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Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (02:34)
by Studebacher Hoch
So, musical Metanetiers, what kind of equipment you got? Feel free to crticize others for having inferior rocking gear.

I've got a drumset, second hand though most of it is in decent shape. As follows:

1x Camber 17" crash/ride
1x Camber hi-hat
1x Westbury snare
2x Linko toms with Evans skins
1x Linko bass drum
1x Full Tilt floor tom

+ two trashy, beat up and entirely unmarked cymbals. Seriously, they may well be more useful as trashcan lids then as cymbals.

Oh, and an ancient, two-stringed balalaika. I'm kinda proud of it.

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (04:10)
by a happy song
Fender Highway One Jazz Bass (usa)
Laney RB9 Bass amp head
Trace Elliot cab
BOSS TU-2 Tuning pedal
Various acoustic guitars

Buying a Sans Amp pedal next, then a 2x12 cab.

Love my bass :)

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (04:15)
by Fraxtil
FL Studio 8

...I feel inferior. :(

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (06:17)
FL studio 8
terrible keyboard
random Amp sitting in a corner of my room. (how did it even get there? who knows!)

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (06:28)
by smartalco
A custom Rockford 25-Year-Anniversary Fender Strat with double humbuckers
Fender Deluxe 900 Amp
Line 6 Toneport GX
Fender Stratocaster 360 Rock Band controller

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (07:49)
by handofgod
Ibanez SR-300 Bass Guitar (Im in the process of buying a new one)
Ampeg B100 bass amp
Sansamp Bass Driver

I also have a Breedlove electric/acoustic

and for when Im feeling electronic: FL Studio 8

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (10:04)
by Lenny
One pedal harp (47 strings and all that), four trumpets, two electric guitars and an acoustic around somewhere, two ukuleles, currently a requinto that I borrowed from school (awesome teacher)... then we also have a trombone, flute, three alto saxophones, one tenor, I think we still have the soprano, two smaller harps, and seeing as I'm totally racked for ideas, my computer and larynx. Oh, and a piano and two keyboards.
I think that's about everything, but mainly harp, trumpet and voice.
EDIT: Oh, and several recorders and some funny reed instruments Dad got from China ("Chinese Saxophones"). And a bugle, a violin, a drum, some harmonicas, and some dodgy tambourines and the like.

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (12:33)
by Borealis
My 3 electric guitars, a PRS Custom 24, PRS SE Singlecut, and my old, modded 80's Ibanez RG. 2 acoustic guitars, a Seagull S6 and a Washburn EA18. An Ibanez SR-300 bass guitar. For effects I have over 20 pedals, not going to list them but inamongst them are a Dunlop 535Q Wah, an Electro-Harmonix "Wiggler"(vibrato/tremolo/phaser/auto-wah thing) and an Ibanez TS-808 distortion pedal. These run to 3 amps - an Orange Thunderverb 50, and a Mesa/Boogie Lonestar, which run into an M/B dual rectifier cab, and a PRS Dallas 100 combo.

A Yanagisawa alto saxophone, a Yamaha flute and grand piano. About 8 midi controllers with many different functions. Over 200 VST's.

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (13:52)
by SlappyMcGee
I have two main guitars, in addition to my white Strat knockoff, which are

A Red Ibanez Blazer, from '94
A Jackson Kelly, from two years ago.

Generally, I play these on my two amps, which is to say my
Roland Cube 30Watt. and my
Behringer V-Amp 800Watt monster.

I do most of my effects inside the latter, but I have a couple of pedals:
A Morley Wah
A Boss Distortion
And a Boss overdrive.

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (14:10)
by mintnut
Upright Piano
CME UF8 Hammer Action Midi Controller Keyboard w/ 2 x Onboard sound cards
Korg Triton LE 61 Keys
Novation KS5 Analog Modelling Synth
Kawai K3 Digital Synth
Laptop with some Software synths
Modified* Hammond Organ
Leslie Amplifier
Drum Kit inherited from father
Cheap 6 string electric guitar

and a few bits and pieces of random amplification and recording equipment.

*(removed from the original casing and transferred it to a custom case which can be separated so it's easier to transport for gigs etc.)

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.18 (23:46)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
A standard computer keyboard, and a shoebix lid + rubber bands + microphone connected to computer and fed through some VST plugins.

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.19 (15:42)
by Seneschal
An Upright Piano
A Tuba


That's it...

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.21 (01:15)
by T3chno

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.21 (01:52)
by Rose
*I'll have to check exact models later, so I'll just list the money value to show how good/not good they are*

Here's what I know off the top of my head:

Ibanez electric guitar with a Line 6 amp (cumulative maybe $450)

Fender bass with a crappy amp that came with it ($300)

Yamaha electric keyboard (about $500), which doesn't have weighted keys, unfortunately :(

Drum set (overall about $1400 or so total):

Crappy Fender (yes, Fender) drumheads and drums; I will be replacing the drumheads ASAP: bass drum, snare, two rack toms, one floor tom

Zlidjian ZHT cymbals: Hi-hats, 10" splash, 16" crash, and 20" ride

I also have a double bass pedal (can't remember the brand) that's around $400 and a little $15 cowbell :P

I have yet to get any recording equipment, though :(

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.22 (04:09)
by jean-luc
Korg NanoKEY, Steinberg Cubase DAW. 5' Young Chang (Promberger-designed) grand piano.

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.26 (00:39)
by Torex
I've got an Epiphone SG Special with a…
*checks amp*
Epiphone Studio 15R amp that came with the guitar.
In my house, there's also a harmonica and a piano that no one uses.
I'm also trying to get a Casino.
Oh, and this is the best thing. I've got a guitar pick that my dad got, that belonged to the lead guitarist of The Feelies!

Re: Your Equipment

Posted: 2009.05.31 (10:31)
by Donfuy
Two acoustic guitars.
A recorder (I think that's how you call it, maybe it's just a flute.


Oh, and an ukulele (?).