<Tunc> oughts what do you think about wall noise
<oughts> i don't knopw what thati is
<Tunc> you might want to decrease the volume a bşt
<Tunc> bit
<oughts> Is it a genre?
<Tunc> yes sort of
<oughts> how does it differ from harsh noise
<Tunc> it doesn't have any variation or anything, literally
<Tunc> just as the vid says
<oughts> there is some variation
<oughts> you can tell if you skip to one part and then to another
<oughts> it sounds different
<Tunc> not so much in comparison to harsh noise
<Tunc> i like the sense of totality and oppression in it
<oughts> yeah no i see what you mean
<oughts> i don't object
<Tunc> and how the fact that it is devoid of any meaning or emotions creates a sense of depression
<Tunc> ultimately forming an emotional thing
<oughts> i guess there's definitely something artistic about it
<oughts> like i was about to say that i find it hard to appreciate knowing that i could create something nearly identical in like sixty seconds
<Tunc> you can't actually
<oughts> yeah i could
<Tunc> it's not just generate->white noise-> low filter
<oughts> no it's make some noises and then distort the fuck out of it
<oughts> like i've been making electronic music for many years
<Tunc> that's a way of doing it but see that's the thing
<oughts> i know how to make sounds
<Tunc> it wouldn't sound like this
<Tunc> and this is good noise
<oughts> it would sound nearly identical man
<Tunc> do it then