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The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.13 (01:13)
by Lenny
Hey everyone,
Brttrx and I were talking, and he suggested starting up a music project. This is something I've been thinking about for a while, so I thought I'd give it a bit of a push off.
If you feel like discussing this, or talking to people who've signed up, join #Metastra if you're an IRC user.
Essentially, I was thinking that people would get together and play pieces written by other people - maybe even forum members, but I think this would mostly be other composers. It would be kind of like the
YouTube Symphony Orchestra, but we'd be able to play whatever kind of music we wanted.
The main thing we'd need for this project is performers. There would also need to be an editor or two (just to compile the recordings), and composers would be free to submit some of their instrumental (or electro-instrumental) music if they wanted.
If you feel like helping out and you're an
editor or composer, just post something along the lines of "Yeah, I'd be interested and could help in editing/composing".
If you think this would be cool and you're a
performer, please reply saying what instrument(s) you'd be happy to play, and how many years you've been playing/learning them for (basically, what standard you think you're at - grades would help if you've done exams in them).
EDIT: Along the lines of "auditions", it's not necessary, however would most certainly be helpful. If you've got a recording of yourself playing, or something you've composed, it'd be a great idea to put it up so others can get a feel of how good you are. That way, when choosing who plays what, there's even more incentive to choose you.
Oh, and I'll happily play Harp, Trumpet, or sing (Tenor, but not
too high). Been learning for about 6 years for both, and not had lessons for voice, but been singing practically since I was born. I have some really old recordings...
here, and I hope to update this in a few days once I perform decently.
I think that's all... I'll update the topic if I remember anything else that should be added.
Now playing:
Chamber Choir - Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind - J. Rutter
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.13 (01:55)
by SlappyMcGee
I would like to be a performer.
I have played guitar for seven years, although without any formal training or testing. I would say that my skill level is relatively low, actually, but I have occasional inspirations. My passion with the guitar is more about digitally modulating it; literally, right now, I have a guitar running through sixteen pedals, each with a finely tuned purpose. I also have the means for high quality digital recording, and I can do my own editing to clean up and fix anything I submit before I submit it. I used to also play keyboard, so I can read musical notation as well as tablature.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.13 (03:33)
by Studebacher Hoch
Part of me wants to be a preformer, but a bigger part of me is too afraid of rejection. Also, I don't have any recording equipment, really.
But I'll put my hat on the maybe rack for now... I've been playing drums for about 6-7 months now, and I've gotten pretty decent. I can play most time signatures smoothly, incorperate fills easily, plays bass beats independent of my hands, etc. The only thing I have a bit of trouble with is controling my hi-hat, but I'm getting better.
My equipment is basic... two rack toms (one temporarily on the mend), a snare, a hi-hat, a ride (I might be getting a crash tomorrow, not sure) and a floor tom. All of it is decent quality, except for the snare, which has some loose snares on it's belly.
(I would like to point out that me and Slappy lived together for like a year, and never once made any real effort to jam. Hah.)
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.13 (03:41)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
I could help with composing, and I could also help with performing if there's any need for electronics or electric rubber bandjo (
4) or talentless harmonica.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.13 (03:42)
by Lenny
Woah, chill. There's no "not being in". Everyone's in as long as we can find (or write) music to fit certain groups. :D
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.13 (05:20)
by SlappyMcGee
Studebacher Hoch wrote:Part of me wants to be a preformer, but a bigger part of me is too afraid of rejection. Also, I don't have any recording equipment, really.
But I'll put my hat on the maybe rack for now... I've been playing drums for about 6-7 months now, and I've gotten pretty decent. I can play most time signatures smoothly, incorperate fills easily, plays bass beats independent of my hands, etc. The only thing I have a bit of trouble with is controling my hi-hat, but I'm getting better.
My equipment is basic... two rack toms (one temporarily on the mend), a snare, a hi-hat, a ride (I might be getting a crash tomorrow, not sure) and a floor tom. All of it is decent quality, except for the snare, which has some loose snares on it's belly.
(I would like to point out that me and Slappy lived together for like a year, and never once made any real effort to jam. Hah.)
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.13 (05:38)
by jean-luc
I play the piano (with intermediate competency) and am currently in the process of obtaining a theramin, which I will be learning to play.
I can also do editing. I am in possession of Adobe Premier (and After Effects).
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.13 (05:41)
by Studebacher Hoch
SlappyMcGee wrote:Studebacher Hoch wrote:Part of me wants to be a preformer, but a bigger part of me is too afraid of rejection. Also, I don't have any recording equipment, really.
But I'll put my hat on the maybe rack for now... I've been playing drums for about 6-7 months now, and I've gotten pretty decent. I can play most time signatures smoothly, incorperate fills easily, plays bass beats independent of my hands, etc. The only thing I have a bit of trouble with is controling my hi-hat, but I'm getting better.
My equipment is basic... two rack toms (one temporarily on the mend), a snare, a hi-hat, a ride (I might be getting a crash tomorrow, not sure) and a floor tom. All of it is decent quality, except for the snare, which has some loose snares on it's belly.
(I would like to point out that me and Slappy lived together for like a year, and never once made any real effort to jam. Hah.)
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (01:04)
by Amadeus
I can play
Trumpet (well)
Double/French Horn (pretty well)
Piano (Very well)
I also volunteer to compose for the project if you deem it so. I can submit sample arrangements if you want.
If I compose though, I do it alone, and it will be classical. Keep that in mind.
EDIT: poorly done auditions: . If I don't make it, I'll actually practice my music.
A list of collected musicians on Metanet: . Not sure if they'll all participate though.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (06:34)
by squibbles
I have been playing the Guitar for about 3 years now (with lessons). I specialise in Rock and Power Metal, and really really am not that good at classical. Blues and Jazz, I'm not too bad...I can do blues and jazz solos really well. I should be able to play anything, as long as there's no really wild sweeping.
I also sing, and have been singing as long as I can remember. I've had no formal training, but I've been accepted into multiple singing groups that have required auditions, one of which, a quartet, had 32 people apply, so I guess I can't be too bad. Oh, I should probobly add, I'm a baritone.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (07:19)
by Spawn of Yanni
I play guitar, and would be happy to help with editi-- oh, whoa, huh. Déjà vu. *blink*
But anyway, considering my recording equipment, I'd probably be best off sticking with editing the stuffs, but I'll chip in with the guitar if I'm needed.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (07:36)
by ℎalifax
I've been playing guitar for a little less than a year. I've never had a teacher or done exams. I can learn a set piece well, but will fail when it comes to improvs. I have an Epiphone Les Paul and a Roland Micro Cube amp.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (07:42)
by Mae
I play clarinet. I started it earlier this year, so I'm not brilliant at it (yet). I know the basics though. And anyway, I was accepted into the school concert band a few weeks ago. Whoop whoop. That will be a big learning curve for me when I start playing there next term. But I'm not promising I can play anything you put before me.
I also play piano. Been playing since I was eight, but it's kinda gone to the dogs now since I haven't sat down and played a tune for ages. Very disappointing, I know. I plan to start up again, but I'm sure you guys can find a suitable pianist.
So, I need to check if my computer has a built-in recorder, 'cause I'm in serious lack of recording equipment :/
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (08:47)
by OutrightOJ
Sounds good.
I play guitar, piano and oboe. I don't mind switching between them if necessary.
Awesome idea, hope it goes well :)
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (09:40)
by Aphex
i would like to join, but you already have three piano players o_0
i've got cubase though, so i'd be happy to compile all the tracks together :)
EDIT: that means im signing up as an editor ^^
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (10:15)
by Seneschal
I'm taking grade 7 tuba next week (wish me luck) and I'd love to participate but I'm not sure whether I'd be able to actually record anything...I have no idea what kind of equipment I'd need for this, since I've never done anything like this before.
EDIT: I'm not sure whether the grade system is the same in Britain as it is in other countries, though. Grade 8 is the highest over here, so that should give you an idea.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (11:31)
by Rose
I could help out.
-I've been playing drums for 3 years and can play pretty much any time signature you ask me to. Just don't ask me to do double bass stuff :P
-I've been playing guitar for 2 years; I'm best with one or two notes at a time, but I'm rapidly improving in chords.
-I've been playing bass for almost a year and a half now.
-I've been playing piano for about 11 months; I'm pretty good given how long I've been playing, but you could probably find several better people there.
Also, I've composed somewhere upwards of 20 complete songs and another 30 or so partials that I haven't finished yet (I'm not saying "written" because I still haven't actually put most of them onto sheets yet :P) so I'd be more than happy to help out with composing.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (11:55)
by squibbles
Pity there's no Double-Bass, I kinda wanted us to do an Abstract Metal track. :/
That and I now have no more opportunities to make fish jokes. :(
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (11:58)
by Lenny
Aphex wrote:i would like to join, but you already have three piano players o_0
i've got cubase though, so i'd be happy to compile all the tracks together :)
EDIT: that means im signing up as an editor ^^
That doesn't matter. More people helps, even if you're just volunteering as a possibility.
Now playing:
AniMusic - Future Retro
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (13:47)
by DigitalDuck
I'm very good at the piano, but you already have a lot of piano players here.
I'm just as good at making arrangements of pieces, so if you want me to arrange any particular composition for the instruments we have, and you're willing to buy me the software to do so, I'll happily do that.
I'll post some audition material soon.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (14:30)
by Calcy
I'm glad this is starting up again, since I will have loads of free time next semester to spend on other things like this.
Anyways, I play the violin and viola pretty well, and I'm a fairly decent sight-reader. I started off on violin 12 or so years ago, and switched to viola 4-5 years ago after my high school orchestra director realized we had a terrible viola section. Of course, that's when I realized violas sounded better than violins. I still have both instruments though.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (16:33)
by SlappyMcGee
Orange wrote:I've been playing guitar for a little less than a year. I've never had a teacher or done exams. I can learn a set piece well, but will fail when it comes to improvs. I have an Epiphone Les Paul and a Roland Micro Cube amp.
The Cube is such a classic starting amp. Durable and awesome. The Epiphone is a piece of shit, 'cause it's a Gorram Epiphone and not an instrument proper, but the Les Paul is the greatest guitar ever made commercially, so *blink*.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (16:46)
by Rose
Mae wrote:So, I need to check if my computer has a built-in recorder, 'cause I'm in serious lack of recording equipment :/
Oh crap, I forgot to mention that's the case for me as well at the moment XD
I've got some money lying around though, so if this thing really takes off, it'll give me the incentive to finally get a recording device.
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.14 (20:59)
by handofgod
I've been playing bass for around 4 years now and am pretty proficient at it. I can play a whole range of styles aswell.
I've also been playing guitar for a little bit less than 3 years. I guess im ok. I can do fingerpicking stuff.
I can play piano, but I suck.
I can also write music, but I dont know if that would be useful but I know theory so I can do a little arranging and stuff
Re: The Playing Project
Posted: 2009.06.15 (02:28)
by T3chno
I can do stuff with FL Studio 8.
And I play guitar.