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Beck, and more specifically, Modern Guilt.

Posted: 2009.03.28 (05:09)
by Broghan
Once again, I apologize if someone has made a topic like this. I have been away for a while.
I was curious to see if we have any Beck fans on the forums, and if so, what said fans thought of his latest album. As always, thoughts, opinions, general comments, etc.

Re: Beck, and more specifically, Modern Guilt.

Posted: 2009.03.28 (05:27)
by Kablizzy
I've been listening to a lot of Beck lately - Not of my own volition, mind. Pandora did it for me.

Re: Beck, and more specifically, Modern Guilt.

Posted: 2009.03.28 (06:20)
by SlappyMcGee
Haha. We're here again.

Beck is an excellent artist, IMO, who had a spazz of decent albums recently. But I think that Modern Guilt is a large return to form. Love it.

Re: Beck, and more specifically, Modern Guilt.

Posted: 2009.03.28 (18:08)
by otters~1
I fucking love Odelay and Guero, but I haven't heard Beck's new album. I'll definitely get on it.

Re: Beck, and more specifically, Modern Guilt.

Posted: 2009.03.28 (20:18)
by T3chno
SlappyMcGee wrote:Haha. We're here again.

Beck is an excellent artist, IMO, who had a spazz of decent albums recently. But I think that Modern Guilt is a large return to form. Love it.

Walls is an amazing song, but it's sooooooo short.