Drathmoore's Pink Floyd Covers - Now with Comfortably Numb!

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Postby Drathmoore » 2009.06.19 (08:43)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ez7YBpO ... annel_page

Thought I might as well post this here; a video recorded by a friend of mine, of me playing "Another Brick in the Wall, part 2" in our Year 11 Leaver's Assembely.

The sound quality is crap, I make a hell load of mistakes on the guitar (and drop my "pick" halfway through the song, just at the beginning of the solo), but it went alright.

I'd like to point out that the laughing in the video that comes up now and again is the crowds' response to a video playing behind me; unfortunately out of view. It was just a slideshow of our form, different images, some of them parodies, like this:
Last edited by Drathmoore on 2009.07.14 (11:43), edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Borealis » 2009.06.19 (09:17)

I can't tell whether it's the bad quality of the video, but your guitar doesn't exactly sound healthy. Probably just the overdrive on your amp not being very good though. Solo was reasonably well executed. Maybe move about a bit as well, y'know? Good vocals though.

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Postby Donfuy » 2009.06.19 (11:40)

Yeah, the guitar sounds like a synthesizer to me :/

But as Borealis said, great voice.

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Postby Drathmoore » 2009.06.19 (12:58)

I was using a friend's amp for the performance. Not the best in the world, I must admit. The overdrive, well, quite frankly sucks.

Ah well. I'm hoping to get a recording studio over the summer, to record some more stuff. Either I'll be using the COSM effects of a BOSS recorder, or my own amp (which is a lot better).

Thanks for the feedback.

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Postby Lenny » 2009.06.20 (11:12)

The piece sounds good, I've gotta admit. The vocals near the beginning could be a bit louder (better near the middle and end though). The guitar did sound a bit overdrive, but I think that was good in the solo.
As a whole, it sounds good. Congratulations on a great performance. :D

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Postby pinballwizard96 » 2009.06.20 (16:19)

gj agree w/ others
What guitar & amp did you use?

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Postby Drathmoore » 2009.06.20 (16:48)

The Guitar is my Tokai SG, I'm not sure exactly which model. It's essentially an Epiphone under a different name.

The amp, however, I can't quite remember. I'll see if I can find out, of which I will edit this post if I find it.

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Postby MattKestrel » 2009.06.27 (18:30)

Guys, this was so much better live. Honestly. There were imaginary lighters abound.

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Postby Drathmoore » 2009.07.02 (16:36)

Wait? There's more?!

Yep, I've done some recording today using a headset and Audacity. Mainly testing how good the quality of the headset is. And it's much better than I thought it would be.

These are not final versions of the covers; I will redo them properly later:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFz6_Oft ... re=channel
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2UAGZ8i ... re=channel

Edit: Here's a properly done version of Comfortably Numb, featuring a few of my friends (very briefly...).

And me singing like a girl when doing the harmony part. I CAN'T SING ALTO DAMNIT!.


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