Aidiera's 2010 in Playlists

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Postby otters~1 » 2011.01.08 (02:08)

SlappyMcGee wrote:Yeah, this is pretty sad. Staff probably should be quality members of the forums. :/

Also, I haven't looked at too many of Life's lists, but Suki's "90 percent" statement must be ridiculous bullshit. Either that, or he should acknowledge that his music tastes roll /way/ different than the rest of us and stop being such an ass. It's cool that Life put the time into this whether or not it's to everyone's liking, and I admire his willingness to lay his opinions down knowing that some of you will trash them without a second thought.
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Postby krusch » 2011.01.08 (03:57)

SlappyMcGee wrote:
Amadeus wrote:angst-free instrumentation
angst-free instrumentation

angst-ridden instrumentation

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Postby aids » 2011.01.09 (05:55)

SlappyMcGee wrote:
mintnut wrote:Woooooooooooooooaaaaaahhhh. Hang on, I thought piracy was not allowed on the forums? Surely this crosses the line?
Good point. I have removed the torrent and Zip. The 8Track thing is their prerogative.
This is not piracy at all. Piracy would be me saying, "Hey, here's the 5,000 songs I got this year! Take them all!" I acquired all these files in a legal manner either by paying for them or by getting them from various music blogs. But you're right, 179 is far too many. I will make revisions to the OP which will include downloads of my Top Ten along with my reasons for choosing them. And to all the remixes, since those were free anyway. Does this sound fair?


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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2011.01.09 (07:23)

Aidiera wrote:
SlappyMcGee wrote:
mintnut wrote:Woooooooooooooooaaaaaahhhh. Hang on, I thought piracy was not allowed on the forums? Surely this crosses the line?
Good point. I have removed the torrent and Zip. The 8Track thing is their prerogative.
This is not piracy at all. Piracy would be me saying, "Hey, here's the 5,000 songs I got this year! Take them all!" I acquired all these files in a legal manner either by paying for them or by getting them from various music blogs. But you're right, 179 is far too many. I will make revisions to the OP which will include downloads of my Top Ten along with my reasons for choosing them. And to all the remixes, since those were free anyway. Does this sound fair?
The fact that you originally obtained the music legally (or not, in the case of most music blogs) doesn't change the fact that sharing them without the permission of the rightsholders constitutes copyright infringement. Piracy always starts with someone getting something legitimately and then illegitimately distributing it.

That's not to say I support the system—I emphatically do not—but that is the way things are.
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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2011.01.09 (14:16)

Aidiera wrote:
This is not piracy at all.
Then you evidentally do not understand the legal definition of piracy and probably shouldn't post stuff like this anyway.

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