still get it but could someone please confirm the above two points and tell me if there's anything else I should know? Thanks :)

Re: Few questions before I get N+ DS

Posted: 2010.04.25 (13:19)
by Luminaflare
The handheld versions are pretty horrible, don't waste your money.

Re: Few questions before I get N+ DS

Posted: 2010.04.25 (15:05)
by a happy song
N DS is kinda fun, the presentation is slick and controls are mostly very responsive and enjoyable. The bouncblock mechanics are screwed, though, and the level design in general is very poor and repetitive.

They also took the sublime maps that players submitted and "tweaked' them to suit their own tastes, and in most cases they ruined them. Bler.

I'd go for the 360 version if you can, apparently it's really good.