Level Editor Problem (XBLA)

Do you own a copy of Metanet Software's console and handheld title? If so, talk about it here!
Almost as Bad as One
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Joined: 2010.03.27 (00:14)

Postby thegamemaster13 » 2010.09.27 (22:43)

I just recently bought N+, but i have a problem with the editor. I can't flip tiles! If there is a way to flip tiles that I am not seeing, please tell me! if not, then i would reeeaaly like this feature added.

Posts: 5
Joined: 2010.09.19 (12:53)

Postby xaelith » 2010.09.29 (09:31)

It's been a while since I've used the editor, so I could be wrong, but I think what you're trying to do is get a \ block and rotate it to a / block, right (or some similar task)? If so, and if memory serves me correctly, then there is no way of flipping a block; you just look for the block you want, and select it.

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